throw new SpelEvaluationException(getStartPosition(), SpelMessage.METHOD_CALL_ON_NULL_OBJECT_NOT_ALLOWED,
FormatHelper.formatMethodForMessage(name, getTypes(arguments)));
MethodExecutor executorToUse = this.cachedExecutor;
if (executorToUse != null) {
try {
return executorToUse.execute(
state.getEvaluationContext(), state.getActiveContextObject().getValue(), arguments);
catch (AccessException ae) {
// Two reasons this can occur:
// 1. the method invoked actually threw a real exception
// 2. the method invoked was not passed the arguments it expected and has become 'stale'
// In the first case we should not retry, in the second case we should see if there is a
// better suited method.
// To determine which situation it is, the AccessException will contain a cause.
// If the cause is an InvocationTargetException, a user exception was thrown inside the method.
// Otherwise the method could not be invoked.
throwSimpleExceptionIfPossible(state, ae);
// at this point we know it wasn't a user problem so worth a retry if a better candidate can be found
this.cachedExecutor = null;
// either there was no accessor or it no longer existed
executorToUse = findAccessorForMethod(, getTypes(arguments), state);
this.cachedExecutor = executorToUse;
try {
return executorToUse.execute(
state.getEvaluationContext(), state.getActiveContextObject().getValue(), arguments);
} catch (AccessException ae) {
// Same unwrapping exception handling as above in above catch block
throwSimpleExceptionIfPossible(state, ae);
throw new SpelEvaluationException( getStartPosition(), ae, SpelMessage.EXCEPTION_DURING_METHOD_INVOCATION,