// On 2 it will throw a RuntimeException
// On 3 it will exit normally
// In each case it increments the Tester field 'counter' when invoked
SpelExpressionParser parser = new SpelExpressionParser();
Expression expr = parser.parseExpression("new org.springframework.expression.spel.ConstructorInvocationTests$Tester(#bar).i");
// Normal exit
StandardEvaluationContext eContext = TestScenarioCreator.getTestEvaluationContext();
eContext.setRootObject(new Tester());
eContext.setVariable("bar", 3);
Object o = expr.getValue(eContext);
assertEquals(o, 3);
assertEquals(1, parser.parseExpression("counter").getValue(eContext));
// Now the expression has cached that throwException(int) is the right thing to
// call. Let's change 'bar' to be a PlaceOfBirth which indicates the cached
// reference is out of date.
eContext.setVariable("bar", new PlaceOfBirth("London"));
o = expr.getValue(eContext);
assertEquals(0, o);
// That confirms the logic to mark the cached reference stale and retry is working
// Now let's cause the method to exit via exception and ensure it doesn't cause
// a retry.
// First, switch back to throwException(int)
eContext.setVariable("bar", 3);
o = expr.getValue(eContext);
assertEquals(3, o);
assertEquals(2, parser.parseExpression("counter").getValue(eContext));
// 4 will make it throw a checked exception - this will be wrapped by spel on the
// way out
eContext.setVariable("bar", 4);
try {
o = expr.getValue(eContext);
fail("Should have failed");
catch (Exception e) {
// A problem occurred whilst attempting to construct an object of type
// 'org.springframework.expression.spel.ConstructorInvocationTests$Tester'
// using arguments '(java.lang.Integer)'
int idx = e.getMessage().indexOf("Tester");
if (idx == -1) {
fail("Expected reference to Tester in :" + e.getMessage());
// normal
// If counter is 4 then the method got called twice!
assertEquals(3, parser.parseExpression("counter").getValue(eContext));
// 1 will make it throw a RuntimeException - SpEL will let this through
eContext.setVariable("bar", 1);
try {
o = expr.getValue(eContext);
fail("Should have failed");
catch (Exception e) {
// A problem occurred whilst attempting to construct an object of type
// 'org.springframework.expression.spel.ConstructorInvocationTests$Tester'