level = annotation.level();
numeric = annotation.numeric();
private String determineLabelIndexName(Indexed annotation, Neo4jPersistentProperty property) {
if (!annotation.indexName().isEmpty()) throw new MappingException("No index name allowed on label based indexes, property: "+ property.getOwner().getName()+"."+property.getName());
Neo4jPersistentEntity<?> entity = property.getOwner();
// NW StoredEntityType not available at this stage yet ....
// only set when entity.updateStoredType(..) called
StoredEntityType entityType = entity.getEntityType();
switch (annotation.level()) {
case CLASS:
Class<?> declaringClass = property.getField().getDeclaringClass();
(entityType != null)
? entityType.findByTypeClass(declaringClass).getAlias().toString()
: doBestGuessLabelName(entity); // Not right but not sure what to do here
(entityType != null)
? entityType.getAlias().toString()
: doBestGuessLabelName(entity); // Not right but not sure what to do here
case GLOBAL: throw new MappingException("No global index for label based indexes");
return entityType.getAlias().toString();