assertTrue("ResourceScriptSource must report back as being modified if the underlying File resource is reporting a changed lastModified time.", scriptSource.isModified());
public void testLastModifiedWorksWithResourceThatDoesNotSupportFileBasedAccessAtAll() throws Exception {
Resource resource = new ByteArrayResource(new byte[0]);
ResourceScriptSource scriptSource = new ResourceScriptSource(resource);
assertTrue("ResourceScriptSource must start off in the 'isModified' state (it obviously isn't).", scriptSource.isModified());
assertFalse("ResourceScriptSource must not report back as being modified if the underlying File resource is not reporting a changed lastModified time.", scriptSource.isModified());
// Must now continue to report back as not having been modified 'cos the Resource does not support access as a File (and so the lastModified date cannot be determined).