Element variablePersisters = DomUtils.getChildElementByTagName( persistenceElm,
"variable-persisters" );
if ( variablePersisters != null && variablePersisters.hasChildNodes() ) {
List<Element> childPersisterElems = DomUtils.getChildElementsByTagName( variablePersisters,
"persister" );
ManagedMap persistors = new ManagedMap( childPersisterElems.size() );
for ( Element persisterElem : childPersisterElems ) {
String forClass = persisterElem.getAttribute( FORCLASS_ATTRIBUTE );
String implementation = persisterElem.getAttribute( IMPLEMENTATION_ATTRIBUTE );
if ( !StringUtils.hasText( forClass ) ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "persister element must have valid for-class attribute" );
if ( !StringUtils.hasText( implementation ) ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "persister element must have valid implementation attribute" );
persistors.put( forClass,
implementation );
beanBuilder.addPropertyValue( "variablePersisters",
persistors );
factory.addPropertyValue( "jpaConfiguration",
beanBuilder.getBeanDefinition() );
BeanDefinitionBuilder rbaseConfBuilder = BeanDefinitionBuilder.rootBeanDefinition( SessionConfiguration.class );
Element e = DomUtils.getChildElementByTagName( ksessionConf,
if ( e != null && StringUtils.hasText( e.getAttribute( "enabled" ) ) ) {
rbaseConfBuilder.addPropertyValue( "keepReference",
Boolean.parseBoolean( e.getAttribute( "enabled" ) ) );
e = DomUtils.getChildElementByTagName( ksessionConf,
if ( e != null && StringUtils.hasText( e.getAttribute( "type" ) ) ) {
rbaseConfBuilder.addPropertyValue( "clockType",
ClockType.resolveClockType( e.getAttribute( "type" ) ) );
factory.addPropertyValue( "conf",
rbaseConfBuilder.getBeanDefinition() );
e = DomUtils.getChildElementByTagName( ksessionConf,
if ( e != null ) {
List<Element> children = DomUtils.getChildElementsByTagName( e,
if ( children != null && !children.isEmpty() ) {
ManagedMap workDefs = new ManagedMap();
for ( Element child : children ) {
workDefs.put( child.getAttribute( "name" ),
new RuntimeBeanReference( child.getAttribute( "ref" ) ) );
factory.addPropertyValue( "workItems",
workDefs );
Element batch = DomUtils.getChildElementByTagName( element,
"batch" );
if ( batch == null ) {
// just temporary legacy suppport
batch = DomUtils.getChildElementByTagName( element,
"script" );
if ( batch != null ) {
// we know there can only ever be one
ManagedList children = new ManagedList();
for ( int i = 0, length = batch.getChildNodes().getLength(); i < length; i++ ) {
Node n = batch.getChildNodes().item( i );
if ( n instanceof Element ) {
Element e = (Element) n;
BeanDefinitionBuilder beanBuilder = null;
if ( "insert-object".equals( e.getLocalName() ) ) {
String ref = e.getAttribute( "ref" );
Element nestedElm = getFirstElement( e.getChildNodes() );
beanBuilder = BeanDefinitionBuilder.genericBeanDefinition( InsertObjectCommand.class );
if ( StringUtils.hasText( ref ) ) {
beanBuilder.addConstructorArgReference( ref );
} else if ( nestedElm != null ) {
beanBuilder.addConstructorArgValue( parserContext.getDelegate().parsePropertySubElement( nestedElm,
null ) );
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "insert-object must either specify a 'ref' attribute or have a nested bean" );
} else if ( "set-global".equals( e.getLocalName() ) ) {
String ref = e.getAttribute( "ref" );
Element nestedElm = getFirstElement( e.getChildNodes() );
beanBuilder = BeanDefinitionBuilder.genericBeanDefinition( SetGlobalCommand.class );
beanBuilder.addConstructorArgValue( e.getAttribute( "identifier" ) );
if ( StringUtils.hasText( ref ) ) {
beanBuilder.addConstructorArgReference( ref );
} else if ( nestedElm != null ) {
beanBuilder.addConstructorArgValue( parserContext.getDelegate().parsePropertySubElement( nestedElm,
null ) );
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "set-global must either specify a 'ref' attribute or have a nested bean" );
} else if ( "fire-until-halt".equals( e.getLocalName() ) ) {
beanBuilder = BeanDefinitionBuilder.genericBeanDefinition( FireUntilHaltCommand.class );
} else if ( "fire-all-rules".equals( e.getLocalName() ) ) {
beanBuilder = BeanDefinitionBuilder.genericBeanDefinition( FireAllRulesCommand.class );
String max = e.getAttribute( "max" );
if ( StringUtils.hasText( max ) ) {
beanBuilder.addPropertyValue( "max",
max );
} else if ( "start-process".equals( e.getLocalName() ) ) {
beanBuilder = BeanDefinitionBuilder.genericBeanDefinition( StartProcessCommand.class );
String processId = e.getAttribute( "process-id" );
if ( !StringUtils.hasText( processId ) ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "start-process must specify a process-id" );
beanBuilder.addConstructorArgValue( processId );
List<Element> params = DomUtils.getChildElementsByTagName( e,
"parameter" );
if ( !params.isEmpty() ) {
ManagedMap map = new ManagedMap();
for ( Element param : params ) {
String identifier = param.getAttribute( "identifier" );
if ( !StringUtils.hasText( identifier ) ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "start-process paramaters must specify an identifier" );
String ref = param.getAttribute( "ref" );
Element nestedElm = getFirstElement( param.getChildNodes() );
if ( StringUtils.hasText( ref ) ) {
map.put( identifier,
new RuntimeBeanReference( ref ) );
} else if ( nestedElm != null ) {
map.put( identifier,
parserContext.getDelegate().parsePropertySubElement( nestedElm,
null ) );
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "start-process paramaters must either specify a 'ref' attribute or have a nested bean" );