BeanDefinitionHolder bdHolder, Annotation annotation, TypeConverter typeConverter) {
Class<? extends Annotation> type = annotation.annotationType();
RootBeanDefinition bd = (RootBeanDefinition) bdHolder.getBeanDefinition();
AutowireCandidateQualifier qualifier = bd.getQualifier(type.getName());
if (qualifier == null) {
qualifier = bd.getQualifier(ClassUtils.getShortName(type));
if (qualifier == null) {
// First, check annotation on factory method, if applicable
Annotation targetAnnotation = getFactoryMethodAnnotation(bd, type);
if (targetAnnotation == null) {
RootBeanDefinition dbd = getResolvedDecoratedDefinition(bd);
if (dbd != null) {
targetAnnotation = getFactoryMethodAnnotation(dbd, type);
if (targetAnnotation == null) {
// Look for matching annotation on the target class
if (getBeanFactory() != null) {
try {
Class<?> beanType = getBeanFactory().getType(bdHolder.getBeanName());
if (beanType != null) {
targetAnnotation = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(ClassUtils.getUserClass(beanType), type);
catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException ex) {
// Not the usual case - simply forget about the type check...
if (targetAnnotation == null && bd.hasBeanClass()) {
targetAnnotation = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(ClassUtils.getUserClass(bd.getBeanClass()), type);
if (targetAnnotation != null && targetAnnotation.equals(annotation)) {
return true;
Map<String, Object> attributes = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotationAttributes(annotation);
if (attributes.isEmpty() && qualifier == null) {
// If no attributes, the qualifier must be present
return false;
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : attributes.entrySet()) {
String attributeName = entry.getKey();
Object expectedValue = entry.getValue();
Object actualValue = null;
// Check qualifier first
if (qualifier != null) {
actualValue = qualifier.getAttribute(attributeName);
if (actualValue == null) {
// Fall back on bean definition attribute
actualValue = bd.getAttribute(attributeName);