String id = "template";
// auto create a template
Element templateElement = element.getOwnerDocument().createElement("template");
templateElement.setAttribute("id", id);
BeanDefinitionParser parser = parserMap.get("template");
BeanDefinition definition = parser.parse(templateElement, parserContext);
// auto register it
autoRegisterBeanDefinition(id, definition, parserContext, contextId);
if (!consumerTemplate) {
// either we have not used template before or we have auto registered it already and therefore we
// need it to allow to do it so it can remove the existing auto registered as there is now a clash id
// since we have multiple camel contexts
boolean existing = autoRegisterMap.get("consumerTemplate") != null;
boolean inUse = false;
try {
inUse = parserContext.getRegistry().isBeanNameInUse("consumerTemplate");
} catch (BeanCreationException e) {
// Spring Eclipse Tooling may throw an exception when you edit the Spring XML online in Eclipse
// when the isBeanNameInUse method is invoked, so ignore this and continue (CAMEL-2739)
LOG.debug("Error checking isBeanNameInUse(consumerTemplate). This exception will be ignored", e);
if (!inUse || existing) {
String id = "consumerTemplate";
// auto create a template
Element templateElement = element.getOwnerDocument().createElement("consumerTemplate");
templateElement.setAttribute("id", id);
BeanDefinitionParser parser = parserMap.get("consumerTemplate");
BeanDefinition definition = parser.parse(templateElement, parserContext);
// auto register it
autoRegisterBeanDefinition(id, definition, parserContext, contextId);