TestBean target1 = new TestBean();
ProxyFactory pf1 = new ProxyFactory(target1);
// Permit proxy and invocation checkers to get context from AopContext
NopInterceptor di1 = new NopInterceptor();
pf1.addAdvice(0, di1);
pf1.addAdvice(1, new ProxyMatcherInterceptor());
pf1.addAdvice(2, new CheckMethodInvocationIsSameInAndOutInterceptor());
pf1.addAdvice(1, new CheckMethodInvocationViaThreadLocalIsSameInAndOutInterceptor());
// Must be first
pf1.addAdvice(0, ExposeInvocationInterceptor.INSTANCE);
ITestBean advised1 = (ITestBean) pf1.getProxy();
advised1.setAge(age1); // = 1 invocation
TestBean target2 = new TestBean();
ProxyFactory pf2 = new ProxyFactory(target2);
NopInterceptor di2 = new NopInterceptor();
pf2.addAdvice(0, di2);
pf2.addAdvice(1, new ProxyMatcherInterceptor());
pf2.addAdvice(2, new CheckMethodInvocationIsSameInAndOutInterceptor());
pf2.addAdvice(1, new CheckMethodInvocationViaThreadLocalIsSameInAndOutInterceptor());
pf2.addAdvice(0, ExposeInvocationInterceptor.INSTANCE);
ITestBean advised2 = (ITestBean) createProxy(pf2);
advised1.setSpouse(advised2); // = 2 invocations
assertEquals("Advised one has correct age", age1, advised1.getAge()); // = 3 invocations
assertEquals("Advised two has correct age", age2, advised2.getAge());
// Means extra call on advised 2
assertEquals("Advised one spouse has correct age", age2, advised1.getSpouse().getAge()); // = 4 invocations on 1 and another one on 2
assertEquals("one was invoked correct number of times", 4, di1.getCount());
// Got hit by call to advised1.getSpouse().getAge()
assertEquals("one was invoked correct number of times", 3, di2.getCount());