Player player = session.getPlayer();
RepositionManager rm = player.getNetwork().getRepositionManager();
RepositionManager rmInverse = rm.getInverse();
message = message.convert(rmInverse);
World world = player.getWorld();
Slot currentSlot = PlayerUtil.getHeldSlot(player);
if (currentSlot == null) {
ItemStack holding = currentSlot.get();
Material holdingMat = holding == null ? null : holding.getMaterial();
* The notch client's packet sending is weird. Here's how it works: If the client is clicking a block not in range, sends a packet with x=-1,y=255,z=-1 If the client is clicking a block in
* range with an item in hand (id > 255) Sends both the normal block placement packet and a (-1,255,-1) one If the client is placing a block in range with a block in hand, only one normal
* packet is sent That is how it usually happens. Sometimes it doesn't happen like that. Therefore, a hacky workaround.
final BlockFace clickedFace = message.getDirection();
Hunger hunger = player.add(Hunger.class);
if ((holdingMat instanceof Food && hunger.getHunger() != VanillaData.HUNGER.getDefaultValue()) || holdingMat instanceof Sword || (holdingMat instanceof PotionItem && !((PotionItem) holdingMat).isSplash())) {
hunger.setEating(true, currentSlot);
if (clickedFace == BlockFace.THIS) {
// Right clicked air with an item.
PlayerInteractBlockEvent event = Spout.getEventManager().callEvent(new PlayerInteractBlockEvent(player, null, null, clickedFace, Action.RIGHT_CLICK));
// May have been changed by the event
holding = currentSlot.get();
holdingMat = holding == null ? null : holding.getMaterial();
if (holdingMat != null) {
holdingMat.onInteract(player, Action.RIGHT_CLICK);
} else {
// TODO: Validate the x/y/z coordinates of the message to check if it is in range of the player
// This is an anti-hack requirement (else hackers can load far-away chunks and crash the server)
// Get clicked block and validated face against it was placed
final Block clickedBlock = world.getBlock(message.getX(), message.getY(), message.getZ());
final BlockMaterial clickedMaterial = clickedBlock.getMaterial();
// Perform interaction event
PlayerInteractBlockEvent interactEvent = Spout.getEventManager().callEvent(new PlayerInteractBlockEvent(player, clickedBlock, clickedBlock.getPosition(), clickedFace, Action.RIGHT_CLICK));