* ##################### Import Configs
Registry registry = new Registry();
Strategy strategy = new RegistryStrategy(registry);
RegistryMatcher matcher = new RegistryMatcher(); //TODO need to be removed in the later versions
Serializer serializer = new Persister(strategy, matcher);
matcher.bind(Long.class, LongTransform.class);
registry.bind(Date.class, DateConverter.class);
registry.bind(User.class, new UserConverter(usersDao, usersMap));
List<Configuration> list = readList(serializer, f, "configs.xml", "configs", Configuration.class, true);
for (Configuration c : list) {
if (c.getConf_key() == null || c.isDeleted()) {
Configuration cfg = configurationDao.forceGet(c.getConf_key());
if (cfg != null && !cfg.isDeleted()) {
log.warn("Non deleted configuration with same key is found! old value: {}, new value: {}", cfg.getConf_value(), c.getConf_value());
c.setConfiguration_id(cfg == null ? null : cfg.getConfiguration_id());
if (c.getUser() != null && c.getUser().getUser_id() == null) {
if (CONFIG_CRYPT_KEY.equals(c.getConf_key())) {
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
configurationDao.update(c, null);
log.info("Configs import complete, starting organization import");
* ##################### Import Organizations
Serializer simpleSerializer = new Persister();
List<Organisation> list = readList(simpleSerializer, f, "organizations.xml", "organisations", Organisation.class);
for (Organisation o : list) {
long oldId = o.getOrganisation_id();
o = organisationDao.update(o, null);
organisationsMap.put(oldId, o.getOrganisation_id());
log.info("Organizations import complete, starting user import");
* ##################### Import Users
String jNameTimeZone = configurationDao.getConfValue("default.timezone", String.class, "Europe/Berlin");
List<User> list = readUserList(f, "users.xml", "users");
int minLoginLength = getMinLoginLength(configurationDao);
for (User u : list) {
if (u.getLogin() == null) {
if (u.getType() == Type.contact && u.getLogin().length() < minLoginLength) {
//Convert old Backups with OmTimeZone to new schema
String tz = u.getTimeZoneId();
if (tz == null) {
} else {
u.setStarttime(new Date());
long userId = u.getUser_id();
if (u.getSipUser() != null && u.getSipUser().getId() != 0) {
usersDao.update(u, -1L);
usersMap.put(userId, u.getUser_id());
log.info("Users import complete, starting room import");
* ##################### Import Rooms
Registry registry = new Registry();
Strategy strategy = new RegistryStrategy(registry);
RegistryMatcher matcher = new RegistryMatcher(); //TODO need to be removed in the later versions
Serializer serializer = new Persister(strategy, matcher);
matcher.bind(Long.class, LongTransform.class);
matcher.bind(Integer.class, IntegerTransform.class);
registry.bind(User.class, new UserConverter(usersDao, usersMap));
registry.bind(RoomType.class, new RoomTypeConverter(roomTypeDao));
List<Room> list = readList(serializer, f, "rooms.xml", "rooms", Room.class);
for (Room r : list) {
Long roomId = r.getRooms_id();
// We need to reset ids as openJPA reject to store them otherwise
if (r.getModerators() != null) {
for (Iterator<RoomModerator> i = r.getModerators().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
RoomModerator rm = i.next();
if (rm.getUser().getUser_id() == null) {
r = roomDao.update(r, null);
roomsMap.put(roomId, r.getRooms_id());
log.info("Room import complete, starting room organizations import");
* ##################### Import Room Organisations
Registry registry = new Registry();
Strategy strategy = new RegistryStrategy(registry);
Serializer serializer = new Persister(strategy);
registry.bind(Organisation.class, new OrganisationConverter(orgDao, organisationsMap));
registry.bind(Room.class, new RoomConverter(roomDao, roomsMap));
List<RoomOrganisation> list = readList(serializer, f, "rooms_organisation.xml", "room_organisations", RoomOrganisation.class);
for (RoomOrganisation ro : list) {
if (!ro.getDeleted()) {
// We need to reset this as openJPA reject to store them otherwise
roomOrganisationDao.update(ro, null);
log.info("Room organizations import complete, starting chat messages import");
* ##################### Import Chat messages
Registry registry = new Registry();
Strategy strategy = new RegistryStrategy(registry);
Serializer serializer = new Persister(strategy);
registry.bind(User.class, new UserConverter(usersDao, usersMap));
registry.bind(Room.class, new RoomConverter(roomDao, roomsMap));
List<ChatMessage> list = readList(serializer, f, "chat_messages.xml", "chat_messages", ChatMessage.class, true);
for (ChatMessage m : list) {
log.info("Chat messages import complete, starting appointement import");
* ##################### Import Appointements
Registry registry = new Registry();
Strategy strategy = new RegistryStrategy(registry);
Serializer serializer = new Persister(strategy);
registry.bind(AppointmentCategory.class, new AppointmentCategoryConverter(appointmentCategoryDaoImpl));
registry.bind(User.class, new UserConverter(usersDao, usersMap));
registry.bind(AppointmentReminderTyps.class, new AppointmentReminderTypeConverter(appointmentReminderTypDaoImpl));
registry.bind(Room.class, new RoomConverter(roomDao, roomsMap));
registry.bind(Date.class, DateConverter.class);
List<Appointment> list = readList(serializer, f, "appointements.xml", "appointments", Appointment.class);
for (Appointment a : list) {
Long appId = a.getId();
// We need to reset this as openJPA reject to store them otherwise
if (a.getOwner() != null && a.getOwner().getUser_id() == null) {
if (a.getRoom() != null && a.getRoom().getRooms_id() == null) {
Long newAppId = appointmentDao.addAppointmentObj(a);
appointmentsMap.put(appId, newAppId);
log.info("Appointement import complete, starting meeting members import");
* ##################### Import MeetingMembers
* Reminder Invitations will be NOT send!
List<MeetingMember> list = readMeetingMemberList(f, "meetingmembers.xml", "meetingmembers");
for (MeetingMember ma : list) {
log.info("Meeting members import complete, starting ldap config import");
* ##################### Import LDAP Configs
List<LdapConfig> list = readList(simpleSerializer, f, "ldapconfigs.xml", "ldapconfigs", LdapConfig.class, true);
for (LdapConfig c : list) {
log.info("Ldap config import complete, starting cluster servers import");
* ##################### Cluster servers
List<Server> list = readList(simpleSerializer, f, "servers.xml", "servers", Server.class, true);
for (Server s : list) {
serverDao.update(s, null);
log.info("Cluster servers import complete, starting OAuth2 servers import");
* ##################### OAuth2 servers
List<OAuthServer> list = readList(simpleSerializer, f, "oauth2servers.xml", "oauth2servers", OAuthServer.class, true);
for (OAuthServer s : list) {
auth2Dao.update(s, null);
log.info("OAuth2 servers import complete, starting recordings import");
* ##################### Import Recordings
Registry registry = new Registry();
Strategy strategy = new RegistryStrategy(registry);
RegistryMatcher matcher = new RegistryMatcher(); //TODO need to be removed in the later versions
Serializer serializer = new Persister(strategy, matcher);
matcher.bind(Long.class, LongTransform.class);
matcher.bind(Integer.class, IntegerTransform.class);
registry.bind(Date.class, DateConverter.class);
List<FlvRecording> list = readList(serializer, f, "flvRecordings.xml", "flvrecordings", FlvRecording.class, true);
for (FlvRecording fr : list) {
if (fr.getRoom_id() != null) {
if (fr.getOwnerId() != null) {
if (fr.getFlvRecordingMetaData() != null) {
for (FlvRecordingMetaData meta : fr.getFlvRecordingMetaData()) {
log.info("FLVrecording import complete, starting private message folder import");
* ##################### Import Private Message Folders
List<PrivateMessageFolder> list = readList(simpleSerializer, f, "privateMessageFolder.xml"
, "privatemessagefolders", PrivateMessageFolder.class, true);
for (PrivateMessageFolder p : list) {
Long folderId = p.getPrivateMessageFolderId();
PrivateMessageFolder storedFolder = privateMessageFolderDao.get(folderId);
if (storedFolder == null) {
Long newFolderId = privateMessageFolderDao.addPrivateMessageFolderObj(p);
messageFoldersMap.put(folderId, newFolderId);
log.info("Private message folder import complete, starting user contacts import");
* ##################### Import User Contacts
Registry registry = new Registry();
Strategy strategy = new RegistryStrategy(registry);
Serializer serializer = new Persister(strategy);
registry.bind(User.class, new UserConverter(usersDao, usersMap));
List<UserContact> list = readList(serializer, f, "userContacts.xml", "usercontacts", UserContact.class, true);
for (UserContact uc : list) {
Long ucId = uc.getUserContactId();
UserContact storedUC = userContactsDao.get(ucId);
if (storedUC == null && uc.getContact() != null && uc.getContact().getUser_id() != null) {
if (uc.getOwner() != null && uc.getOwner().getUser_id() == null) {
Long newId = userContactsDao.addUserContactObj(uc);
userContactsMap.put(ucId, newId);
log.info("Usercontact import complete, starting private messages item import");
* ##################### Import Private Messages
Registry registry = new Registry();
Strategy strategy = new RegistryStrategy(registry);
Serializer serializer = new Persister(strategy);
registry.bind(User.class, new UserConverter(usersDao, usersMap));
registry.bind(Room.class, new RoomConverter(roomDao, roomsMap));
registry.bind(Date.class, DateConverter.class);
List<PrivateMessage> list = readList(serializer, f, "privateMessages.xml", "privatemessages", PrivateMessage.class, true);
boolean oldBackup = true;
for (PrivateMessage p : list) {
if (p.getFolderId() < 0) {
oldBackup = false;
for (PrivateMessage p : list) {
p.setFolderId(getNewId(p.getFolderId(), Maps.MESSAGEFOLDERS));
p.setUserContactId(getNewId(p.getUserContactId(), Maps.USERCONTACTS));
if (p.getRoom() != null && p.getRoom().getRooms_id() == null) {
if (p.getTo() != null && p.getTo().getUser_id() == null) {
if (p.getFrom() != null && p.getFrom().getUser_id() == null) {
if (p.getOwner() != null && p.getOwner().getUser_id() == null) {
if (oldBackup && p.getOwner() != null && p.getOwner().getUser_id() != null
&& p.getFrom() != null && p.getFrom().getUser_id() != null
&& p.getOwner().getUser_id() == p.getFrom().getUser_id())
privateMessagesDao.update(p, null);
log.info("Private message import complete, starting file explorer item import");
* ##################### Import File-Explorer Items
Registry registry = new Registry();
Strategy strategy = new RegistryStrategy(registry);
RegistryMatcher matcher = new RegistryMatcher(); //TODO need to be removed in the later versions
Serializer serializer = new Persister(strategy, matcher);
matcher.bind(Long.class, LongTransform.class);
matcher.bind(Integer.class, IntegerTransform.class);
registry.bind(Date.class, DateConverter.class);
List<FileExplorerItem> list = readList(serializer, f, "fileExplorerItems.xml", "fileExplorerItems", FileExplorerItem.class, true);
for (FileExplorerItem file : list) {
// We need to reset this as openJPA reject to store them otherwise
Long roomId = file.getRoom_id();
file.setRoom_id(roomsMap.containsKey(roomId) ? roomsMap.get(roomId) : null);
if (file.getOwnerId() != null) {
log.info("File explorer item import complete, starting file poll import");
* ##################### Import Room Polls
Registry registry = new Registry();
Strategy strategy = new RegistryStrategy(registry);
RegistryMatcher matcher = new RegistryMatcher(); //TODO need to be removed in the later versions
Serializer serializer = new Persister(strategy, matcher);
matcher.bind(Integer.class, IntegerTransform.class);
registry.bind(User.class, new UserConverter(usersDao, usersMap));
registry.bind(Room.class, new RoomConverter(roomDao, roomsMap));
registry.bind(PollType.class, new PollTypeConverter(pollManager));
registry.bind(Date.class, DateConverter.class);
List<RoomPoll> list = readList(serializer, f, "roompolls.xml", "roompolls", RoomPoll.class, true);
for (RoomPoll rp : list) {
if (rp.getRoom() == null || rp.getRoom().getRooms_id() == null) {
//room was deleted