Package org.semanticweb.owlapi.model

Examples of org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass

                .getOWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom(hasFather, matthew, peter);
        // Finally, add the axiom to our ontology and save
        AddAxiom addAxiomChange = new AddAxiom(o, assertion);
        // matthew is an instance of Person
        OWLClass personClass = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(EXAMPLE_IRI
                + "#Person"));
        OWLClassAssertionAxiom ax = df.getOWLClassAssertionAxiom(personClass,
        // Add this axiom to our ontology - with a convenience method
        m.addAxiom(o, ax);
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        OWLOntology o = m.createOntology(EXAMPLE_IRI);
        // all Heads have parts that are noses (at least one)
        // We do this by creating an existential (some) restriction
        OWLObjectProperty hasPart = df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI
                .create(EXAMPLE_IRI + "#hasPart"));
        OWLClass nose = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(EXAMPLE_IRI + "#Nose"));
        // Now let's describe the class of individuals that have at
        // least one part that is a kind of nose
        OWLClassExpression hasPartSomeNose = df.getOWLObjectSomeValuesFrom(
                hasPart, nose);
        OWLClass head = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(EXAMPLE_IRI + "#Head"));
        // Head subclass of our restriction
        OWLSubClassOfAxiom ax = df.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(head, hasPartSomeNose);
        // Add the axiom to our ontology
        AddAxiom addAx = new AddAxiom(o, ax);
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                df.getIntegerOWLDatatype(), OWLFacet.MIN_INCLUSIVE,
        // Now we can use this in our datatype restriction on hasAge
        OWLClassExpression adultDefinition = df.getOWLDataSomeValuesFrom(
                hasAge, greaterThan18);
        OWLClass adult = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(EXAMPLE_IRI + "#Adult"));
        OWLSubClassOfAxiom ax = df
                .getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(adult, adultDefinition);
        m.applyChange(new AddAxiom(o, ax));
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    public void testComment() throws OWLException {
        OWLOntologyManager m = create();
        OWLOntology o = loadPizzaOntology(m);
        // We want to add a comment to the pizza class.
        OWLClass quokkaCls = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(KOALA_IRI + "#Quokka"));
        // the content of our comment: a string and a language tag
        OWLAnnotation commentAnno = df.getOWLAnnotation(df.getRDFSComment(),
                df.getOWLLiteral("A class which represents Quokkas", "en"));
        // Specify that the pizza class has an annotation
        OWLAxiom ax = df.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(quokkaCls.getIRI(),
        // Add the axiom to the ontology
        m.applyChange(new AddAxiom(o, ax));
        // add a version info annotation to the ontology
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        String prefix = KOALA_IRI + "#";
        OWLReasoner reasoner = reasonerFactory.createNonBufferingReasoner(o);
        // Now we can query the reasoner, suppose we want to determine the
        // properties that
        // instances of Margherita pizza must have
        OWLClass margherita = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(prefix + "Margherita"));
        printProperties(o, reasoner, margherita);
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    public void testModularization() throws OWLException {
        OWLOntologyManager m = create();
        OWLOntology o = loadPizzaOntology(m);
        // extract a module for all toppings.
        // start by creating a signature that consists of "Quokka".
        OWLClass quokkaCls = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(KOALA_IRI + "#Quokka"));
        Set<OWLEntity> sig = new HashSet<>();
        // We now add all subclasses (direct and indirect) of the chosen
        // classes.
        Set<OWLEntity> seedSig = new HashSet<>();
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        // :Mary is an instance of the class :Person.
        OWLOntologyManager m = create();
        // The IRIs used here are taken from the OWL 2 Primer
        String base = "";
        PrefixManager pm = new DefaultPrefixManager(null, null, base);
        OWLClass person = df.getOWLClass(":Person", pm);
        OWLNamedIndividual mary = df.getOWLNamedIndividual(":Mary", pm);
        // create a ClassAssertion to specify that :Mary is an instance of
        // :Person
        OWLClassAssertionAxiom classAssertion = df.getOWLClassAssertionAxiom(
                person, mary);
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    public void testHierarchy() throws OWLException {
        OWLOntologyManager m = create();
        OWLOntology o = loadPizzaOntology(m);
        // Get Thing
        OWLClass clazz = df.getOWLThing();
        // System.out.println("Class       : " + clazz);
        // Print the hierarchy below thing
        printHierarchy(o, clazz);
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        // entities). The first is by specifying the full IRI. First we create
        // an IRI object:
        IRI iri = IRI
        // Now we create the class
        OWLClass clsAMethodA = factory.getOWLClass(iri);
        // The second is to use a prefix manager and specify abbreviated IRIs.
        // This is useful for creating lots of entities with the same prefix
        // IRIs. First create our prefix manager and specify that the default
        // prefix IRI (bound to the empty prefix name) is
        PrefixManager pm = new DefaultPrefixManager(null, null,
        // Now we use the prefix manager and just specify an abbreviated IRI
        OWLClass clsAMethodB = factory.getOWLClass(":A", pm);
        // Note that clsAMethodA will be equal to clsAMethodB because they are
        // both OWLClass objects and have the same IRI. Creating entities in the
        // above manner does not "add them to an ontology". They are merely
        // objects that allow us to reference certain objects (classes etc.) for
        // use in class expressions, and axioms (which can be added to an
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        OWLClassExpression thingsWithAgeGreaterOrEqualTo18 = factory
                .getOWLDataSomeValuesFrom(hasAge, intGreaterThan18);
        // Now we want to say all adults have an age that is greater or equal to
        // 18 - i.e. Adult is a subclass of hasAge some int[>= 18] Obtain a
        // reference to the Adult class
        OWLClass adult = factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(base + "#Adult"));
        // Now make adult a subclass of the things that have an age greater to
        // or equal to 18
        OWLSubClassOfAxiom ax = factory.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(adult,
        // Add our axiom to the ontology
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Related Classes of org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass

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