List<OWLOntologyChange> additions = new LinkedList<OWLOntologyChange>();
// Add the import statement for the custom space, if existing and not empty
OntologySpace spc = getCustomSpace();
if (spc != null && spc.listManagedOntologies().size() > 0) {
IRI spaceIri = IRI.create(universalPrefix + spc.getID());
additions.add(new AddImport(ont, df.getOWLImportsDeclaration(spaceIri)));
// Add the import statement for the core space, if existing and not empty
spc = getCoreSpace();
if (spc != null && spc.listManagedOntologies().size() > 0) {
IRI spaceIri = IRI.create(universalPrefix + spc.getID());
additions.add(new AddImport(ont, df.getOWLImportsDeclaration(spaceIri)));
} catch (OWLOntologyCreationException e) {
log.error("Failed to generate an OWL form of scope " + getID(), e);