Package org.semanticweb.owlapi.model

Examples of org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.AddAxiom

                + "hasAge"));
        // For completeness, we will make hasAge functional by adding an axiom
        // to state this
        OWLFunctionalDataPropertyAxiom funcAx = factory
        man.applyChange(new AddAxiom(ont, funcAx));
        // Now create the data range which correponds to int greater than 18. To
        // do this, we get hold of the int datatype and then restrict it with a
        // minInclusive facet restriction.
        OWLDatatype intDatatype = factory.getIntegerOWLDatatype();
        // Create the value "18", which is an int.
        OWLLiteral eighteenConstant = factory.getOWLLiteral(18);
        // Now create our custom datarange, which is int greater than or equal
        // to 18. To do this, we need the minInclusive facet
        OWLFacet facet = MIN_INCLUSIVE;
        // Create the restricted data range by applying the facet restriction
        // with a value of 18 to int
        OWLDataRange intGreaterThan18 = factory.getOWLDatatypeRestriction(
                intDatatype, facet, eighteenConstant);
        // Now we can use this in our datatype restriction on hasAge
        OWLClassExpression thingsWithAgeGreaterOrEqualTo18 = factory
                .getOWLDataSomeValuesFrom(hasAge, intGreaterThan18);
        // Now we want to say all adults have an age that is greater or equal to
        // 18 - i.e. Adult is a subclass of hasAge some int[>= 18] Obtain a
        // reference to the Adult class
        OWLClass adult = factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(base + "#Adult"));
        // Now make adult a subclass of the things that have an age greater to
        // or equal to 18
        OWLSubClassOfAxiom ax = factory.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(adult,
        // Add our axiom to the ontology
        man.applyChange(new AddAxiom(ont, ax));
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        OWLAxiom axiom = factory.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(clsA, clsB);
        // We now add the axiom to the ontology, so that the ontology states
        // that A is a subclass of B. To do this we create an AddAxiom change
        // object. At this stage neither classes A or B, or the axiom are
        // contained in the ontology. We have to add the axiom to the ontology.
        AddAxiom addAxiom = new AddAxiom(ontology, axiom);
        // We now use the manager to apply the change
        // The ontology will now contain references to class A and class B -
        // that is, class A and class B are contained within the SIGNATURE of
        // the ontology let's print them out
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        OWLClass clsA = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(KOALA_IRI + "#A"));
        OWLClass clsB = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(KOALA_IRI + "#B"));
        // Now create the axiom
        OWLAxiom axiom = df.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(clsA, clsB);
        // add the axiom to the ontology.
        AddAxiom addAxiom = new AddAxiom(o, axiom);
        // We now use the manager to apply the change
        // remove the axiom from the ontology
        RemoveAxiom removeAxiom = new RemoveAxiom(o, axiom);
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        SWRLVariable var = factory.getSWRLVariable(IRI.create(ontologyIRI
                + "#x"));
        SWRLRule rule = factory.getSWRLRule(
                singleton(factory.getSWRLClassAtom(clsA, var)),
                singleton(factory.getSWRLClassAtom(clsB, var)));
        manager.applyChange(new AddAxiom(ontology, rule));
        OWLObjectProperty prop = factory.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI
                .create(ontologyIRI + "#propA"));
        OWLObjectProperty propB = factory.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI
                .create(ontologyIRI + "#propB"));
        SWRLObjectPropertyAtom propAtom = factory.getSWRLObjectPropertyAtom(
                prop, var, var);
        SWRLObjectPropertyAtom propAtom2 = factory.getSWRLObjectPropertyAtom(
                propB, var, var);
        Set<SWRLAtom> antecedent = new HashSet<SWRLAtom>();
        SWRLRule rule2 = factory.getSWRLRule(antecedent,
        manager.applyChange(new AddAxiom(ontology, rule2));
        // Now save the ontology. The ontology will be saved to the location
        // where we loaded it from, in the default ontology format
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        Set<SWRLClassAtom> body = Collections.singleton(df.getSWRLClassAtom(
                clsA, var));
        Set<SWRLClassAtom> head = Collections.singleton(df.getSWRLClassAtom(
                clsB, var));
        SWRLRule rule = df.getSWRLRule(body, head);
        m.applyChange(new AddAxiom(o, rule));
        OWLObjectProperty prop = df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(EXAMPLE_IRI
                + "#propA"));
        OWLObjectProperty propB = df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI
                .create(EXAMPLE_IRI + "#propB"));
        SWRLObjectPropertyAtom propAtom = df.getSWRLObjectPropertyAtom(prop,
                var, var);
        SWRLObjectPropertyAtom propAtom2 = df.getSWRLObjectPropertyAtom(propB,
                var, var);
        Set<SWRLAtom> antecedent = new HashSet<>();
        SWRLRule rule2 = df.getSWRLRule(antecedent,
        m.applyChange(new AddAxiom(o, rule2));
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        // Now create the actual assertion (triple), as an object property
        // assertion axiom matthew --> hasFather --> peter
        OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom assertion = dataFactory
                .getOWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom(hasFather, matthew, peter);
        // Finally, add the axiom to our ontology and save
        AddAxiom addAxiomChange = new AddAxiom(ont, assertion);
        // We can also specify that matthew is an instance of Person. To do this
        // we use a ClassAssertion axiom. First we need a reference to the
        // person class
        OWLClass personClass = dataFactory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(base
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        // also classes - they describe classes of individuals -- they are
        // anonymous classes).
        OWLSubClassOfAxiom ax = factory.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(head,
        // Add the axiom to our ontology
        AddAxiom addAx = new AddAxiom(ont, ax);
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        // an entity annotation using an entity annotation axiom (remember,
        // classes are entities)
        OWLAxiom ax = df.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(pizzaCls.getIRI(),
        // Add the axiom to the ontology
        man.applyChange(new AddAxiom(ont, ax));
        // Now lets add a version info annotation to the ontology. There is no
        // 'standard' OWL 1.1 annotation object for this, like there is for
        // comments and labels, so the creation of the annotation is a bit more
        // involved. First we'll create a constant for the annotation value.
        // Version info should probably contain a version number for the
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                .create(EXAMPLE_IRI + "#hasFather"));
        // matthew --> hasFather --> peter
        OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom assertion = df
                .getOWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom(hasFather, matthew, peter);
        // Finally, add the axiom to our ontology and save
        AddAxiom addAxiomChange = new AddAxiom(o, assertion);
        // matthew is an instance of Person
        OWLClass personClass = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(EXAMPLE_IRI
                + "#Person"));
        OWLClassAssertionAxiom ax = df.getOWLClassAssertionAxiom(personClass,
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                hasPart, nose);
        OWLClass head = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(EXAMPLE_IRI + "#Head"));
        // Head subclass of our restriction
        OWLSubClassOfAxiom ax = df.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(head, hasPartSomeNose);
        // Add the axiom to our ontology
        AddAxiom addAx = new AddAxiom(o, ax);
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Related Classes of org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.AddAxiom

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