public OWLAxiom convert(ATermAppl term) {
OWLAxiom axiom = null;
if( term.getAFun().equals( ATermUtils.EQCLASSFUN ) ) {
OWLDescription c1 = (OWLDescription) conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term
.getArgument( 0 ) );
OWLDescription c2 = (OWLDescription) conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term
.getArgument( 1 ) );
Set<OWLDescription> descriptions = new HashSet<OWLDescription>();
descriptions.add( c1 );
descriptions.add( c2 );
if( c1 != null && c2 != null )
axiom = factory.getOWLEquivalentClassesAxiom( descriptions );
else if( term.getAFun().equals( ATermUtils.SUBFUN ) ) {
OWLDescription c1 = (OWLDescription) conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term
.getArgument( 0 ) );
OWLDescription c2 = (OWLDescription) conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term
.getArgument( 1 ) );
if( c1 != null && c2 != null )
axiom = factory.getOWLSubClassAxiom( c1, c2 );
else if( term.getAFun().equals( ATermUtils.DISJOINTSFUN ) ) {
Set<OWLDescription> descriptions = new HashSet<OWLDescription>();
ATermList concepts = (ATermList) term.getArgument( 0 );
for( ; !concepts.isEmpty(); concepts = concepts.getNext() ) {
ATermAppl concept = (ATermAppl) concepts.getFirst();
OWLDescription c = (OWLDescription) conceptConverter.convert( concept );
if( c == null )
descriptions.add( c );
// if no error occurred list will be empty
if( concepts.isEmpty() )
axiom = factory.getOWLDisjointClassesAxiom( descriptions );
else if( term.getAFun().equals( ATermUtils.DISJOINTFUN ) ) {
OWLDescription c1 = (OWLDescription) conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term
.getArgument( 0 ) );
OWLDescription c2 = (OWLDescription) conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term
.getArgument( 1 ) );
Set<OWLDescription> descriptions = new HashSet<OWLDescription>();
descriptions.add( c1 );
descriptions.add( c2 );
if( c1 != null && c2 != null )
axiom = factory.getOWLDisjointClassesAxiom( descriptions );
else if( term.getAFun().equals( ATermUtils.DISJOINTPROPSFUN ) ) {
// Set<OWLProperty<?,?>> properties = new
// HashSet<OWLProperty<?,?>>();
Set properties = new HashSet();
Boolean isObjectProps = null;
ATermList props = (ATermList) term.getArgument( 0 );
for( ; !props.isEmpty(); props = props.getNext() ) {
OWLObject p = conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term.getArgument( 0 ) );
if( p == null )
boolean isObjectProp = p instanceof OWLObjectProperty;
if( !isObjectProp && !(p instanceof OWLDataProperty) )
if( isObjectProps == null )
isObjectProps = isObjectProp;
else if( isObjectProps != isObjectProp )
properties.add( (OWLProperty<?, ?>) p );
// if no error occurred list will be empty
if( props.isEmpty() ) {
if( isObjectProps )
axiom = factory
.getOWLDisjointObjectPropertiesAxiom( (Set<? extends OWLObjectPropertyExpression>) properties );
axiom = factory
.getOWLDisjointDataPropertiesAxiom( (Set<? extends OWLDataPropertyExpression>) properties );
else if( term.getAFun().equals( ATermUtils.DISJOINTPROPFUN ) ) {
OWLObject p1 = conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term.getArgument( 0 ) );
OWLObject p2 = conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term.getArgument( 1 ) );
if( p1 != null && p2 != null ) {
if( p1 instanceof OWLObjectProperty && p2 instanceof OWLObjectProperty )
axiom = factory.getOWLDisjointObjectPropertiesAxiom( SetUtils.create(
(OWLObjectProperty) p1, (OWLObjectProperty) p2 ) );
else if( p1 instanceof OWLDataProperty && p2 instanceof OWLDataProperty )
axiom = factory.getOWLDisjointDataPropertiesAxiom( SetUtils.create(
(OWLDataProperty) p1, (OWLDataProperty) p2 ) );
else if( term.getAFun().equals( ATermUtils.SUBPROPFUN ) ) {
if( term.getArgument( 0 ) instanceof ATermList ) {
List<OWLObjectPropertyExpression> subs = new ArrayList<OWLObjectPropertyExpression>();
for( ATermList list = (ATermList) term.getArgument( 0 ); !list.isEmpty(); list = list
.getNext() ) {
OWLObjectPropertyExpression p = (OWLObjectPropertyExpression) conceptConverter
.convert( (ATermAppl) list.getFirst() );
if( p == null ) {
subs = null;
subs.add( p );
OWLObjectProperty sup = (OWLObjectProperty) conceptConverter
.convert( (ATermAppl) term.getArgument( 1 ) );
if( subs != null && sup != null ) {
axiom = factory.getOWLObjectPropertyChainSubPropertyAxiom( subs, sup );
else {
OWLObject p1 = conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term.getArgument( 0 ) );
OWLObject p2 = conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term.getArgument( 1 ) );
if( p1 != null && p2 != null ) {
if( p1 instanceof OWLObjectPropertyExpression && p2 instanceof OWLObjectPropertyExpression )
axiom = factory.getOWLSubObjectPropertyAxiom( (OWLObjectPropertyExpression) p1,
(OWLObjectPropertyExpression) p2 );
else if( p1 instanceof OWLDataProperty && p2 instanceof OWLDataProperty )
axiom = factory.getOWLSubDataPropertyAxiom( (OWLDataProperty) p1,
(OWLDataProperty) p2 );
else if( term.getAFun().equals( ATermUtils.EQPROPFUN ) ) {
OWLObject p1 = conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term.getArgument( 0 ) );
OWLObject p2 = conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term.getArgument( 1 ) );
if( p1 != null && p2 != null ) {
if( p1 instanceof OWLObjectProperty && p2 instanceof OWLObjectProperty )
axiom = factory.getOWLEquivalentObjectPropertiesAxiom( SetUtils.create(
(OWLObjectProperty) p1, (OWLObjectProperty) p2 ) );
else if( p1 instanceof OWLDataProperty && p2 instanceof OWLDataProperty )
axiom = factory.getOWLEquivalentDataPropertiesAxiom( SetUtils.create(
(OWLDataProperty) p1, (OWLDataProperty) p2 ) );
else if( term.getAFun().equals( ATermUtils.DOMAINFUN ) ) {
OWLObject p = conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term.getArgument( 0 ) );
OWLDescription c = (OWLDescription) conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term
.getArgument( 1 ) );
if( c != null && p != null ) {
if( p instanceof OWLObjectProperty )
axiom = factory.getOWLObjectPropertyDomainAxiom(
(OWLObjectPropertyExpression) p, c );
axiom = factory
.getOWLDataPropertyDomainAxiom( (OWLDataPropertyExpression) p, c );
else if( term.getAFun().equals( ATermUtils.RANGEFUN ) ) {
OWLPropertyRange e = (OWLPropertyRange) conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term
.getArgument( 1 ) );
if( e != null ) {
if( e instanceof OWLDescription ) {
OWLObjectProperty p = (OWLObjectProperty) conceptConverter
.convert( (ATermAppl) term.getArgument( 0 ) );
if( p != null )
axiom = factory.getOWLObjectPropertyRangeAxiom( p, (OWLDescription) e );
else {
OWLDataProperty p = (OWLDataProperty) conceptConverter
.convert( (ATermAppl) term.getArgument( 0 ) );
if( p != null )
axiom = factory.getOWLDataPropertyRangeAxiom( p, (OWLDataRange) e );
else if( term.getAFun().equals( ATermUtils.INVPROPFUN ) ) {
OWLObjectProperty p1 = (OWLObjectProperty) conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term
.getArgument( 0 ) );
OWLObjectProperty p2 = (OWLObjectProperty) conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term
.getArgument( 1 ) );
if( p1 != null && p2 != null )
axiom = factory.getOWLInverseObjectPropertiesAxiom( p1, p2 );
else if( term.getAFun().equals( ATermUtils.TRANSITIVEFUN ) ) {
OWLObjectProperty p = (OWLObjectProperty) conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term
.getArgument( 0 ) );
if( p != null )
axiom = factory.getOWLTransitiveObjectPropertyAxiom( p );
else if( term.getAFun().equals( ATermUtils.FUNCTIONALFUN ) ) {
OWLObject p = conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term.getArgument( 0 ) );
if( p != null ) {
if( p instanceof OWLObjectProperty )
axiom = factory
.getOWLFunctionalObjectPropertyAxiom( (OWLObjectPropertyExpression) p );
else if( p instanceof OWLDataProperty )
axiom = factory
.getOWLFunctionalDataPropertyAxiom( (OWLDataPropertyExpression) p );
else if( term.getAFun().equals( ATermUtils.INVFUNCTIONALFUN ) ) {
OWLObjectProperty p = (OWLObjectProperty) conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term
.getArgument( 0 ) );
if( p != null )
axiom = factory.getOWLInverseFunctionalObjectPropertyAxiom( p );
else if( term.getAFun().equals( ATermUtils.SYMMETRICFUN ) ) {
OWLObject p = conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term.getArgument( 0 ) );
if( p != null && p instanceof OWLObjectPropertyExpression )
axiom = factory
.getOWLSymmetricObjectPropertyAxiom( (OWLObjectPropertyExpression) p );
else if( term.getAFun().equals( ATermUtils.ASYMMETRICFUN ) ) {
OWLObject p = conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term.getArgument( 0 ) );
if( p != null && p instanceof OWLObjectPropertyExpression )
axiom = factory
.getOWLAntiSymmetricObjectPropertyAxiom( (OWLObjectPropertyExpression) p );
else if( term.getAFun().equals( ATermUtils.REFLEXIVEFUN ) ) {
OWLObject p = conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term.getArgument( 0 ) );
if( p != null && p instanceof OWLObjectPropertyExpression )
axiom = factory
.getOWLReflexiveObjectPropertyAxiom( (OWLObjectPropertyExpression) p );
else if( term.getAFun().equals( ATermUtils.IRREFLEXIVEFUN ) ) {
OWLObject p = conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term.getArgument( 0 ) );
if( p != null && p instanceof OWLObjectPropertyExpression )
axiom = factory
.getOWLIrreflexiveObjectPropertyAxiom( (OWLObjectPropertyExpression) p );
else if( term.getAFun().equals( ATermUtils.TYPEFUN ) ) {
OWLIndividual i = (OWLIndividual) conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term
.getArgument( 0 ) );
OWLDescription c = (OWLDescription) conceptConverter.convert( (ATermAppl) term
.getArgument( 1 ) );
if( i != null && c != null )
axiom = factory.getOWLClassAssertionAxiom( i, c );