assertFalse("column TTL is not in the expected state", column.isSetTtl());
public void testWriteColumnsWithDeleteIfNullFromConstructor() throws Exception {
IThriftPool pool = new DebuggingPool(getCluster(), KEYSPACE, new OperandPolicy(3, true));
Bytes rowKey = Bytes.fromLong(Long.MAX_VALUE);
Bytes colName1 = Bytes.fromInt(1);
Bytes colName2 = Bytes.fromInt(2);
Mutator mutator = pool.createMutator();
assertTrue("Mutator is not in a valid state for this test", mutator.deleteIfNull);
List<Column> columns = mutator.newColumnList(
mutator.newColumn(colName1, (Bytes) null),
mutator.newColumn(colName2, Bytes.fromInt(1))
mutator.writeColumns(CF, rowKey, columns);
// make sure there is at least one deletion
boolean isOneDeletion = false;
for (Mutation mutation : mutator.getMutationList(CF, rowKey)) {
if (mutation.isSetDeletion()) {
isOneDeletion = true;
assertTrue("There should be one deletion", isOneDeletion);