Package org.richfaces.renderkit.html

Examples of org.richfaces.renderkit.html.Lifo$Element


    private void printImage( Element base ) throws JDOMException
        Element child = (Element)XPath.selectSingleNode( base, "TBODY/TR/TD/*" );
        if( child == null )
            child = base;
        Element img;
        String href;
        Map<Object,Object> map = new ForgetNullValuesLinkedHashMap();
        if( child.getName().equals( "A" ) )
            img = child.getChild( "IMG" );
            href = child.getAttributeValue( "href" );
            img = child;
            href = null;
        if( img == null )
        String src = trimLink( img.getAttributeValue( "src" ) );
        if( src == null )
        map.put( "align", base.getAttributeValue( "align" ) );
        map.put( "height", img.getAttributeValue( "height" ) );
        map.put( "width", img.getAttributeValue( "width" ) );
        map.put( "alt", img.getAttributeValue( "alt" ) );
        map.put( "caption", emptyToNull( XPath.newInstance( "CAPTION" ).valueOf( base ) ) );
        map.put( "link", href );
        map.put( "border", img.getAttributeValue( "border" ) );
        map.put( "style", base.getAttributeValue( "style" ) );
        if( map.size() > 0 )
            m_out.print( "[{Image src='" + src + "'" );
            for( Iterator i = map.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
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     * @param xmlStream stream to parse
    private void parseConfigFile( InputStream xmlStream ) {
      List< Element > pageFilters = XmlUtil.parse( xmlStream, "/pagefilters/filter" );
        for( Iterator< Element > i = pageFilters.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
            Element f =;
            String filterClass = f.getChildText( "class" );
            Properties props = new Properties();
            List< Element > params = f.getChildren( "param" );
            for( Iterator< Element > par = params.iterator(); par.hasNext(); ) {
                Element p =;
                props.setProperty( p.getChildText( "name" ), p.getChildText( "value" ) );

            initPageFilter( filterClass, props );
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        // Register all filters which have created a resource containing its properties.
        // Get all resources of all plugins.
        for( Iterator< Element > i = filters.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
            Element pluginEl =;
            String className = pluginEl.getAttributeValue( "class" );
            PageFilterInfo filterInfo = PageFilterInfo.newInstance( className, pluginEl );
            if( filterInfo != null ) {
                registerFilter( filterInfo );
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    public String getString() throws IOException
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(1000);
        Element ce = m_document.getRootElement();
        //  Traverse through the entire tree of everything.
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                    while ( ch == '-' );

                    pushElement( new Element("hr") );
                    return popElement( "hr" );

                pushBack( ch3 );
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    private Element handleHeading()
        throws IOException
        Element el = null;

        int ch  = nextToken();

        Heading hd = new Heading();
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         if( strBullets.substring(0,Math.min(numBullets,m_genlistlevel)).equals
            (m_genlistBulletBuffer.substring(0,Math.min(numBullets,m_genlistlevel)) ) )
             if( numBullets > m_genlistlevel )
                 pushElement( new Element( getListType(strBullets.charAt(m_genlistlevel++) ) ) );

                 for( ; m_genlistlevel < numBullets; m_genlistlevel++ )
                     // bullets are growing, get from new bullet list
                     pushElement( new Element("li") );
                     pushElement( new Element( getListType(strBullets.charAt(m_genlistlevel)) ));
             else if( numBullets < m_genlistlevel )
                 //  Close the previous list item.
                 // buf.append( m_renderer.closeListItem() );
                 popElement( "li" );

                 for( ; m_genlistlevel > numBullets; m_genlistlevel-- )
                     // bullets are shrinking, get from old bullet list

                     popElement( getListType(m_genlistBulletBuffer.charAt(m_genlistlevel-1)) );
                     if( m_genlistlevel > 0 )
                         popElement( "li" );

                 if( m_genlistlevel > 0 )
                     popElement( "li" );
             //  The pattern has changed, unwind and restart
             int  numEqualBullets;
             int  numCheckBullets;

             // find out how much is the same
             numEqualBullets = 0;
             numCheckBullets = Math.min(numBullets,m_genlistlevel);

             while( numEqualBullets < numCheckBullets )
                 // if the bullets are equal so far, keep going
                 if( strBullets.charAt(numEqualBullets) == m_genlistBulletBuffer.charAt(numEqualBullets))
                 // otherwise giveup, we have found how many are equal

             for( ; m_genlistlevel > numEqualBullets; m_genlistlevel-- )
                 popElement( getListType( m_genlistBulletBuffer.charAt(m_genlistlevel-1) ) );
                 if( m_genlistlevel > numBullets )


             pushElement( new Element(getListType( strBullets.charAt(numEqualBullets++) ) ) );
             for(int i = numEqualBullets; i < numBullets; i++)
                 pushElement( new Element("li") );
                 pushElement( new Element( getListType( strBullets.charAt(i) ) ) );
             m_genlistlevel = numBullets;

         //  Push a new list item, and eat away any extra whitespace
         pushElement( new Element("li") );
         readWhile(" ");

         // work done, remember the new bullet list (in place of old one)
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            m_isdefinition = true;


            pushElement( new Element("dl") );
            return pushElement( new Element("dt") );

        return null;
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    private Element handleDiv( boolean newLine )
        throws IOException
        int ch = nextToken();
        Element el = null;

        if( ch == '%' )
            String style = null;
            String clazz = null;

            ch = nextToken();

            //  Style or class?
            if( ch == '(' )
                style = readBraceContent('(',')');
            else if( Character.isLetter( (char) ch ) )
                pushBack( ch );
                clazz = readUntil( " \t\n\r" );
                ch = nextToken();

                //  Pop out only spaces, so that the upcoming EOL check does not check the
                //  next line.
                if( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' )
                // Anything else stops.


                    Boolean isSpan = m_styleStack.pop();

                    if( isSpan == null )
                        // Fail quietly
                    else if( isSpan.booleanValue() )
                        el = popElement( "span" );
                        el = popElement( "div" );
                catch( EmptyStackException e )
                    log.debug("Page '"+m_context.getName()+"' closes a %%-block that has not been opened.");
                    return m_currentElement;

                return el;

            //  Check if there is an attempt to do something nasty
                style = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(style);
                if( style != null && style.indexOf("javascript:") != -1 )
                    log.debug("Attempt to output javascript within CSS:"+style);
                    ResourceBundle rb = Preferences.getBundle( m_context, InternationalizationManager.CORE_BUNDLE );
                    return addElement( makeError( rb.getString( "markupparser.error.javascriptattempt" ) ) );
            catch( NumberFormatException e )
                //  If there are unknown entities, we don't want the parser to stop.
                ResourceBundle rb = Preferences.getBundle( m_context, InternationalizationManager.CORE_BUNDLE );
                String msg = MessageFormat.format( rb.getString( "markupparser.error.parserfailure"), e.getMessage() );
                return addElement( makeError( msg ) );

            //  Decide if we should open a div or a span?
            String eol = peekAheadLine();

            if( eol.trim().length() > 0 )
                // There is stuff after the class

                el = new Element("span");

                m_styleStack.push( Boolean.TRUE );
                el = new Element("div");
                m_styleStack.push( Boolean.FALSE );

            if( style != null ) el.setAttribute("style", style);
            if( clazz != null ) el.setAttribute("class", clazz );
            el = pushElement( el );

            return el;

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    private Element handleBar( boolean newLine )
        throws IOException
        Element el = null;

        if( !m_istable && !newLine )
            return null;

        //  If the bar is in the first column, we will either start
        //  a new table or continue the old one.

        if( newLine )
            if( !m_istable )
                el = pushElement( new Element("table").setAttribute("class","wikitable").setAttribute("border","1") );
                m_istable = true;
                m_rowNum = 0;

            Element tr = ( m_rowNum % 2 != 0 )
                       ? new Element("tr").setAttribute("class", "odd")
                       : new Element("tr");
            el = pushElement( tr );

        //  Check out which table cell element to start;
        //  a header element (th) or a regular element (td).
        int ch = nextToken();

        if( ch == '|' )
            if( !newLine )
                el = popElement("th");
                if( el == null ) popElement("td");
            el = pushElement( new Element("th") );
            if( !newLine )
                el = popElement("td");
                if( el == null ) popElement("th");

            el = pushElement( new Element("td") );

            pushBack( ch );

        return el;
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Related Classes of org.richfaces.renderkit.html.Lifo$Element

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