Package org.rhq.plugins.jbossas5.util

Examples of org.rhq.plugins.jbossas5.util.Ejb2BeanUtils

  public Set<DiscoveredResourceDetails> discoverResources(
      ResourceDiscoveryContext discoveryContext)
      throws InvalidPluginConfigurationException, Exception {

    Set<DiscoveredResourceDetails> discoveredResources = new HashSet<DiscoveredResourceDetails>();
    ProfileServiceConnection connection = ((ApplicationServerComponent) discoveryContext.getParentResourceComponent()).getConnection();
    ManagedComponent mc = ProfileServiceUtil.getManagedComponent(connection,
        new ComponentType(
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    getDeployer().deploy(createResourceReport, createResourceReport.getResourceType());

    private Deployer getDeployer() {
        ProfileServiceConnection profileServiceConnection = getConnection();
        return new RemoteDeployer(profileServiceConnection, this.resourceContext);
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  public Set<DiscoveredResourceDetails> discoverResources(
      ResourceDiscoveryContext discoveryContext)
      throws InvalidPluginConfigurationException, Exception {
    Set<DiscoveredResourceDetails> discoveredResources = new HashSet<DiscoveredResourceDetails>();
    ProfileServiceConnection connection = ((PlatformComponent) discoveryContext

    Set<ManagedComponent> vdbs = ProfileServiceUtil
        .getManagedComponents(connection, new ComponentType(
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      ResourceDiscoveryContext discoveryContext)
      throws InvalidPluginConfigurationException, Exception {
    Set<DiscoveredResourceDetails> discoveredResources = new HashSet<DiscoveredResourceDetails>();
    VDBComponent parenComponent = (VDBComponent) discoveryContext
    ProfileServiceConnection connection = parenComponent.getConnection();

    ManagedComponent mcVdb = ProfileServiceUtil.getManagedComponent(
        connection, new ComponentType(
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  public void deleteResource() throws Exception {
        Configuration pluginConfiguration = getResourceContext().getPluginConfiguration();
        String fullFileName = pluginConfiguration.getSimple("deployment").getStringValue();
        ESB5Component jbossASComponent = (ESB5Component) getResourceContext().getParentResourceComponent();
        ProfileServiceConnection profileServiceConnection = jbossASComponent.getConnection();
        DeploymentManager deployMgr = profileServiceConnection.getDeploymentManager();

        String repositoryName = null;
        String [] arr = deployMgr.getRepositoryNames(new String[] {fullFileName});
        for (int i = 0; i<arr.length; i++) {
          repositoryName = arr[i];
        if (repositoryName != null) {
          DeploymentProgress stop   = null;
          try {
            stop = deployMgr.stop(repositoryName);
              if (stop != null)
          } catch (Throwable t) {
            log.error("Could not find deployment to delete.  " + t.getMessage());  
          } finally {

          DeploymentStatus stopStatus = stop.getDeploymentStatus();         
          if (stopStatus.isFailed()) {
            if ((stopStatus.getFailure() != null) && (stopStatus.getFailure().getCause() != null)
                && (stopStatus.getFailure().getCause() instanceof java.lang.NullPointerException)) {                   
              // jon 2.3 case
              // If we get a NPE here, it means that the .esb deployment has already been deleted
                  // Return here because otherwise JON will not update and remove the deployment
                  log.error("Failed to stop deployment '" + repositoryName + "'.", stopStatus.getFailure());

              } else if ((stopStatus.getFailure().getCause() != null)
                && (stopStatus.getFailure().getCause() instanceof org.jboss.profileservice.spi.NoSuchDeploymentException)) {
                  // jon 2.4 case
                // If we get a NPE here, it means that the .esb deployment has already been deleted
                  // Return here because otherwise JON will not update and remove the deployment
                  log.error("Failed to stop deployment '" + repositoryName + "'.", stopStatus.getFailure());
              log.error("Failed to stop deployment '" + repositoryName + "'.", stopStatus.getFailure());
              throw new Exception("Failed to stop deployment '" + repositoryName + "' - cause: "
                  + stopStatus.getFailure());
            DeploymentProgress remove = deployMgr.remove(repositoryName);       
            if (remove != null) {
              DeploymentStatus status = remove.getDeploymentStatus();
              if (status.isFailed()) {
                log.error("Failed to remove deployment '" + repositoryName + "'.", status.getFailure());
                throw new Exception("Failed to remove deployment '" + repositoryName + ".    "
                    + "If the deployment has already been removed through other means and you want to "
                    + "remove it from JON, uninventory it from the Resources section.   Cause: "
                    + status.getFailure());
            } else {
              throw new RuntimeException("Did not find Deployment " + fullFileName);         

        ManagementView mView = profileServiceConnection.getManagementView();
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        try {
            String jbossHomeDir = resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent().getResourceContext()
                .getPluginConfiguration().getSimpleValue(ApplicationServerPluginConfigurationProperties.HOME_DIR, null);
            SystemInfo systemInfo = resourceContext.getSystemInformation();
            ProfileServiceConnection profileServiceConnection = resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent()

            ScriptDeployer deployer = new ScriptDeployer(jbossHomeDir, systemInfo, new RemoteDownloader(
                resourceContext, true, profileServiceConnection));
            ResourcePackageDetails packageDetails = packages.iterator().next();
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        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to backup existing " + resourceTypeName + "'" + deploymentFile
                + "' to '" + backupOfOriginalFile + "'.");

        ProfileServiceConnection connection = getConnection();
        if (connection == null) {
            DeployPackagesResponse response = new DeployPackagesResponse(ContentResponseResult.FAILURE);
            response.setOverallRequestErrorMessage("No profile service connection available");
            return response;

        DeploymentManager deploymentManager = connection.getDeploymentManager();

        // as crazy as it might sound, there is apparently no way for you to ask the profile service
        // if a deployment was deployed to the farm profile. Thus, we must resort to a poor man's solution:
        // if the deployment name has the "farm/" directory in it, assume it needs to be deployed to the farm
        boolean deployFarmed = getDeploymentKey().contains("/farm/");
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    public void deleteResource() throws Exception {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Deleting " + getResourceDescription() + "...");

        ProfileServiceConnection connection = getConnection();
        if (connection == null) {
            throw new Exception("No profile service connection available");

        DeploymentManager deploymentManager = connection.getDeploymentManager();
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // The deployment no longer exists, so there's nothing for us to do. Someone most likely undeployed it
            // outside of Jopr or EmbJopr, e.g. via the jmx-console or by deleting the app file from the deploy dir.
            LOG.warn("Cannot delete the deployment [" + getDeploymentKey() + "], since it no longer exists");

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Stopping deployment [" + getDeploymentKey() + "]...");

        String deploymentName = getDeploymentName();
        if (deploymentName == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Deployment " + getDeploymentKey() + " has vanished");

        DeploymentProgress progress = deploymentManager.stop(deploymentName);
        DeploymentStatus stopStatus =;
        if (stopStatus.isFailed()) {
            LOG.error("Failed to stop deployment '" + deploymentName + "'.", stopStatus.getFailure());
            throw new Exception("Failed to stop deployment '" + deploymentName + "' - cause: "
                + stopStatus.getFailure());
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Removing deployment [" + deploymentName + "]...");
        progress = deploymentManager.remove(deploymentName);
        DeploymentStatus removeStatus =;
        if (removeStatus.isFailed()) {
            LOG.error("Failed to remove deployment '" + deploymentName + "'.", removeStatus.getFailure());
            throw new Exception("Failed to remove deployment '" + deploymentName + "' - cause: "
                + removeStatus.getFailure());
        ManagementView managementView = connection.getManagementView();
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    private String getNewResourceKey(ResourceUpgradeContext<ProfileServiceComponent<?>> upgradeContext,
        String existingResourceKey) {

        String newResourceKey;
        ProfileServiceConnection connection = upgradeContext.getParentResourceComponent().getConnection();
        if (connection == null) {
            LOG.warn(getClass().getName() + ": could not upgrade resource, no profile service connection available");
            return null;
        ManagementView managementView = connection.getManagementView();
        ManagedDeployment deployment;
        try {
            deployment = managementView.getDeployment(existingResourceKey);
        } catch (NoSuchDeploymentException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e);
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        componentName = context.getPluginConfiguration().getSimple(PlatformDiscoveryComponent.PLATFORM_COMPONENT_NAME)

        ProfileServiceConnection connection = context.getParentResourceComponent().getConnection();

        ManagementView managementView = connection.getManagementView();

        ManagedDeployment deploy = managementView.getDeployment(deployName);
        if (deploy != null) {
            Map<String, ManagedComponent> components = deploy.getComponents();
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Related Classes of org.rhq.plugins.jbossas5.util.Ejb2BeanUtils

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