properties.put("proxy-url", "/rootWebappUrl");
for (String name : properties.keySet()) {//load all properties for update.
conf.put(new PropertySimple(name, properties.get(name)));
CompositeOperation cop = delegate.updateGenerateOperationFromProperties(conf, new Address());
assert cop.numberOfSteps() == properties.size() : "Composite operation steps incorrect. Expected '"
+ properties.size() + "' but was '" + cop.numberOfSteps() + "'.";
//check property values
for (int i = 0; i < cop.numberOfSteps(); i++) {
//each property maps to a separate operation.
Operation step = cop.step(i);
assert step.getOperation().equals("write-attribute") : "Write attribute not set correctly.";
Map<String, Object> props = step.getAdditionalProperties();
assert props.size() == 2 : "Property list not correct. Expected '2' property but there were '"
+ props.size() + "'.";
//check that property was returned