Package org.rhq.modules.plugins.jbossas7.helper

Examples of org.rhq.modules.plugins.jbossas7.helper.ServerPluginConfiguration$Property

    public Set<DiscoveredResourceDetails> discoverResources(ResourceDiscoveryContext<BaseComponent<?>> context)
        throws Exception {

        BaseComponent<?> parentComponent = context.getParentResourceComponent();
        BaseServerComponent baseServerComponent = parentComponent.getServerComponent();
        ServerPluginConfiguration serverPluginConfiguration = baseServerComponent.getServerPluginConfiguration();
        JBossProductType productType = serverPluginConfiguration.getProductType();

        Configuration pluginConfig = context.getDefaultPluginConfiguration();

        int port;
        String username, password;
        if (parentComponent instanceof ManagedASComponent) {
            ManagedASComponent managedASComponent = (ManagedASComponent) parentComponent;
            Configuration managedASConfig = managedASComponent.loadResourceConfiguration();
            PropertySimple offsetProp = managedASConfig.getSimple(MANAGED_SERVER_PORT_OFFSET_PROPERTY_NAME);
            if (offsetProp == null) {
                LOG.warn("Could not find Managed Server socket binding offset, skipping discovery");
                return Collections.emptySet();
            if (productType != WILDFLY8) {
                port = DOMAIN_REMOTING_PORT_DEFAULT;
            } else {
                port = HTTP_PORT_DEFAULT;
            port +=  offsetProp.getIntegerValue();
            String[] credentials = getCredentialsForManagedAS();
            username = credentials[0];
            password = credentials[1];
        } else if (parentComponent instanceof StandaloneASComponent) {
            port = serverPluginConfiguration.getPort();
            if (productType != WILDFLY8) {
                port += STANDALONE_REMOTING_PORT_OFFSET;
            username = serverPluginConfiguration.getUser();
            password = serverPluginConfiguration.getPassword();
        } else {
            LOG.warn(parentComponent + " is not a supported parent component");
            return Collections.emptySet();

        String clientJarPath = "bin" + File.separator + "client" + File.separator + "jboss-client.jar";
        File clientJarFile = new File(serverPluginConfiguration.getHomeDir(), clientJarPath);
        if (!clientJarFile.isFile()) {
            LOG.warn(clientJarFile + " does not exist.");
            return Collections.emptySet();

        pluginConfig.setSimpleValue(HOSTNAME, serverPluginConfiguration.getHostname());
        pluginConfig.setSimpleValue(PORT, String.valueOf(port));
        pluginConfig.setSimpleValue(USERNAME, username);
        pluginConfig.setSimpleValue(PASSWORD, password);
        pluginConfig.setSimpleValue(CLIENT_JAR_LOCATION, clientJarFile.getAbsolutePath());
        pluginConfig.setSimpleValue(PROTOCOL, productType == WILDFLY8 ? "http-remoting-jmx" : "remoting-jmx");
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    protected DiscoveredResourceDetails buildResourceDetails(ResourceDiscoveryContext discoveryContext,
        ProcessInfo process, AS7CommandLine commandLine) throws Exception {
        Configuration pluginConfig = discoveryContext.getDefaultPluginConfiguration();
        ServerPluginConfiguration serverPluginConfig = new ServerPluginConfiguration(pluginConfig);

        File homeDir = getHomeDir(process, commandLine);

        File baseDir = getBaseDir(process, commandLine, homeDir);

        File configDir = getConfigDir(process, commandLine, baseDir);

        File hostXmlFile = getHostXmlFile(commandLine, configDir);
        if (!hostXmlFile.exists()) {
            throw new Exception("Server configuration file not found at the expected location (" + hostXmlFile + ").");

        // This is a "hidden" plugin config prop, i.e. it is intentionally not defined in the plugin descriptor.

        // This method must be called before getHostConfiguration() can be called.
        HostConfiguration hostConfig = loadHostConfiguration(hostXmlFile);

        String domainHost = findHost(hostXmlFile);
        // this property is DEPRECATED we don't need it during discovery
        pluginConfig.setSimpleValue("domainHost", domainHost);

        File logDir = getLogDir(process, commandLine, baseDir);

        File logFile = getLogFile(logDir);
        initLogEventSourcesConfigProp(logFile.getPath(), pluginConfig);

        HostPort managementHostPort = hostConfig.getManagementHostPort(commandLine, getMode());
        HostPort nativeHostPort = hostConfig.getNativeHostPort(commandLine, getMode());
        pluginConfig.setSimpleValue("realm", hostConfig.getManagementSecurityRealm());
        String apiVersion = hostConfig.getDomainApiVersion();
        JBossProductType productType = JBossProductType.determineJBossProductType(homeDir, apiVersion);
        pluginConfig.setSimpleValue("expectedRuntimeProductName", productType.PRODUCT_NAME);
        pluginConfig.setSimpleValue("hostXmlFileName", getHostXmlFileName(commandLine));

        ProcessInfo agentProcess = discoveryContext.getSystemInformation().getThisProcess();
        setStartScriptPluginConfigProps(process, commandLine, pluginConfig, agentProcess);
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    // Manually add a (remote) AS7 instance.
    public DiscoveredResourceDetails discoverResource(Configuration pluginConfig, ResourceDiscoveryContext context)
        throws InvalidPluginConfigurationException {
        ServerPluginConfiguration serverPluginConfig = new ServerPluginConfiguration(pluginConfig);

        String hostname = serverPluginConfig.getHostname();
        Integer port = serverPluginConfig.getPort();
        String user = serverPluginConfig.getUser();

        if (hostname == null || port == null) {
            throw new InvalidPluginConfigurationException("Hostname and port must both be set.");
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        ResourceUpgradeReport report = new ResourceUpgradeReport();
        boolean upgraded = false;

        String currentResourceKey = inventoriedResource.getResourceKey();
        Configuration pluginConfiguration = inventoriedResource.getPluginConfiguration();
        ServerPluginConfiguration serverPluginConfiguration = new ServerPluginConfiguration(pluginConfiguration);

        boolean hasLocalResourcePrefix = currentResourceKey.startsWith(LOCAL_RESOURCE_KEY_PREFIX);
        boolean hasRemoteResourcePrefix = currentResourceKey.startsWith(REMOTE_RESOURCE_KEY_PREFIX);
        if (!hasLocalResourcePrefix && !hasRemoteResourcePrefix) {
            // Resource key in wrong format
            upgraded = true;
            if (new File(currentResourceKey).isDirectory()) {
                // Old key format for a local resource (key is base dir)
            } else if (currentResourceKey.contains(":")) {
                // Old key format for a remote (manually added) resource (key is base dir)
            } else {
                upgraded = false;
                LOG.warn("Unknown format, cannot upgrade resource key [" + currentResourceKey + "]");
        } else if (hasLocalResourcePrefix) {
            String configFilePath = currentResourceKey.substring(LOCAL_RESOURCE_KEY_PREFIX.length());
            File configFile = new File(configFilePath);
            try {
                String configFileCanonicalPath = configFile.getCanonicalPath();
                if (!configFileCanonicalPath.equals(configFilePath)) {
                    upgraded = true;
                    report.setNewResourceKey(LOCAL_RESOURCE_KEY_PREFIX + configFileCanonicalPath);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.warn("Unexpected IOException while converting host config file path to its canonical form", e);

        if (pluginConfiguration.getSimpleValue("expectedRuntimeProductName") == null) {
            upgraded = true;

        String supportsPatching = pluginConfiguration.getSimpleValue("supportsPatching");
        if (supportsPatching == null || supportsPatching.startsWith("__UNINITIALIZED_")) {
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        // Since our properties are can be added at parent resource creation time, we have to make sure they are added.
        if (report.getStatus() == CreateResourceStatus.SUCCESS) {
            // Now we have to send this as an update, so the properties are created properly
            ConfigurationUpdateReport updateReport = new ConfigurationUpdateReport(report.getResourceConfiguration());
            ConfigurationDefinition configDef = report.getResourceType().getResourceConfigurationDefinition();
            Address address = new Address(getAddress());
            ConfigurationWriteDelegate delegate = new ConfigurationWriteDelegate(configDef, getASConnection(), address);

            if (updateReport.getStatus() != ConfigurationUpdateStatus.SUCCESS) {
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            report.setErrorMessage("No flavor given");

            return report;
        String newName = report.getUserSpecifiedResourceName();
        Address address = new Address(this.getAddress());
        Operation add = new Operation("add",address);
        for (Property prop: config.getProperties()) {
            if (prop.getName().equals(FLAVOR)) {
            PropertySimple ps = (PropertySimple) prop;
            add.addAdditionalProperty(prop.getName(),ps.getStringValue()); // TODO format conversion?

        Result result = getASConnection().execute(add);
        if (result.isSuccess()) {
        else {
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        if ((parentConfPath != null) && (!parentConfPath.isEmpty())) {
            path = parentConfPath + "," + confPath;//Ex. profile=standalone-ha,subsystem=security

        String name;//name=security
        Address address = new Address(path);

        //process the specific nodes
        //Then we need to find out which of subchildren of ModOpsComponent is used i)security-domain=*
        //ii)[Authentication*,etc] or iii)[ModOptions]

        //path should already be right
        if (path.endsWith("security-domain")) {//individual security domain entries
            //ex. path => /subsystem=security/security-domain=(entry name)
            //find all children and iterate over and update name appropriately
            Address typeAddress = new Address(path);
            String childType = "security-domain";
            Result result = connection.execute(new ReadChildrenNames(typeAddress, childType));

            if (result.isSuccess()) {

                List<String> children = (List<String>) result.getResult();
                for (String child : children) {
                    //update the components for discovery
                    name = child;//ex. basic, databaseDomain
                    String currentChildPath = path + //ex. /subsystem=security,security-domain=jboss-web
                        "=" + child;
                    address = new Address(currentChildPath);
                    addDiscoveredResource(context, details, connection, currentChildPath, name, address);
        } else if (ifResourceIsSupportedModuleType(path)) {//is ModOptions map child
            //ex. path => /subsystem=security/security-domain=(entry name)/authentication=classic/login-modules
            //Ex. String attribute = "login-modules";
            String attribute = lookupAttributeType(path);
            //query all the module-options defined and discover them here
            //Ex. String typeAddress = "subsystem=security,security-domain=testDomain2,authentication=classic";
            String typeAddress = parentConfPath;
            ReadAttribute readModuleOptionType = new ReadAttribute(new Address(typeAddress), attribute);
            Result result = connection.execute(readModuleOptionType);
            if (result.isSuccess()) {
                List<Value> loadedLoginModuleTypes = ModuleOptionsComponent.populateSecurityDomainModuleOptions(result,
                for (int moduleIndex = 0; moduleIndex < loadedLoginModuleTypes.size(); moduleIndex++) {
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    protected boolean waitUntilDown() throws InterruptedException {
        boolean notAnswering = false;
        while (!notAnswering) {
            Operation op = new ReadAttribute(new Address(), "release-version");

            try {
                Result res = getASConnection().execute(op);
                if (!res.isSuccess()) { // If op succeeds, server is not down
                    notAnswering = true;
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    private boolean waitForServerToStart() throws InterruptedException {
        boolean up = false;
        while (!up) {
            Operation op = new ReadAttribute(new Address(), "release-version");
            try {
                Result res = getASConnection().execute(op);
                if (res.isSuccess()) { // If op succeeds, server is not down
                    up = true;
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     * The release version as returned by the "release-version" attribute of the root node in the management model.
    public String getReleaseVersion() {
        if (releaseVersion == null) {
            releaseVersion = (String) getASConnection().execute(new ReadAttribute(new Address(), "release-version"))

        return releaseVersion;
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Related Classes of org.rhq.modules.plugins.jbossas7.helper.ServerPluginConfiguration$Property

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