Package org.rhq.modules.plugins.jbossas7

Examples of org.rhq.modules.plugins.jbossas7.ServerControl$Lifecycle

            .setHost(DC_HOST) //
            .setPort(DC_HTTP_PORT) //
            .setUsername(MANAGEMENT_USERNAME) //
            .setPassword(MANAGEMENT_PASSWORD) //
        ASUploadConnection conn = new ASUploadConnection(asConnectionParams, fileName);
        OutputStream os = conn.getOutputStream();

        InputStream fis = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(deploymentPath);
        if (fis == null) {
            File inputFile = new File(deploymentPath);
            if (!inputFile.canRead()) {
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Input stream for path [" + deploymentPath
                    + "] could not be opened - does the file exist either in the test classpath or on the filesystem?");
            fis = new FileInputStream(inputFile);

        StreamUtil.copy(fis, os, false);
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // ignore

        JsonNode node = conn.finishUpload();
        //        System.out.println(node);
        assert node != null : "No result from upload - node was null";
        assert node.has("outcome") : "No outcome from upload";
        String outcome = node.get("outcome").getTextValue();
        assert outcome.equals("success") : "Upload was no success, but: [" + outcome + "]";
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    @Test(enabled = false)
    public void readSocketBindings() throws Exception {
        ConfigurationDefinition configDef = loadServiceDescriptor("SocketBindingGroupDomain");

        Address a = new Address("socket-binding-group=standard-sockets");
        ConfigurationLoadDelegate loadDelegate = new ConfigurationLoadDelegate(configDef,
            getDomainControllerASConnection(), a);
        Configuration conf = loadDelegate.loadResourceConfiguration();

        assert conf != null : "Did not get a configuration back";
        PropertySimple ps = conf.getSimple("default-interface");
        assert ps != null : "No property 'default-interface' found";
        String tmp = ps.getStringValue();
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    @Test(enabled = false)
    public void readUpdateSocketBindings() throws Exception {
        ConfigurationDefinition configDef = loadServiceDescriptor("SocketBindingGroupDomain");

        Address a = new Address("socket-binding-group=standard-sockets");
        ConfigurationLoadDelegate loadDelegate = new ConfigurationLoadDelegate(configDef,
            getDomainControllerASConnection(), a);
        Configuration conf = loadDelegate.loadResourceConfiguration();

        assert conf != null : "Did not get a configuration back";

        PropertyList pl = conf.getList("*");
        assert pl != null;
        List<Property> listContent = pl.getList();
        assert !listContent.isEmpty() : "List '*' has no elements";
        assert listContent.get(0) instanceof PropertyMap : "List content is no map";
        for (Property p : listContent) {
            PropertyMap pm = (PropertyMap) p;
            Map<String, Property> pmap = pm.getMap();
            assert pmap.size() == 6;
            PropertySimple name = (PropertySimple) pmap.get("name");
            assert name != null;
            assert name.getStringValue() != null;
            if ("http".equals(name.getStringValue())) {
                PropertySimple portProp = (PropertySimple) pmap.get("port");
                assert portProp != null;
                assert portProp.getStringValue() != null;

            if ("https".equals(name.getStringValue())) {
                PropertySimple portProp = (PropertySimple) pmap.get("port");
                assert portProp != null;
                assert portProp.getStringValue() != null;


        // We have changed http port to 8081 and https to 9443, lets write back

        ConfigurationWriteDelegate cwd = new ConfigurationWriteDelegate(configDef, getDomainControllerASConnection(), a);
        ConfigurationUpdateReport report = new ConfigurationUpdateReport(conf);
        assert report.getStatus() == ConfigurationUpdateStatus.SUCCESS;

        // now check the result (and change back)

        Configuration conf2 = loadDelegate.loadResourceConfiguration();
        assert conf2 != null : "Did not get a configuration back";
        List<Property> pl2 = conf.getList("*").getList();
        for (Property p : pl2) {
            PropertyMap pm = (PropertyMap) p;
            Map<String, Property> pmap = pm.getMap();
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            // Now we have to send this as an update, so the properties are created properly
            ConfigurationUpdateReport updateReport = new ConfigurationUpdateReport(report.getResourceConfiguration());
            ConfigurationDefinition configDef = report.getResourceType().getResourceConfigurationDefinition();
            Address address = new Address(getAddress());
            ConfigurationWriteDelegate delegate = new ConfigurationWriteDelegate(configDef, getASConnection(), address);

            if (updateReport.getStatus() != ConfigurationUpdateStatus.SUCCESS) {
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        // We have changed http port to 8081 and https to 9443, lets write back

        ConfigurationWriteDelegate cwd = new ConfigurationWriteDelegate(configDef, getDomainControllerASConnection(), a);
        ConfigurationUpdateReport report = new ConfigurationUpdateReport(conf);
        assert report.getStatus() == ConfigurationUpdateStatus.SUCCESS;

        // now check the result (and change back)

        Configuration conf2 = loadDelegate.loadResourceConfiguration();
        assert conf2 != null : "Did not get a configuration back";
        List<Property> pl2 = conf.getList("*").getList();
        for (Property p : pl2) {
            PropertyMap pm = (PropertyMap) p;
            Map<String, Property> pmap = pm.getMap();
            PropertySimple name = (PropertySimple) pmap.get("name");
            assert name != null;
            assert name.getStringValue() != null;
            if ("http".equals(name.getStringValue())) {
                PropertySimple portProp = (PropertySimple) pmap.get("port");
                assert portProp != null;
                assert portProp.getStringValue() != null;

            if ("https".equals(name.getStringValue())) {
                PropertySimple portProp = (PropertySimple) pmap.get("port");
                assert portProp != null;
                assert portProp.getStringValue() != null;

        report = new ConfigurationUpdateReport(conf);
        assert report.getStatus() == ConfigurationUpdateStatus.SUCCESS;
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      if (!name.startsWith(INTERNAL))

      name = name.substring(INTERNAL_SIZE);

      PluginStats stats = PluginStats.getInstance();
      MeasurementDataNumeric data;
      Double val;
      if (name.equals("mgmtRequests")) {
         val = (double) stats.getRequestCount();
      } else if (name.equals("requestTime")) {
         val = (double) stats.getRequestTime();
      } else if (name.equals("maxTime")) {
         val = (double) stats.getMaxTime();
      } else
         val = Double.NaN;

      data = new MeasurementDataNumeric(req, val);
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        return AvailabilityType.UP;

    public BundleDeployResult deployBundle(BundleDeployRequest request) {
        ServerControl control = onServer(request);

        Result<Void> check = sanityCheck(control, request.getReferencedConfiguration(),
            request.getBundleManagerProvider(), request.getResourceDeployment(),

        if (check.failed()) {
            BundleDeployResult result = new BundleDeployResult();

            return result;

        if (request.isRevert()) {
            return handleRevert(request);

        BundleDeployResult result = new BundleDeployResult();

        ASConnection connection = new ASConnection(
            ASConnectionParams.createFrom(new ServerPluginConfiguration(request.getReferencedConfiguration())));

        ProcessExecutionResults results;
        BundleManagerProvider bmp = request.getBundleManagerProvider();
        BundleResourceDeployment rd = request.getResourceDeployment();

        Result<Boolean> stop = stopIfNeeded(connection, control,
            request.getResourceDeployment().getBundleDeployment().getConfiguration(), bmp, rd);
        if (stop.failed()) {
            return result;

        boolean startUp = stop.result;

        try {
            StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder("patch apply --path=").append(

            Configuration bundleConfig = request.getResourceDeployment().getBundleDeployment().getConfiguration();
            String override = bundleConfig.getSimpleValue("override");
            String overrideAll = bundleConfig.getSimpleValue("override-all");
            String preserve = bundleConfig.getSimpleValue("preserve");
            String overrideModules = bundleConfig.getSimpleValue("override-modules");

            if (override != null) {
                command.append(" --override=").append(override);

            if (overrideAll != null) {
                command.append(" --override-all=").append(Boolean.valueOf(overrideAll));

            if (preserve != null) {
                command.append(" --preserve=").append(preserve);

            if (overrideModules != null) {
                command.append(" --override-modules=").append(overrideModules);

            // as a last thing before the deployment, check the patch history
            Result<List<PatchDetails>> historyBeforeDeployment = getPatchHistory(control, "deploy");
            if (historyBeforeDeployment.failed()) {
                return result;

            results = control.cli().disconnected(true).executeCliCommand(command.toString());

            switch (handleExecutionResults(results, bmp, rd, true)) {
            case EXECUTION_ERROR:
                    .setErrorMessage("Error while trying to execute patch command: " + results.getError().getMessage());
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    public BundlePurgeResult purgeBundle(BundlePurgeRequest request) {
        BundlePurgeResult result = new BundlePurgeResult();

        ServerControl control = ServerControl.onServer(request.getReferencedConfiguration(),
            AS7Mode.valueOf(request.getDestinationTarget().getPath()), context.getSystemInformation());

        Result<Void> check = sanityCheck(control, request.getReferencedConfiguration(),
            request.getBundleManagerProvider(), request.getLiveResourceDeployment(), false);
        if (check.failed()) {
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        ASConnection connection = new ASConnection(
            ASConnectionParams.createFrom(new ServerPluginConfiguration(request.getReferencedConfiguration())));

        ServerControl control = onServer(request);

        String errorMessage = rollbackPatches(control, request.getBundleManagerProvider(),
            request.getResourceDeployment(), connection, "revert", new ArrayList<String>(pidsToRollback));

        if (errorMessage != null) {
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         * stay the same when the resource is discovered the next
         * time

        ResourceComponent parent = discoveryContext.getParentResourceComponent();
        StandaloneASComponent parentComponent = (StandaloneASComponent) parent;
        File homeDir = parentComponent.getServerPluginConfiguration().getHomeDir();
        if (homeDir==null || !homeDir.exists()) {
            return Collections.EMPTY_SET;
        String home = homeDir.getAbsolutePath();

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Related Classes of org.rhq.modules.plugins.jbossas7.ServerControl$Lifecycle

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