Package org.rhq.modules.plugins.jbossas7

Examples of org.rhq.modules.plugins.jbossas7.SchemeRegistryBuilder$TrustAnyStrategy

            String path = getPath();
            path = path.replace("server-config","server");
            Address address = new Address(path);
            Operation op = new ReadAttribute(address,"start-time");
            Result res = getASConnection().execute(op);

            if (res.isSuccess()) {
               Long startTime= (Long) res.getResult();
               MeasurementDataTrait data = new MeasurementDataTrait(request,new Date(startTime).toString());
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        CompositeOperation op = new CompositeOperation();

        Operation step1 = new Operation("add", address);

        Operation step2 = new Operation("deploy", address);

        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

        String result = mapper.writeValueAsString(op);
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        Address deploymentsAddress = new Address();
        String TEST_WAR = "test.war";
        deploymentsAddress.add("deployment", TEST_WAR);
        Operation step1 = new Operation("add",deploymentsAddress);
        String bytes_value = "123";
        step1.addAdditionalProperty("hash", new PROPERTY_VALUE("BYTES_VALUE", bytes_value));
        step1.addAdditionalProperty("name", TEST_WAR);

        Address serverGroupAddress = new Address();
        serverGroupAddress.add("deployment", TEST_WAR);
        Operation step2 = new Operation("add",serverGroupAddress);

        Operation step3 = new Operation("remove",serverGroupAddress);

        Operation step4 = new Operation("remove",deploymentsAddress);

        CompositeOperation cop = new CompositeOperation();
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        return resultNode.get("BYTES_VALUE").getTextValue();

    Operation addDeployment(String deploymentName, String bytes_value) {
        Address deploymentsAddress = new Address("deployment", deploymentName);
        Operation op = new Operation("add", deploymentsAddress);
        List<Object> content = new ArrayList<Object>(1);
        Map<String, Object> contentValues = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        contentValues.put("hash", new PROPERTY_VALUE("BYTES_VALUE", bytes_value));
        op.addAdditionalProperty("content", content);
        op.addAdditionalProperty("name", deploymentName); // this needs to be unique per upload
        op.addAdditionalProperty("runtime-name", deploymentName);

        return op;
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    public OperationResult invokeOperation(String name,
                                           Configuration parameters) throws  Exception {

        if (name.equals("get-all-thread-ids")) {
            Operation op = new ReadAttribute(getAddress(), "all-thread-ids");
            Result res = getASConnection().execute(op);
            OperationResult operationResult;
            if (res.isSuccess()) {
                List<Long> ids = (List<Long>) res.getResult();
                operationResult = new OperationResult(ids.toString());
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    public OperationResult invokeOperation(String name,
                                           Configuration parameters) throws InterruptedException, Exception {

        Operation op = new Operation(name,address);

        Map<String,Property> propertyMap = parameters.getAllProperties();
        for (Map.Entry<String,Property> entry : propertyMap.entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue() instanceof PropertySimple) {
                PropertySimple ps = (PropertySimple) entry.getValue();
            } else if (entry.getValue() instanceof PropertyList) {
                PropertyList pl = (PropertyList) entry.getValue();
                List<Property> props = pl.getList();
                List<String> objects = new ArrayList<String>(props.size());
                for (Property p : props) {
                    PropertySimple ps = (PropertySimple) p;

        ASConnection conn = getASConnection();
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        Address deploymentsAddress = new Address();
        String TEST_WAR = "test.war";
        deploymentsAddress.add("deployment", TEST_WAR);
        Operation step1 = new Operation("add",deploymentsAddress);
        String bytes_value = "123";
        step1.addAdditionalProperty("hash", new PROPERTY_VALUE("BYTES_VALUE", bytes_value));
        step1.addAdditionalProperty("name", TEST_WAR);

        Address serverGroupAddress = new Address();
        serverGroupAddress.add("deployment", TEST_WAR);
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    Operation addDeployment(String deploymentName, String bytes_value) {
        Address deploymentsAddress = new Address("deployment", deploymentName);
        Operation op = new Operation("add", deploymentsAddress);
        List<Object> content = new ArrayList<Object>(1);
        Map<String, Object> contentValues = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        contentValues.put("hash", new PROPERTY_VALUE("BYTES_VALUE", bytes_value));
        op.addAdditionalProperty("content", content);
        op.addAdditionalProperty("name", deploymentName); // this needs to be unique per upload
        op.addAdditionalProperty("runtime-name", deploymentName);
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            ComplexRequest request = null;
            Operation op;
            if (reqName.contains(":")) {
               request = ComplexRequest.create(reqName);
               op = new ReadAttribute(getAddress(), request.getProp());
            } else {
               op = new ReadAttribute(getAddress(), reqName); // TODO batching

            Result res = getASConnection().execute(op);
            if (!res.isSuccess()) {
               log.warn("Getting metric [" + req.getName() + "] at [ " + getAddress() + "] failed: " + res.getFailureDescription());
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            //Ex. String attribute = "login-modules";
            String attribute = lookupAttributeType(path);
            //query all the module-options defined and discover them here
            //Ex. String typeAddress = "subsystem=security,security-domain=testDomain2,authentication=classic";
            String typeAddress = parentConfPath;
            ReadAttribute readModuleOptionType = new ReadAttribute(new Address(typeAddress), attribute);
            Result result = connection.execute(readModuleOptionType);
            if (result.isSuccess()) {
                List<Value> loadedLoginModuleTypes = ModuleOptionsComponent.populateSecurityDomainModuleOptions(result,
                for (int moduleIndex = 0; moduleIndex < loadedLoginModuleTypes.size(); moduleIndex++) {
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Related Classes of org.rhq.modules.plugins.jbossas7.SchemeRegistryBuilder$TrustAnyStrategy

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