Package org.rhq.enterprise.server.plugin.pc.content

Examples of org.rhq.enterprise.server.plugin.pc.content.ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey

            repoId = repo.getId();

            // this report will add a mapping to PV->CS
            // we didn't set up any mappings like that yet - this will be the first one
            PackageSyncReport report = new PackageSyncReport();
            ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey key = new ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey("testCreateContentSourceFoo",
                "testCreateContentSourceVer", packageType1.getName(), architecture1.getName(), resourceType1.getName(),
            ContentProviderPackageDetails details = new ContentProviderPackageDetails(key);
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            results = repoManager.persistRepoSyncResults(results);
            assert results != null;

            // this report will add a mapping to PV->CS
            PackageSyncReport report = new PackageSyncReport();
            ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey key = new ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey("testARUFoo", "testARUVer",
                packageType1.getName(), architecture1.getName(), resourceType1.getName(), resourceType1.getPlugin());
            ContentProviderPackageDetails details = new ContentProviderPackageDetails(key);
            details.setFileSize(1234L); // lazy load is on, this should not matter
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            results = repoManager.persistRepoSyncResults(results);
            assert results != null;

            // this report will add a mapping to PV->CS
            PackageSyncReport report = new PackageSyncReport();
            ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey key = new ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey("testARU2Foo", "testARU2Ver",
                packageType1.getName(), architecture1.getName(), resourceType1.getName(), resourceType1.getPlugin());
            ContentProviderPackageDetails details = new ContentProviderPackageDetails(key);
            Map<ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey, PackageVersionContentSource> previous;
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            // this report will add a mapping to PV->CS
            // we didn't set up any mappings like that yet - this will be the first one
            // since a repo has this CS - the repo->PV will also get mapped
            PackageSyncReport report = new PackageSyncReport();
            ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey key = new ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey("testMergeWithRepofoo",
                "testMergeWithRepo-Version", packageType1.getName(), architecture1.getName(), resourceType1.getName(),
            ContentProviderPackageDetails details = new ContentProviderPackageDetails(key);
            details.setExtraProperties(new Configuration());
            details.getExtraProperties().put(new PropertySimple("hello", "world"));
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        // for each removed package, we need to purge the PVCS mapping and the PV itself

        for (ContentProviderPackageDetails doomedDetails : report.getDeletedPackages()) {

            // Delete the mapping between package version and content source
            ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey doomedDetailsKey = doomedDetails.getContentProviderPackageDetailsKey();
            PackageVersionContentSource doomedPvcs = previous.get(doomedDetailsKey);
            doomedPvcs = entityManager.find(PackageVersionContentSource.class, doomedPvcs
            if (doomedPvcs != null) {
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        // then find the package and architecture, creating them if they do not exist;
        // then create the new PV as well as the new PVCS mapping.
        // if a repo is associated with the content source, the PV is directly associated with the repo.

        for (ContentProviderPackageDetails newDetails : newPackages) {
            ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey key = newDetails.getContentProviderPackageDetailsKey();

            // find the new package's associated resource type (should already exist)
            ResourceType rt = null;
            if (key.getResourceTypeName() != null && key.getResourceTypePluginName() != null) {
                rt = new ResourceType();

                if (!knownResourceTypes.containsKey(rt)) {
                    q = entityManager.createNamedQuery(ResourceType.QUERY_FIND_BY_NAME_AND_PLUGIN);
                    q.setParameter("name", rt.getName());
                    q.setParameter("plugin", rt.getPlugin());

                    try {
                        rt = (ResourceType) q.getSingleResult();
                        knownResourceTypes.put(rt, rt); // cache it so we don't have to keep querying the DB
                        knownProductVersions.put(rt, new HashMap<String, ProductVersion>());
                    } catch (NoResultException nre) {
                        log.warn("Content source adapter found a package for an unknown resource type ["
                            + key.getResourceTypeName() + "|" + key.getResourceTypePluginName() + "] Skipping it.");
                        continue; // skip this one but move on to the next
                } else {
                    rt = knownResourceTypes.get(rt);

            // find the new package's type (package types should already exist, agent plugin descriptors define them)
            PackageType pt = new PackageType(key.getPackageTypeName(), rt);

            if (!knownPackageTypes.containsKey(pt)) {
                if (rt != null) {
                    q = entityManager.createNamedQuery(PackageType.QUERY_FIND_BY_RESOURCE_TYPE_ID_AND_NAME);
                    q.setParameter("typeId", rt.getId());
                } else {
                    q = entityManager.createNamedQuery(PackageType.QUERY_FIND_BY_NAME_AND_NULL_RESOURCE_TYPE);
                q.setParameter("name", pt.getName());

                try {
                    pt = (PackageType) q.getSingleResult();
                    pt.setResourceType(rt); // we don't fetch join this, but we already know it, so just set it
                    knownPackageTypes.put(pt, pt); // cache it so we don't have to keep querying the DB
                } catch (NoResultException nre) {
                    log.warn("Content source adapter found a package of an unknown package type ["
                        + key.getPackageTypeName() + "|" + rt + "] Skipping it.");
                    continue; // skip this one but move on to the next
            } else {
                pt = knownPackageTypes.get(pt);
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        // for each updated package, we have to find its resource type
        // (which must exist, or we abort that package and move on to the next);
        // then we have to get the current PVCS and merge its updates

        for (ContentProviderPackageDetails updatedDetails : report.getUpdatedPackages()) {
            ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey key = updatedDetails.getContentProviderPackageDetailsKey();

            PackageVersionContentSource previousPvcs = previous.get(key);
            PackageVersionContentSource attachedPvcs; // what we will find in the DB, in jpa session

            attachedPvcs = entityManager.find(PackageVersionContentSource.class, previousPvcs
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            org.rhq.core.domain.content.Package p = pv.getGeneralPackage();
            ResourceType rt = p.getPackageType().getResourceType();
            String resourceTypeName = rt != null ? rt.getName() : null;
            String resourceTypePlugin = rt != null ? rt.getPlugin() : null;
            ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey key;
            key = new ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey(p.getName(), pv.getVersion(), p.getPackageType().getName(), pv
                .getArchitecture().getName(), resourceTypeName, resourceTypePlugin);

            ContentProviderPackageDetails details = new ContentProviderPackageDetails(key);
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            String packageTypeName = supportedPackageType.packageTypeName;
            String architectureName = supportedPackageType.architectureName;
            String resourceTypeName = supportedPackageType.resourceTypeName;
            String resourceTypePluginName = supportedPackageType.resourceTypePluginName;

            ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey key = new ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey(name, version, packageTypeName,
                architectureName, resourceTypeName, resourceTypePluginName);
            pkg = new ContentProviderPackageDetails(key);

            URLConnection urlConn = rpi.getUrl().openConnection();
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        String packageTypeName = supportedPackageType.packageTypeName;
        String architectureName = supportedPackageType.architectureName;
        String resourceTypeName = supportedPackageType.resourceTypeName;
        String resourceTypePluginName = supportedPackageType.resourceTypePluginName;

        ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey key = new ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey(name, version, packageTypeName,
            architectureName, resourceTypeName, resourceTypePluginName);
        ContentProviderPackageDetails pkg = new ContentProviderPackageDetails(key);

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Related Classes of org.rhq.enterprise.server.plugin.pc.content.ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey

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