private ContentSource synchronizeAndLoad(String contentSourceName, String contentSourceTypeName) throws Exception {
// note that we will keep calling getOverlord on this subject manager - the overlord
// has a very short session lifespan so we need to keep asking for a new one, due to the possibility
// that some of the methods we call here take longer than the overlord's lifespan
SubjectManagerLocal subjectManager = LookupUtil.getSubjectManager();
Subject overlord;
ContentSourceManagerLocal contentManager = LookupUtil.getContentSourceManager();
ContentSource contentSource;
overlord = subjectManager.getOverlord();
contentSource = contentManager
.getContentSourceByNameAndType(overlord, contentSourceName, contentSourceTypeName);
if (contentSource == null) {
throw new Exception("Sync job was asked to sync an unknown content source: " + contentSourceName + "|"