try {
Subject superuser = LookupUtil.getSubjectManager().getOverlord();
OperationManagerLocal operationManager = LookupUtil.getOperationManager();
ResourceOperationHistory history = null;
history = (ResourceOperationHistory) operationManager.getOperationHistoryByJobId(superuser, jobId);
// I think this will only ever occur if the server-side timed this out but the long running
// operation finally got back to us afterwards. We will still go ahead and
// persist the failure data because, obviously, the operation really didn't time out.
// I think, in reality, this condition will never occur (since the server-side will only ever
// timeout ridiculously long-lived operations, which is typically only when an agent shutdown occurred).
if (history.getStatus() != OperationRequestStatus.INPROGRESS) {
LOG.debug("Was told an operation was canceled but, curiously, it was not in progress: " + "job-id=["
+ jobId + "], op-history=[" + history + "]");
if (error != null) {
} else {
history.setErrorMessage("Operation was canceled at " + new Date(completionTime));
operationManager.updateOperationHistory(superuser, history);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Failed to update history from canceled operation, jobId=[" + jobId + "]. Cause: " + e, e);
LOG.error("The canceled operation [" + jobId + "] had an error of: "
+ ((error != null) ? error.getStackTraceString() : "?"));