Subject overlord = LookupUtil.getSubjectManager().getOverlord();
// create 3 configs: config1 will be stored as current. config2 will be in progress, config3 should get
// blocked from updating by the inprogress update
Configuration configuration1 = new Configuration();
configuration1.put(new PropertySimple("myboolean", "true"));
Configuration configuration2 = new Configuration();
configuration2.put(new PropertySimple("myboolean", "false"));
configuration2.put(new PropertySimple("mysleep", "7000"));
Configuration configuration3 = new Configuration();
configuration3.put(new PropertySimple("mysleep", "10000"));
// make config1 the current
configurationManager.updateResourceConfiguration(overlord, resourceId, configuration1);
Thread.sleep(2000); // wait for the test agent to complete the request
ResourceConfigurationUpdate history1;
history1 = configurationManager.getLatestResourceConfigurationUpdate(overlord, resourceId);
assert history1 != null;
PropertySimple myprop = history1.getConfiguration().getSimple("myboolean");
assert myprop != null;
assert "true".equals(myprop.getStringValue());
// now update to config2 - the "agent" will sleep for a bit before it completes
// so we will have an INPROGRESS configuration for a few seconds before it goes to SUCCESS
configurationManager.updateResourceConfiguration(overlord, resourceId, configuration2);
// now update to config3 - this should fail as you can't update while there is one in progress
try {
configurationManager.updateResourceConfiguration(overlord, resourceId, configuration3);
assert false : "Should have thrown an in progress exception";
} catch (ConfigurationUpdateStillInProgressException e) {
System.out.println("======> " + e);
// make sure everything works as expected (like the above test)
boolean inProgress = false;
boolean inProgressTested = false;
do {
ResourceConfigurationUpdate history2 = configurationManager.getLatestResourceConfigurationUpdate(
overlord, resourceId);
inProgress = configurationManager.isResourceConfigurationUpdateInProgress(overlord, resourceId);
if (inProgress) {
// history2 should be history1 since the update is not complete
assert history2 != null;
assert history2.getId() == history1.getId();
myprop = history2.getConfiguration().getSimple("myboolean");
assert myprop != null;
assert "true".equals(myprop.getStringValue());
myprop = history2.getConfiguration().getSimple("mysleep"); // this wasn't in the first config
assert myprop == null;
// record that this test case ran, we expect it will if the agent delay is there
inProgressTested = true;
} else {
// update is complete, history 2 should be different
history2 = configurationManager.getLatestResourceConfigurationUpdate(overlord, resourceId);
assert history2 != null;
assert history2.getId() != history1.getId();
myprop = history2.getConfiguration().getSimple("myboolean");
assert myprop != null;
assert "false".equals(myprop.getStringValue());
myprop = history2.getConfiguration().getSimple("mysleep");
assert myprop.getLongValue() != null;
assert myprop.getLongValue().longValue() == 7000L;
} while (inProgress);
} catch (Throwable t) {
assert false : "Should have thrown an in progress exception, not: " + t;