Package org.rhq.core.domain.bundle

Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.bundle.BundleVersion

            assert q.getResultList().size() == 0 : "should not have repo2 mapping in the db yet";

            BundleType bundleType = createBundleType(em, name + "-Type", createResourceType(em));
            Bundle bundle = createBundle(em, name + "-Bundle", bundleType);

            BundleVersion bundleVersion = new BundleVersion(name, "1.0.0.BETA", bundle, recipe);
            id = bundleVersion.getId();
            assert id > 0;
            assert bundleVersion.getBundle().getId() != 0 : "bundle should have been cascade persisted too";
            assert bundleVersion.getBundle().getBundleType().getId() != 0 : "bundleType should have been cascade persisted too";

            BundleVersionRepo bvr1 = new BundleVersionRepo(bundleVersion, repo1);
            BundleVersionRepo bvr2 = new BundleVersionRepo(bundleVersion, repo2);

            q = em.createNamedQuery(BundleVersionRepo.QUERY_FIND_BY_REPO_ID_NO_FETCH);
            q.setParameter("id", repo1.getId());
            assert q.getResultList().size() == 1;
            assert ((BundleVersionRepo) q.getSingleResult()).getBundleVersionRepoPK().getBundleVersion()
            assert ((BundleVersionRepo) q.getSingleResult()).getBundleVersionRepoPK().getRepo().equals(repo1);

            q.setParameter("id", repo2.getId());
            assert q.getResultList().size() == 1;
            assert ((BundleVersionRepo) q.getSingleResult()).getBundleVersionRepoPK().getBundleVersion()
            assert ((BundleVersionRepo) q.getSingleResult()).getBundleVersionRepoPK().getRepo().equals(repo2);

            q = em.createNamedQuery(BundleVersionRepo.QUERY_FIND_BY_BUNDLE_VERSION_ID_NO_FETCH);
            q.setParameter("id", bundleVersion.getId());
            List<BundleVersionRepo> resultList = q.getResultList();
            assert resultList.size() == 2;
            BundleVersionRepoPK pk1 = new BundleVersionRepoPK(bundleVersion, repo1);
            BundleVersionRepoPK pk2 = new BundleVersionRepoPK(bundleVersion, repo2);
            if (resultList.get(0).getBundleVersionRepoPK().getRepo().equals(repo1)) {
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            Bundle bundle = createBundle(em, name + "-Bundle", bundleType);
            id = bundle.getId();
            assert id > 0;
            assert bundle.getBundleType().getId() != 0 : "bundleType should have been cascade persisted too";

            BundleVersion bv = new BundleVersion(name, "1.0.0.BETA", bundle, recipe);
            Query q = em.createNamedQuery(BundleVersion.QUERY_FIND_BY_NAME);
            q.setParameter("name", bv.getName());
            assert q.getResultList().size() == 0; // not in the db yet

            id = bv.getId();
            assert id > 0;

            q = em.createNamedQuery(BundleVersion.QUERY_FIND_BY_NAME);
            q.setParameter("name", bv.getName());
            assert q.getResultList().size() == 1;
            assert ((BundleVersion) q.getSingleResult()).getName().equals(bv.getName());

            BundleVersion bvFind = em.find(BundleVersion.class, id);
            assert bvFind != null;
            assert bvFind.getId() == bv.getId();
            assert bvFind.getName().equals(bv.getName());
            assert bvFind.getVersion().equals(bv.getVersion());
            assert bvFind.getVersionOrder() == bv.getVersionOrder();
            assert bvFind.getRecipe().equals(bv.getRecipe());
            assert bvFind.getBundle().equals(bv.getBundle());
            assert bvFind.equals(bv);
            assert bvFind.hashCode() == bv.hashCode();

            // clean up - delete our test entity

            q = em.createNamedQuery(BundleVersion.QUERY_FIND_BY_NAME);
            q.setParameter("name", bv.getName());
            BundleVersion doomed = (BundleVersion) q.getSingleResult();
            doomed = em.getReference(BundleVersion.class, doomed.getId());
            assert q.getResultList().size() == 0 : "didn't remove the entity";

            // make sure we didn't delete the bundle - it should not be cascade deleted
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            q = em.createNamedQuery(BundleVersion.UPDATE_VERSION_ORDER_BY_BUNDLE_ID);
            q.setParameter("bundleId", bundle.getId());
            q.setParameter("versionOrder", 0);
            assert q.executeUpdate() == 0 : "should not have updated anything";

            BundleVersion bv = new BundleVersion(name, "1.0", bundle, recipe);
            q = em.createNamedQuery(BundleVersion.QUERY_FIND_BY_NAME);
            q.setParameter("name", name);
            assert q.getResultList().size() == 0; // not in the db yet
            id = bv.getId();
            assert id > 0;

            BundleVersion bv2 = new BundleVersion(name, "2.0", bundle, recipe);
            q = em.createNamedQuery(BundleVersion.QUERY_FIND_BY_NAME);
            q.setParameter("name", name);
            assert q.getResultList().size() == 1;
            id = bv2.getId();
            assert id > 0;

            q = em.createNamedQuery(BundleVersion.QUERY_FIND_LATEST_BY_BUNDLE_ID);
            q.setParameter("bundleId", bundle.getId());
            assert q.getResultList().size() == 1;
            assert ((BundleVersion) q.getSingleResult()).getVersion().equals(bv2.getVersion());
            q = em.createNamedQuery(BundleVersion.QUERY_FIND_VERSION_INFO_BY_BUNDLE_ID);
            q.setParameter("bundleId", bundle.getId());
            List<Object[]> versionsArrays = q.getResultList(); // returns in DESC sort order!
            assert versionsArrays.size() == 2;
            assert ((String) versionsArrays.get(0)[0]).equals(bv2.getVersion());
            assert ((Number) versionsArrays.get(0)[1]).intValue() == bv2.getVersionOrder();
            assert ((String) versionsArrays.get(1)[0]).equals(bv.getVersion());
            assert ((Number) versionsArrays.get(1)[1]).intValue() == bv.getVersionOrder();

            // increment all version orders, starting at order #1
            q = em.createNamedQuery(BundleVersion.UPDATE_VERSION_ORDER_BY_BUNDLE_ID);
            q.setParameter("bundleId", bundle.getId());
            q.setParameter("versionOrder", 1);
            assert q.executeUpdate() == 1 : "should have auto-incremented version order in one row";
            bv = em.find(BundleVersion.class, bv.getId());
            assert bv.getVersionOrder() == 0 : "should not have incremented version order";
            bv2 = em.find(BundleVersion.class, bv2.getId());
            assert bv2.getVersionOrder() == 2 : "didn't increment version order";

            BundleVersion bv3 = new BundleVersion(name, "1.5", bundle, recipe);
            q = em.createNamedQuery(BundleVersion.QUERY_FIND_BY_NAME);
            q.setParameter("name", name);
            assert q.getResultList().size() == 2;
            id = bv3.getId();
            assert id > 0;

            q = em.createNamedQuery(BundleVersion.QUERY_FIND_LATEST_BY_BUNDLE_ID);
            q.setParameter("bundleId", bundle.getId());
            assert q.getResultList().size() == 1;
            assert ((BundleVersion) q.getSingleResult()).getVersion().equals(bv2.getVersion());
            q = em.createNamedQuery(BundleVersion.QUERY_FIND_VERSION_INFO_BY_BUNDLE_ID);
            q.setParameter("bundleId", bundle.getId());
            versionsArrays = q.getResultList(); // returns in DESC sort order!
            assert versionsArrays.size() == 3;
            assert ((String) versionsArrays.get(0)[0]).equals(bv2.getVersion()); // 2.0
            assert ((Number) versionsArrays.get(0)[1]).intValue() == bv2.getVersionOrder();
            assert ((String) versionsArrays.get(1)[0]).equals(bv3.getVersion()); // 1.5
            assert ((Number) versionsArrays.get(1)[1]).intValue() == bv3.getVersionOrder();
            assert ((String) versionsArrays.get(2)[0]).equals(bv.getVersion()); // 1.0
            assert ((Number) versionsArrays.get(2)[1]).intValue() == bv.getVersionOrder();

            // increment all version orders, starting at order #0 - makes sure we can update >1 rows
            q = em.createNamedQuery(BundleVersion.UPDATE_VERSION_ORDER_BY_BUNDLE_ID);
            q.setParameter("bundleId", bundle.getId());
            q.setParameter("versionOrder", 0);
            assert q.executeUpdate() == 3 : "should have auto-incremented version orders";
            bv = em.find(BundleVersion.class, bv.getId());
            assert bv.getVersionOrder() == 1 : "didn't increment version order: " + bv.getVersionOrder();
            bv2 = em.find(BundleVersion.class, bv2.getId());
            assert bv2.getVersionOrder() == 3 : "didn't increment version order: " + bv2.getVersionOrder();
            bv3 = em.find(BundleVersion.class, bv3.getId());
            assert bv3.getVersionOrder() == 2 : "didn't increment version order: " + bv3.getVersionOrder();

        } catch (Throwable t) {
            throw t;
        } finally {
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        try {
            BundleResourceDeployment resourceDeployment = request.getResourceDeployment();
            BundleDeployment bundleDeployment = resourceDeployment.getBundleDeployment();
            BundleVersion bundleVersion = bundleDeployment.getBundleVersion();
            BundleManagerProvider bundleManagerProvider = request.getBundleManagerProvider();

            // before processing the recipe, wipe the dest dir if we need to perform a clean deployment
            if (request.isCleanDeployment()) {
                File deployDir = request.getAbsoluteDestinationDirectory();
                if (deployDir.exists()) {
                    bundleManagerProvider.auditDeployment(resourceDeployment, "Cleaning Deployment", deployDir
                        .getAbsolutePath(), null, null, "The existing deployment found at ["
                        + deployDir.getAbsolutePath() + "] will be removed.", null);
                    FileUtils.purge(deployDir, true);

            // process the recipe
            String recipe = bundleVersion.getRecipe();
            RecipeParser parser = new RecipeParser();
            ProcessingRecipeContext recipeContext = new ProcessingRecipeContext(recipe, request
                .getPackageVersionFiles(), this.resourceContext.getSystemInformation(), request
                .getBundleFilesLocation().getAbsolutePath(), resourceDeployment, bundleManagerProvider);
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        ResourceType resourceType = new ResourceType("testSimpleBundle2Type", "plugin", ResourceCategory.SERVER, null);
        BundleType bundleType = new BundleType("testSimpleBundle2BType", resourceType);
        Repo repo = new Repo("test-bundle-two");
        PackageType packageType = new PackageType("test-bundle-two", resourceType);
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle("test-bundle-two", bundleType, repo, packageType);
        BundleVersion bundleVersion = new BundleVersion("test-bundle-two", "2.5", bundle,
        BundleDestination destination = new BundleDestination(bundle, "testSimpleBundle2Dest", new ResourceGroup(
            "testSimpleBundle2Group"), DEST_BASE_DIR_NAME, this.destDir.getAbsolutePath());

        Configuration config = new Configuration();
        String customPropName = "custom.prop";
        String customPropValue = "ABC-revert";
        String onePropName = "one.prop";
        String onePropValue = "111-revert";
        config.put(new PropertySimple(customPropName, customPropValue));
        config.put(new PropertySimple(onePropName, onePropValue));

        BundleDeployment deployment = new BundleDeployment();
        deployment.setName("test bundle 2 deployment name - REVERT");

        // copy the test archive file to the bundle files dir
        FileUtil.copyFile(new File("src/test/resources/"), new File(this.bundleFilesDir,

        // create file in the bundle files dir
        File file1 = new File(this.bundleFilesDir, "");
        Properties props = new Properties();
        props.setProperty(customPropName, "@@" + customPropName + "@@");
        FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file1);, " comment");

        BundleDeployRequest request = new BundleDeployRequest();
        request.setBundleManagerProvider(new MockBundleManagerProvider());

        BundleDeployResult results = plugin.deployBundle(request);


        // test that the prop was replaced in raw file
        Properties realizedProps = new Properties();
        loadProperties(realizedProps, new FileInputStream(new File(this.destDir, "config/")));
        assert customPropValue.equals(realizedProps.getProperty(customPropName)) : "didn't replace prop";

        // test that the archive was extracted properly. These are the files in the archive:
        // zero-file.txt (content: "zero")
        // one/one-file.txt (content: "@@one.prop@@") <-- recipe says this is to be replaced
        // two/two-file.txt (content: "@@two.prop@@") <-- recipe does not say to replace this
        // REMOVED: three/three-file.txt <-- this existed in the upgrade, but not the original
        // ----- the following was backed up and should be reverted
        // extra/extra-file.txt

        File zeroFile = new File(this.destDir, "zero-file.txt");
        File oneFile = new File(this.destDir, "one/one-file.txt");
        File twoFile = new File(this.destDir, "two/two-file.txt");
        File threeFile = new File(this.destDir, "three/three-file.txt");
        assert zeroFile.exists() : "zero file should have been restored during revert";
        assert oneFile.exists() : "one file missing";
        assert twoFile.exists() : "two file missing";
        assert !threeFile.exists() : "three file should have been deleted during revert";

        assert readFile(zeroFile).startsWith("zero") : "bad restore of zero file";
        assert readFile(oneFile).startsWith(onePropValue);
        assert readFile(twoFile).startsWith("@@two.prop@@");

        // make sure the revert restored the backed up files
        File extraFile = new File(this.destDir, "extra/extra-file.txt");
        assert extraFile.exists() : "extra file should have been restored due to revert deployment request";
        assert readFile(extraFile).startsWith("extra") : "bad restore of extra file";

        DeploymentsMetadata metadata = new DeploymentsMetadata(this.destDir);
        DeploymentProperties deploymentProps = metadata.getDeploymentProperties(deployment.getId());
        assert deploymentProps.getDeploymentId() == deployment.getId();
        assert deploymentProps.getBundleName().equals(bundle.getName());
        assert deploymentProps.getBundleVersion().equals(bundleVersion.getVersion());
        assert deploymentProps.getManageRootDir() == true;

        DeploymentProperties currentProps = metadata.getCurrentDeploymentProperties();
        assert deploymentProps.equals(currentProps);
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        ResourceType resourceType = new ResourceType("testSimpleBundle2Type", "plugin", ResourceCategory.SERVER, null);
        BundleType bundleType = new BundleType("testSimpleBundle2BType", resourceType);
        Repo repo = new Repo("test-bundle-two");
        PackageType packageType = new PackageType("test-bundle-two", resourceType);
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle("test-bundle-two", bundleType, repo, packageType);
        BundleVersion bundleVersion = new BundleVersion("test-bundle-two", "2.5", bundle,
        BundleDestination destination = new BundleDestination(bundle, "testSimpleBundle2Dest", new ResourceGroup(
            "testSimpleBundle2Group"), DEST_BASE_DIR_NAME, this.destDir.getAbsolutePath());

        Configuration config = new Configuration();
        String customPropName = "custom.prop";
        String customPropValue = "ABC";
        String onePropName = "one.prop";
        String onePropValue = "111";
        config.put(new PropertySimple(customPropName, customPropValue));
        config.put(new PropertySimple(onePropName, onePropValue));

        BundleDeployment deployment = new BundleDeployment();
        deployment.setName("test bundle 2 deployment name");

        // copy the test archive file to the bundle files dir
        FileUtil.copyFile(new File("src/test/resources/"), new File(this.bundleFilesDir,

        // create file in the bundle files dir
        File file1 = new File(this.bundleFilesDir, "");
        Properties props = new Properties();
        props.setProperty(customPropName, "@@" + customPropName + "@@");
        FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file1);, " comment");

        // if we are not to start clean, create some junk files that will need to be backed up and moved away
        if (startClean == false) {
            File junk1 = new File(this.destDir, "");
            Properties junkProps = new Properties();
            junkProps.setProperty("junk1", "wot gorilla?");
            FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(junk1);
  , " comment");

            File junk2 = new File(this.destDir, "junksubdir" + File.separatorChar + "");
            junkProps = new Properties();
            junkProps.setProperty("junk2", "more junk");
            os = new FileOutputStream(junk2);
  , " comment");

        BundleDeployRequest request = new BundleDeployRequest();
        request.setBundleManagerProvider(new MockBundleManagerProvider());

        BundleDeployResult results = plugin.deployBundle(request);


        // test that the prop was replaced in raw file
        Properties realizedProps = new Properties();
        loadProperties(realizedProps, new FileInputStream(new File(this.destDir, "config/")));
        assert customPropValue.equals(realizedProps.getProperty(customPropName)) : "didn't replace prop";

        // test that the archive was extracted properly. These are the files in the archive:
        // zero-file.txt (content: "zero")
        // one/one-file.txt (content: "@@one.prop@@") <-- recipe says this is to be replaced
        // two/two-file.txt (content: "@@two.prop@@") <-- recipe does not say to replace this
        File zeroFile = new File(this.destDir, "zero-file.txt");
        File oneFile = new File(this.destDir, "one/one-file.txt");
        File twoFile = new File(this.destDir, "two/two-file.txt");
        assert zeroFile.exists() : "zero file missing";
        assert oneFile.exists() : "one file missing";
        assert twoFile.exists() : "two file missing";
        assert readFile(zeroFile).startsWith("zero");
        assert readFile(oneFile).startsWith(onePropValue);
        assert readFile(twoFile).startsWith("@@two.prop@@");

        DeploymentsMetadata metadata = new DeploymentsMetadata(this.destDir);
        DeploymentProperties deploymentProps = metadata.getDeploymentProperties(deployment.getId());
        assert deploymentProps.getDeploymentId() == deployment.getId();
        assert deploymentProps.getBundleName().equals(bundle.getName());
        assert deploymentProps.getBundleVersion().equals(bundleVersion.getVersion());
        assert deploymentProps.getManageRootDir() == true;
        DeploymentProperties currentProps = metadata.getCurrentDeploymentProperties();
        assert deploymentProps.equals(currentProps);
        DeploymentProperties previousProps = metadata.getPreviousDeploymentProperties(deployment.getId());
        assert previousProps == null : "There should not be any previous deployment metadata";
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        ResourceType resourceType = new ResourceType("testSimpleBundle", "plugin", ResourceCategory.SERVER, null);
        BundleType bundleType = new BundleType("testSimpleBundle", resourceType);
        Repo repo = new Repo("testSimpleBundle");
        PackageType packageType = new PackageType("testSimpleBundle", resourceType);
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle("testSimpleBundle", bundleType, repo, packageType);
        BundleVersion bundleVersion = new BundleVersion("testSimpleBundle", "1.0", bundle,
        BundleDestination destination = new BundleDestination(bundle, "testSimpleBundle", new ResourceGroup(
            "testSimpleBundle"), DEST_BASE_DIR_NAME, this.destDir.getAbsolutePath());

        Configuration config = new Configuration();
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        ResourceType resourceType = new ResourceType("testSimpleBundle", "plugin", ResourceCategory.SERVER, null);
        BundleType bundleType = new BundleType("testSimpleBundle", resourceType);
        Repo repo = new Repo("testSimpleBundle");
        PackageType packageType = new PackageType("testSimpleBundle", resourceType);
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle("testSimpleBundle", bundleType, repo, packageType);
        BundleVersion bundleVersion = new BundleVersion("testSimpleBundle", "1.0", bundle,
        BundleDestination destination = new BundleDestination(bundle, "testSimpleBundle", new ResourceGroup(
            "testSimpleBundle"), DEST_BASE_DIR_NAME, this.destDir.getAbsolutePath());
        Configuration config = new Configuration();
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        ResourceType resourceType = new ResourceType("testSimpleBundle", "plugin", ResourceCategory.SERVER, null);
        BundleType bundleType = new BundleType("testSimpleBundle", resourceType);
        Repo repo = new Repo("testSimpleBundle");
        PackageType packageType = new PackageType("testSimpleBundle", resourceType);
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle("testSimpleBundle", bundleType, repo, packageType);
        BundleVersion bundleVersion = new BundleVersion("testSimpleBundle", "1.0", bundle,
        BundleDestination destination = new BundleDestination(bundle, "testSimpleBundle", new ResourceGroup(
            "testSimpleBundle"), DEST_BASE_DIR_NAME, this.destDir.getAbsolutePath());

        BundleDeployment deployment = new BundleDeployment();
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        BundleType bundleType = new BundleType("testNoManageRootDirBundle", resourceType);
        Repo repo = new Repo("testNoManageRootDirBundle");
        PackageType packageType = new PackageType("testNoManageRootDirBundle", resourceType);
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle("testNoManageRootDirBundle", bundleType, repo, packageType);
        BundleVersion bundleVersion = new BundleVersion("testNoManageRootDirBundle", "1.0", bundle,
        BundleDestination destination = new BundleDestination(bundle, "testNoManageRootDirBundle", new ResourceGroup(
            "testNoManageRootDirBundle"), DEST_BASE_DIR_NAME, this.destDir.getAbsolutePath());
        Configuration config = new Configuration();
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Related Classes of org.rhq.core.domain.bundle.BundleVersion

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