RTMP rtmp = conn.getState();
//if there is a handshake on the session, ensure the type has been set
if (session.containsAttribute(RTMPConnection.RTMP_HANDSHAKE)) {
log.trace("Handshake exists on the session");
//get the handshake from the session
RTMPHandshake handshake = (RTMPHandshake) session.getAttribute(RTMPConnection.RTMP_HANDSHAKE);
int handshakeType = handshake.getHandshakeType();
if (handshakeType == 0) {
log.trace("Handshake type is not currently set");
// holds the handshake type, default is un-encrypted
byte handshakeByte = RTMPConnection.RTMP_NON_ENCRYPTED;
//get the current message
if (obj instanceof IoBuffer) {
IoBuffer message = (IoBuffer) obj;
handshakeByte = message.get();
//set the type
//set on the rtmp state
rtmp.setEncrypted(handshakeByte == RTMPConnection.RTMP_ENCRYPTED ? true : false);
} else if (handshakeType == 3) {
if (rtmp.getState() == RTMP.STATE_CONNECTED) {
log.debug("In connected state");
// remove handshake from session now that we are connected
log.debug("Using non-encrypted communications");
} else if (handshakeType == 6) {
// ensure we have received enough bytes to be encrypted
long readBytesCount = conn.getReadBytes();
long writeBytesCount = conn.getWrittenBytes();
log.trace("Bytes read: {} written: {}", readBytesCount, writeBytesCount);
// don't remove the handshake when using RTMPE until we've written all the handshake data
if (writeBytesCount >= (Constants.HANDSHAKE_SIZE * 2)) {
//if we are connected and doing encryption, add the ciphers
log.debug("Assumed to be in a connected state");
// remove handshake from session now that we are connected
log.debug("Using encrypted communications");
//make sure they are not already on the session
if (session.containsAttribute(RTMPConnection.RTMPE_CIPHER_IN)) {
log.debug("Ciphers already exist on the session");
} else {
log.debug("Adding ciphers to the session");
session.setAttribute(RTMPConnection.RTMPE_CIPHER_IN, handshake.getCipherIn());
session.setAttribute(RTMPConnection.RTMPE_CIPHER_OUT, handshake.getCipherOut());
Cipher cipher = (Cipher) session.getAttribute(RTMPConnection.RTMPE_CIPHER_IN);