public void deviation_4b_LOAD_2c_ExpectedButLaterVoyageInItinerary() throws Exception
UnitOfWork uow = module.currentUnitOfWork();
HandlingEventsEntity HANDLING_EVENTS = uow.get( HandlingEventsEntity.class, HandlingEventsEntity.HANDLING_EVENTS_ID );
// The system doesn't currently check if handling events happen in the right order, so
// a cargo can now suddenly load in New York, even though it hasn't got there yet.
HandlingEvent handlingEvent = HANDLING_EVENTS.createHandlingEvent( day( 5 ), day( 5 ), trackingId, LOAD, NEWYORK, V200T );
Delivery delivery = new BuildDeliverySnapshot( cargo, handlingEvent ).get();
// Should have been true, but we accept it for now...
assertThat( delivery.isMisdirected().get(), is( equalTo( false ) ) );