throws EntityStoreException
Module module = unitOfWork.module();
JSONDeserializer deserializer = new JSONDeserializer( module );
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject( new JSONTokener( entityState ) );
EntityStatus status = EntityStatus.LOADED;
String version = jsonObject.getString( "version" );
long modified = jsonObject.getLong( "modified" );
String identity = jsonObject.getString( "identity" );
// Check if version is correct
String currentAppVersion = jsonObject.optString(,
"0.0" );
if( !currentAppVersion.equals( application.version() ) )
if( migration != null )
migration.migrate( jsonObject, application.version(), this );
// Do nothing - set version to be correct
jsonObject.put(, application.version() );
LoggerFactory.getLogger( MapEntityStoreMixin.class )
"Updated version nr on " + identity + " from " + currentAppVersion + " to " + application.version() );
// State changed
status = EntityStatus.UPDATED;
String type = jsonObject.getString( "type" );
EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor = module.entityDescriptor( type );
if( entityDescriptor == null )
throw new EntityTypeNotFoundException( type );
Map<QualifiedName, Object> properties = new HashMap<QualifiedName, Object>();
JSONObject props = jsonObject.getJSONObject( "properties" );
for( PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : entityDescriptor.state().properties() )
Object jsonValue;
jsonValue = props.get( propertyDescriptor.qualifiedName().name() );
catch( JSONException e )
// Value not found, default it
Object initialValue = propertyDescriptor.initialValue( module );
properties.put( propertyDescriptor.qualifiedName(), initialValue );
status = EntityStatus.UPDATED;
if( jsonValue == JSONObject.NULL )
properties.put( propertyDescriptor.qualifiedName(), null );
Object value = deserializer.deserialize( jsonValue, propertyDescriptor.valueType() );
properties.put( propertyDescriptor.qualifiedName(), value );
Map<QualifiedName, EntityReference> associations = new HashMap<QualifiedName, EntityReference>();