SWORDConfiguration swordConfig = swordService.getSwordConfig();
SWORDUrlManager urlManager = swordService.getUrlManager();
org.dspace.content.Collection col = (org.dspace.content.Collection) dso;
Collection scol = new Collection();
// prepare the parameters to be put in the sword collection
String location = urlManager.getDepositLocation(col);
// collection title is just its name
String title = col.getMetadata("name");
// the collection policy is the licence to which the collection adheres
String collectionPolicy = col.getLicense();
// FIXME: what is the treatment? Doesn't seem appropriate for DSpace
// String treatment = " ";
// abstract is the short description of the collection
String dcAbstract = col.getMetadata("short_description");
// we just do support mediation
boolean mediation = swordConfig.isMediated();
// load up the sword collection
// add the title if it exists
if (title != null && !"".equals(title))
// add the collection policy if it exists
if (collectionPolicy != null && !"".equals(collectionPolicy))
// FIXME: leave the treatment out for the time being,
// as there is no analogue
// scol.setTreatment(treatment);
// add the abstract if it exists
if (dcAbstract != null && !"".equals(dcAbstract))
List<String> accepts = swordService.getSwordConfig().getCollectionAccepts();
for (String accept : accepts)
// add the accept packaging values
Map<String, Float> aps = swordConfig.getAcceptPackaging(col);
for (Map.Entry<String, Float> ap : aps.entrySet())
scol.addAcceptPackaging(ap.getKey(), ap.getValue());
// should we offer the items in the collection up as deposit
// targets?
boolean itemService = ConfigurationManager.getBooleanProperty("sword-server", "expose-items");
if (itemService)
String subService = urlManager.constructSubServiceUrl(col);
log.debug("Created ATOM Collection for DSpace Collection");
return scol;