ls.position = 0;
final CompletionHandler<Integer, LinesState> ch = new CompletionHandler<Integer, LinesState>() {
public void completed(Integer bytes, LinesState ss) {
try {
ThreadContext curTC = tc.gc.getCurrentThreadContext();
/* If we're read all, send done notification. */
if (bytes == -1) {
/* we may have a bit of non-linebreak-terminated data to spit out */
if (ss.lineChunks.size() > 0) {
/* decode, box and enqueue. no need to chomp. */
String decoded = ss.lineChunks.size() == 1
? dec.decode(ss.lineChunks.get(0)).toString()
: decodeBuffers(ss.lineChunks,;
/* Box and enqueue. */
queue.put(Ops.box_s(decoded, Str, curTC));
Ops.invokeDirect(curTC, done, linesDoneCSD, new Object[] { });
/* Flip the just-read buffer. */
/* Look for lines. */
while (true) {
/* Hunt a line boundary. */
boolean foundLine = false;
int start = ss.readBuffer.position();
int end = start;
while (!foundLine && end < ss.readBuffer.limit()) {
if (ss.readBuffer.get(end) == '\n')
foundLine = true;
/* Copy what we found into the results. */
byte[] lineBytes = new byte[end - start];
ss.lineChunks.add(ByteBuffer.wrap(lineBytes)); += lineBytes.length;
/* If we found a line... */
if (foundLine) {
/* Decode. */
String decoded = ss.lineChunks.size() == 1
? dec.decode(ss.lineChunks.get(0)).toString()
: decodeBuffers(ss.lineChunks,;
/* Chomp if needed. */
if (chomp) {
int decLen = decoded.length();
int cutChars = 0;
if (decLen >= 1 && decoded.charAt(decLen - 1) == '\n') {
if (decLen >= 2 && decoded.charAt(decLen - 2) == '\r')
if (cutChars > 0)
decoded = decoded.substring(0, decLen - cutChars);
/* Box and enqueue. */
queue.put(Ops.box_s(decoded, Str, curTC));
/* Reset for next line. */
ss.lineChunks.clear(); = 0;
else {
/* Couldn't find an end of line, stop looping. */
/* Read more. */
ls.position += bytes;
ls.readBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(32768);, ls.position, ls, this);
} catch (IOException e) {
failed(e, ls);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
failed(e, ls);
private String decodeBuffers(ArrayList<ByteBuffer> buffers, int total) throws IOException {
// Copy to a single buffer and decode (could be smarter, but need
// to be wary as UTF-8 chars may span a buffer boundary).
ByteBuffer allBytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(total);
for (ByteBuffer bb : buffers)
allBytes.put(bb.array(), 0, bb.limit());
return dec.decode(allBytes).toString();
public void failed(Throwable exc, LinesState ss) {
/* Box error. */
ThreadContext curTC = tc.gc.getCurrentThreadContext();
SixModelObject boxed = Ops.box_s(exc.toString(), Str, curTC);
/* Call error handler. */
Ops.invokeDirect(curTC, error, linesErrorCSD, new Object[] { boxed });