Package org.perl6.nqp.jast2bc

Examples of org.perl6.nqp.jast2bc.AutosplitMethodWriter$Frame


    private void emitInstruction(SixModelObject insn, JastMethod method, MethodVisitor m, ThreadContext tc) throws Exception {
        int instruction = (int) getattr_i(insn, jastInstruction, "$!op", 0, tc);
        SixModelObject args = getattr(insn, jastInstruction, "@!args", 1, tc);

        // Go by instruction.
        switch (instruction) {
        case 0x00: // nop
        case 0x01: //aconst_null
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                ThreadContext curTC = tc.gc.getCurrentThreadContext();
                callback(curTC, task, IOType, Ops.box_s(t.toString(), Str, curTC));

            protected void callback(ThreadContext tc, AsyncTaskInstance task, SixModelObject ioHandle, SixModelObject err) {
                SixModelObject result =,;
                result.push_boxed(tc, task.schedulee);
                result.push_boxed(tc, ioHandle);
                result.push_boxed(tc, err);
                ((ConcBlockingQueueInstance) task.queue).push_boxed(tc, result);

        try {
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                Type.getMethodDescriptor(returnType, argumentTypes));

    private void emitInvokeDynamic(SixModelObject insn, MethodVisitor m, ThreadContext tc) {
        String name = getattr(insn, jastIndy, "$!name", 0, tc).get_str(tc);
        SixModelObject argTypesSmo = getattr(insn, jastIndy, "@!arg_types", 1, tc);
        Type retType = processType(getattr(insn, jastIndy, "$!ret_type", 2, tc).get_str(tc));
        String bsmType = getattr(insn, jastIndy, "$!bsm_type", 3, tc).get_str(tc);
        String bsmName = getattr(insn, jastIndy, "$!bsm_name", 4, tc).get_str(tc);
        SixModelObject extraArgsSmo = getattr(insn, jastIndy, "@!extra_args", 5, tc);

        int numArgs = (int) argTypesSmo.elems(tc);
        Type[] argTypes = new Type[numArgs];
        for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) {
            argTypes[i] = processType(atpos(argTypesSmo, i, tc).get_str(tc));

        int numExtraArgs = (int) extraArgsSmo.elems(tc);
        MethodType bsmMT = MethodType.methodType(CallSite.class, MethodHandles.Lookup.class,
                java.lang.String.class, MethodType.class);

        Object[] extraArgs = new Object[numExtraArgs];
        for (int i = 0; i < numExtraArgs; i++) {
            SixModelObject extra = atpos(extraArgsSmo, i, tc);
            if (istype(extra, jastPushI, tc) != 0) {
                extraArgs[i] = getattr_i(extra, jastPushI, "$!value", 0, tc);
                bsmMT = bsmMT.appendParameterTypes(long.class);
            else if (istype(extra, jastPushN, tc) != 0) {
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    private void writeByteBuffer(final ThreadContext tc, final AsyncTaskInstance task, ByteBuffer buffer) {
        try {
            HLLConfig hllConfig = tc.curFrame.codeRef.staticInfo.compUnit.hllConfig;
            final SixModelObject Array = hllConfig.listType;
            final SixModelObject Int = hllConfig.intBoxType;
            final SixModelObject Null = hllConfig.nullValue;
            final SixModelObject Str = hllConfig.strBoxType;

            CompletionHandler<Integer, AsyncTaskInstance> handler
                = new CompletionHandler<Integer, AsyncTaskInstance>() {

                public void completed(Integer bytesWritten, AsyncTaskInstance task) {
                    ThreadContext curTC = tc.gc.getCurrentThreadContext();
                    callback(curTC, task, Ops.box_i(bytesWritten, Int, curTC), Null);

                public void failed(Throwable t, AsyncTaskInstance attachment) {
                    ThreadContext curTC = tc.gc.getCurrentThreadContext();
                    callback(curTC, task, Str, Ops.box_s(t.toString(), Str, curTC));

                protected void callback(ThreadContext tc, AsyncTaskInstance task, SixModelObject bytesWritten, SixModelObject err) {
                    SixModelObject result =,;
                    result.push_boxed(tc, task.schedulee);
                    result.push_boxed(tc, bytesWritten);
                    result.push_boxed(tc, err);
                    ((ConcBlockingQueueInstance) task.queue).push_boxed(tc, result);

            channel.write(buffer, task, handler);
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    public void readChars(final ThreadContext tc, final AsyncTaskInstance task) {
        HLLConfig hllConfig = tc.curFrame.codeRef.staticInfo.compUnit.hllConfig;
        final SixModelObject Str = hllConfig.strBoxType;

        readSocket(tc, task, new Decoder () {
            final CharBuffer decodedBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(32768);

            public SixModelObject decode(ThreadContext tc, ByteBuffer source, Integer numRead) throws Exception {
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    public void readBytes(final ThreadContext tc, final AsyncTaskInstance task, final SixModelObject bufType) {
        readSocket(tc, task, new Decoder() {
            public SixModelObject decode(ThreadContext tc, ByteBuffer source, Integer numRead)
                    throws Exception {
                SixModelObject res =,;
                byte[] bytes = new byte[source.remaining()];
                Buffers.stashBytes(tc, res, bytes);
                return res;
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    private void readSocket(final ThreadContext tc, final AsyncTaskInstance task, final Decoder decoder) {
        final ByteBuffer readBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(32768);

        HLLConfig hllConfig = tc.curFrame.codeRef.staticInfo.compUnit.hllConfig;
        final SixModelObject Array = hllConfig.listType;
        final SixModelObject Int = hllConfig.intBoxType;
        final SixModelObject Str = hllConfig.strBoxType;
        final SixModelObject Null = hllConfig.nullValue;

        CompletionHandler<Integer, AsyncTaskInstance> handler
        = new CompletionHandler<Integer, AsyncTaskInstance>() {

            public void completed(Integer numRead, AsyncTaskInstance task) {
                ThreadContext curTC = tc.gc.getCurrentThreadContext();

                try {
                    if (numRead == -1) {
                        task.seq = -1;
                        callback(curTC, task, -1, Str, Null);
                    } else {
                        SixModelObject decoded = decoder.decode(tc, readBuffer, numRead);

                        callback(curTC, task, task.seq++, decoded, Null);

              , task, this);
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    failed(t, task);

            public void failed(Throwable t, AsyncTaskInstance task) {
                ThreadContext curTC = tc.gc.getCurrentThreadContext();
                SixModelObject err = (t instanceof AsynchronousCloseException)
                        ? Str : Ops.box_s(t.toString(), Str, curTC);
                callback(curTC, task, -1, Str, err);

            protected void callback(ThreadContext tc, AsyncTaskInstance task, long seq, SixModelObject str, SixModelObject err) {
                SixModelObject result =,;
                result.push_boxed(tc, task.schedulee);
                result.push_boxed(tc, Ops.box_i(seq, Int, tc));
                result.push_boxed(tc, str);
                result.push_boxed(tc, err);
                ((ConcBlockingQueueInstance) task.queue).push_boxed(tc, result);

        try {
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    public JastMethod(SixModelObject jast, SixModelObject jastMethod, ThreadContext tc) throws Exception {
        if (istype(jast, jastMethod, tc) == 0)
            throw new Exception("JAST node isn't a JAST::Method");

        SixModelObject iter;
        beginAll = new Label();
        endAll = new Label();
        int curArgIndex = 1;

        name = getattr_s(jast, jastMethod, "$!name", nameHint, tc);
        returns = processType(getattr(jast, jastMethod, "$!returns", returnsHint, tc).get_str(tc));
        isStatic = getattr_i(jast, jastMethod, "$!static", staticHint, tc) != 0;
        if (isStatic)
            curArgIndex = 0;

        iter = iter(getattr(jast, jastMethod, "@!arguments", argumentsHint, tc), tc);
        while (istrue(iter, tc) != 0) {
            SixModelObject pair = iter.shift_boxed(tc);
            String name = pair.at_pos_boxed(tc, 0).get_str(tc);
            Type type = processType(pair.at_pos_boxed(tc, 1).get_str(tc));
            if (locals.containsKey(name))
                throw new Exception("Duplicate local name: " + name);
            locals.put(name, new VariableDef(curArgIndex, type.getDescriptor(), beginAll, endAll));
            curArgIndex += (type == Type.LONG_TYPE || type == Type.DOUBLE_TYPE ? 2 : 1);

        iter = iter(getattr(jast, jastMethod, "@!locals", localsHint, tc), tc);
        while (istrue(iter, tc) != 0) {
            SixModelObject pair = iter.shift_boxed(tc);
            String name = pair.at_pos_boxed(tc, 0).get_str(tc);
            Type type = processType(pair.at_pos_boxed(tc, 1).get_str(tc));
            if (locals.containsKey(name))
                throw new Exception("Duplicate local name: " + name);
            locals.put(name, new VariableDef(curArgIndex, type.getDescriptor(), beginAll, endAll));
            curArgIndex += (type == Type.LONG_TYPE || type == Type.DOUBLE_TYPE ? 2 : 1);

        instructions = getattr(jast, jastMethod, "@!instructions", instructionsHint, tc);

        crName = getattr_s(jast, jastMethod, "$!cr_name", crNameHint, tc);
        crCuid = getattr_s(jast, jastMethod, "$!cr_cuid", crCuidHint, tc);
        crOuter = (int) getattr_i(jast, jastMethod, "$!cr_outer", crOuterHint, tc);

        fillList(crOlex, getattr(jast, jastMethod, "@!cr_olex", crOlexHint, tc), tc);
        fillList(crIlex, getattr(jast, jastMethod, "@!cr_ilex", crIlexHint, tc), tc);
        fillList(crNlex, getattr(jast, jastMethod, "@!cr_nlex", crNlexHint, tc), tc);
        fillList(crSlex, getattr(jast, jastMethod, "@!cr_slex", crSlexHint, tc), tc);

        SixModelObject handlersList = getattr(jast, jastMethod, "@!cr_handlers", crHandlersHint, tc);
        iter = iter(handlersList, tc);
        crHandlers = new long[(int) elems(handlersList, tc)];
        for (int i = 0; istrue(iter, tc) != 0; i++) {
            crHandlers[i] = iter.shift_boxed(tc).get_int(tc);
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            /* Most likely a version of the node without the field. */

    private void fillList(List<String> list, SixModelObject smoList, ThreadContext tc) {
        SixModelObject iter = iter(smoList, tc);
        while(istrue(iter, tc) != 0) {
            String value = iter.shift_boxed(tc).get_str(tc);
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import org.perl6.nqp.runtime.ThreadContext;

public class CStruct extends REPR {
    public SixModelObject type_object_for(ThreadContext tc, SixModelObject HOW) {
        STable st = new STable(this, HOW);
        SixModelObject obj = new TypeObject(); = st;
        st.WHAT = obj;
        return st.WHAT;
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Related Classes of org.perl6.nqp.jast2bc.AutosplitMethodWriter$Frame

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