pentahoSession.setAuthenticated( null, repositoryAdminUsername );
PentahoSessionHolder.setSession( pentahoSession );
try {
txnTemplate.execute( new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() {
public void doInTransactionWithoutResult( final TransactionStatus status ) {
Builder aclsForUserHomeFolder = null;
Builder aclsForTenantHomeFolder = null;
ITenant tenant = null;
String username = null;
if ( theTenant == null ) {
tenant = getTenant( username, true );
username = getPrincipalName( theUsername, true );
} else {
tenant = theTenant;
username = theUsername;
if ( tenant == null || tenant.getId() == null ) {
tenant = getCurrentTenant();
if ( tenant == null || tenant.getId() == null ) {
tenant = JcrTenantUtils.getDefaultTenant();
RepositoryFile userHomeFolder = null;
String userId = userNameUtils.getPrincipleId( theTenant, username );
final RepositoryFileSid userSid = new RepositoryFileSid( userId );
RepositoryFile tenantHomeFolder = null;
RepositoryFile tenantRootFolder = null;
// Get the Tenant Root folder. If the Tenant Root folder does not exist then exit.
tenantRootFolder =
repositoryFileDao.getFileByAbsolutePath( ServerRepositoryPaths.getTenantRootFolderPath( theTenant ) );
if ( tenantRootFolder != null ) {
// Try to see if Tenant Home folder exist
tenantHomeFolder =
repositoryFileDao.getFileByAbsolutePath( ServerRepositoryPaths.getTenantHomeFolderPath( theTenant ) );
if ( tenantHomeFolder == null ) {
String ownerId = userNameUtils.getPrincipleId( theTenant, username );
RepositoryFileSid ownerSid = new RepositoryFileSid( ownerId, Type.USER );
String tenantAuthenticatedRoleId = roleNameUtils.getPrincipleId( theTenant, tenantAuthenticatedRoleName );
RepositoryFileSid tenantAuthenticatedRoleSid =
new RepositoryFileSid( tenantAuthenticatedRoleId, Type.ROLE );
aclsForTenantHomeFolder =
new Builder( userSid ).ace( tenantAuthenticatedRoleSid, EnumSet
.of( RepositoryFilePermission.READ ) );
aclsForUserHomeFolder =
new Builder( userSid ).ace( ownerSid, EnumSet.of( RepositoryFilePermission.ALL ) );
tenantHomeFolder =
repositoryFileDao.createFolder( tenantRootFolder.getId(), new RepositoryFile.Builder(
ServerRepositoryPaths.getTenantHomeFolderName() ).folder( true ).build(), aclsForTenantHomeFolder
.build(), "tenant home folder" );
} else {
String ownerId = userNameUtils.getPrincipleId( theTenant, username );
RepositoryFileSid ownerSid = new RepositoryFileSid( ownerId, Type.USER );
aclsForUserHomeFolder =
new Builder( userSid ).ace( ownerSid, EnumSet.of( RepositoryFilePermission.ALL ) );
// now check if user's home folder exist
userHomeFolder =
repositoryFileDao.getFileByAbsolutePath( ServerRepositoryPaths.getUserHomeFolderPath( theTenant,