Package org.pentaho.platform.api.repository2.unified

Examples of org.pentaho.platform.api.repository2.unified.IRepositoryContentConverterHandler

    if ( !isPathValid( path ) ) {
      throw new IllegalSelectorException();

    // check if entity exists in repo
    RepositoryFile repositoryFile = getRepository().getFile( path );

    if ( repositoryFile == null ) {
      // file does not exist or is not readable but we can't tell at this point
      throw new FileNotFoundException( path );

   // send zip with manifest by default
    boolean withManifest = "false".equals( strWithManifest ) ? false : true;
    boolean requiresZip = repositoryFile.isFolder() || withManifest;
    BaseExportProcessor exportProcessor = getDownloadExportProcessor( path, requiresZip, withManifest );
    originalFileName = requiresZip ? repositoryFile.getName() + ".zip" : repositoryFile.getName(); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
    encodedFileName = URLEncoder.encode( originalFileName, "UTF-8" ).replaceAll( "\\+", "%20" );
    String quotedFileName = "\"" + originalFileName + "\"";

    // add export handlers for each expected file type
    exportProcessor.addExportHandler( getDownloadExportHandler() );
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   * @throws FileNotFoundException
  // have to accept anything for browsers to work
  public RepositoryFileToStreamWrapper doGetFileAsInline( String pathId ) throws FileNotFoundException {
    String path = null;
    RepositoryFile repositoryFile = null;
    // Check if the path is actually and ID
    path = idToPath( pathId );
    if ( isPath( path ) ) {
      if ( !isPathValid( path ) ) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
      repositoryFile = getRepository().getFile( path );
    } else {
      // Yes path provided is an ID
      repositoryFile = getRepository().getFileById( pathId );

    if ( repositoryFile == null ) {
      // file does not exist or is not readable but we can't tell at this point
      throw new FileNotFoundException();

    // check whitelist acceptance of file (based on extension)
    if ( !getWhitelist().accept( repositoryFile.getName() ) ) {
      // if whitelist check fails, we can still inline if you have PublishAction, otherwise we're FORBIDDEN
      if ( !getPolicy().isAllowed( PublishAction.NAME ) ) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    try {
      SimpleRepositoryFileData fileData =
          getRepository().getDataForRead( repositoryFile.getId(), SimpleRepositoryFileData.class );
      final InputStream is = fileData.getInputStream();

      // copy streaming output
      StreamingOutput streamingOutput = getStreamingOutput( is );

      RepositoryFileToStreamWrapper wrapper = new RepositoryFileToStreamWrapper();
      wrapper.setOutputStream( streamingOutput );
      wrapper.setRepositoryFile( repositoryFile );

      return wrapper;
    } catch ( Exception e ) {
      logger.error( Messages.getInstance().getString(
          "FileResource.EXPORT_FAILED", repositoryFile.getName() + " " + e.getMessage() ), e );
      throw new InternalError();
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    if ( mode == null ) {
      mode = MODE_RENAME;

    String path = idToPath( pathId );
    RepositoryFile destDir = getRepository().getFile( path );
    String[] sourceFileIds = params.split( "[,]" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
    if ( mode == MODE_OVERWRITE || mode == MODE_NO_OVERWRITE ) {
      for ( String sourceFileId : sourceFileIds ) {
        RepositoryFile sourceFile = getRepository().getFileById( sourceFileId );
        if ( destDir != null && destDir.isFolder() && sourceFile != null && !sourceFile.isFolder() ) {
          String fileName = sourceFile.getName();
              sourcePath =
              sourceFile.getPath().substring( 0, sourceFile.getPath().lastIndexOf( FileUtils.PATH_SEPARATOR ) );
          if ( !sourcePath.equals( destDir.getPath() ) ) { // We're saving to a different folder than we're copying
            // from
            IRepositoryFileData data = getData( sourceFile );
            RepositoryFileAcl acl = getRepository().getAcl( sourceFileId );
                destFile =
                getRepository().getFile( destDir.getPath() + FileUtils.PATH_SEPARATOR + fileName );
            if ( destFile == null ) { // destFile doesn't exist so we'll create it.
              RepositoryFile duplicateFile =
                  new RepositoryFile.Builder( fileName ).hidden( sourceFile.isHidden() ).versioned(
                      sourceFile.isVersioned() ).build();
              final RepositoryFile repositoryFile =
                  getRepository().createFile( destDir.getId(), duplicateFile, data, acl, null );
                  .setFileMetadata( repositoryFile.getId(), getRepository().getFileMetadata( sourceFileId ) );
            } else if ( mode == MODE_OVERWRITE ) { // destFile exists so check to see if we want to overwrite it.
              RepositoryFileDto destFileDto = toFileDto( destFile, null, false );
              destFileDto.setHidden( sourceFile.isHidden() );
              destFile = toFile( destFileDto );
              final RepositoryFile repositoryFile = getRepository().updateFile( destFile, data, null );
              getRepository().updateAcl( acl );
                  .setFileMetadata( repositoryFile.getId(), getRepository().getFileMetadata( sourceFileId ) );
    } else {
      for ( String sourceFileId : sourceFileIds ) {
        RepositoryFile sourceFile = getRepository().getFileById( sourceFileId );
        if ( destDir != null && destDir.isFolder() && sourceFile != null && !sourceFile.isFolder() ) {

          // First try to see if regular name is available
          String fileName = sourceFile.getName();
          String copyText = "";
          String rootCopyText = "";
          String nameNoExtension = fileName;
          String extension = "";
          int indexOfDot = fileName.lastIndexOf( '.' );
          if ( !( indexOfDot == -1 ) ) {
            nameNoExtension = fileName.substring( 0, indexOfDot );
            extension = fileName.substring( indexOfDot );

              testFile =
              getRepoWs().getFile( path + FileUtils.PATH_SEPARATOR + nameNoExtension + extension ); //$NON-NLS-1$
          if ( testFile != null ) {
            // Second try COPY_PREFIX, If the name already ends with a COPY_PREFIX don't append twice
            if ( !nameNoExtension
                .endsWith( Messages.getInstance().getString( "FileResource.COPY_PREFIX" ) ) ) { //$NON-NLS-1$
              copyText = rootCopyText = Messages.getInstance().getString( "FileResource.COPY_PREFIX" );
              fileName = nameNoExtension + copyText + extension;
              testFile = getRepoWs().getFile( path + FileUtils.PATH_SEPARATOR + fileName );

          Integer nameCount = 1;
          while ( testFile != null ) {
            copyText =
                rootCopyText + Messages.getInstance().getString( "FileResource.DUPLICATE_INDICATOR", nameCount );
            fileName = nameNoExtension + copyText + extension;
            testFile = getRepoWs().getFile( path + FileUtils.PATH_SEPARATOR + fileName );
          IRepositoryFileData data = getData( sourceFile );
          RepositoryFileAcl acl = getRepository().getAcl( sourceFileId );
          RepositoryFile duplicateFile = null;

          // If the title is different than the source file, copy it separately
          if ( !sourceFile.getName().equals( sourceFile.getTitle() ) ) {
            duplicateFile =
                new RepositoryFile.Builder( fileName ).title( RepositoryFile.DEFAULT_LOCALE,
                    sourceFile.getTitle() + copyText ).hidden( sourceFile.isHidden() ).versioned(
                    sourceFile.isVersioned() ).build();
          } else {
            duplicateFile = new RepositoryFile.Builder( fileName ).hidden( sourceFile.isHidden() ).build();

          final RepositoryFile repositoryFile =
              getRepository().createFile( destDir.getId(), duplicateFile, data, acl, null );
          getRepository().setFileMetadata( repositoryFile.getId(), getRepository().getFileMetadata( sourceFileId ) );
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    if ( !isPathValid( path ) ) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    RepositoryFile repoFile = getRepository().getFile( path );

    if ( repoFile == null ) {
      // file does not exist or is not readable but we can't tell at this point
      throw new FileNotFoundException();

    // check whitelist acceptance of file (based on extension)
    if ( !getWhitelist().accept( repoFile.getName() ) ) {
      // if whitelist check fails, we can still inline if you have PublishAction, otherwise we're FORBIDDEN
      if ( !getPolicy().isAllowed( PublishAction.NAME ) ) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
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           * Since we cannot simply set the new value, use the RepositoryFileAdapter to create a new instance and then
           * update the original.
        RepositoryFile sourceFile = getRepository().getFileById( file.getId() );
        RepositoryFileDto destFileDto = toFileDto( sourceFile, null, false );

        destFileDto.setHidden( isHidden );

        RepositoryFile destFile = toFile( destFileDto );

        // add the existing acls and file data
        RepositoryFileAcl acl = getRepository().getAcl( sourceFile.getId() );
        if ( !file.isFolder() ) {
          IRepositoryFileData data = getData( sourceFile );
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  protected List<RepositoryFileDto> searchGeneratedContent( String userDir, String targetComparator,
                                                          String metadataConstant )
    throws FileNotFoundException {
    List<RepositoryFileDto> content = new ArrayList<RepositoryFileDto>();

    RepositoryFile workspaceFolder = getRepository().getFile( userDir );
    if ( workspaceFolder != null ) {
      List<RepositoryFile> children = getRepository().getChildren( workspaceFolder.getId() );
      for ( RepositoryFile child : children ) {
        if ( !child.isFolder() ) {
          Map<String, Serializable> fileMetadata = getRepository().getFileMetadata( child.getId() );
          String creatorId = (String) fileMetadata.get( metadataConstant );
          if ( creatorId != null && creatorId.equals( targetComparator ) ) {
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   * @param newName (New name of the file)
   * @return
  public boolean doRename( String pathId, String newName ) throws Exception {
    IUnifiedRepository repository = getRepository();
    RepositoryFile fileToBeRenamed = repository.getFile( FileUtils.idToPath( pathId ) );
    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( fileToBeRenamed.getPath().length() );
    buf.append( getParentPath( fileToBeRenamed.getPath() ) );
    buf.append( RepositoryFile.SEPARATOR );
    buf.append( newName );
    if ( !fileToBeRenamed.isFolder() ) {
      String extension = getExtension( fileToBeRenamed.getName() );
      if ( extension != null ) {
        buf.append( extension );
    repository.moveFile( fileToBeRenamed.getId(), buf.toString(), "Renaming the file" );
    RepositoryFile movedFile = repository.getFileById( fileToBeRenamed.getId() );
    if ( movedFile != null ) {
      if ( !movedFile.isFolder() ) {
        Map<String, Properties> localePropertiesMap = movedFile.getLocalePropertiesMap();
        if ( localePropertiesMap == null ) {
          localePropertiesMap = new HashMap<String, Properties>();
          Properties properties = new Properties();
          properties.setProperty( "file.title", newName );
          properties.setProperty( "title", newName );
          localePropertiesMap.put( "default", properties );
        } else {
          for ( Map.Entry<String, Properties> entry : localePropertiesMap.entrySet() ) {
            Properties properties = entry.getValue();
            if ( properties.containsKey( "file.title" ) ) {
              properties.setProperty( "file.title", newName );
            if ( properties.containsKey( "title" ) ) {
              properties.setProperty( "title", newName );
        RepositoryFile updatedFile =
          new RepositoryFile.Builder( movedFile ).localePropertiesMap( localePropertiesMap ).name( newName ).title(
            newName ).build();
        repository.updateFile( updatedFile, getData( movedFile ), "Updating the file" );
      return true;
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    return null; // it should never reach here

  private boolean isValidOutputPath( String path ) {
    try {
      RepositoryFile repoFile = repository.getFile( path );
      if ( repoFile != null && repoFile.isFolder() ) {
        return true;
    } catch ( Exception e ) {
      logger.warn( e.getMessage(), e );
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    String etcMondrian =
      ClientRepositoryPaths.getEtcFolderPath() + RepositoryFile.SEPARATOR + MONDRIAN_DATASOURCE_FOLDER;

    RepositoryFile etcMondrianFolder = unifiedRepository.getFile( etcMondrian );
    if ( etcMondrianFolder != null ) {
      List<RepositoryFile> mondrianCatalogs = unifiedRepository.getChildren( etcMondrianFolder.getId() );

      for ( RepositoryFile catalog : mondrianCatalogs ) {

        String catalogName = catalog.getName();
        RepositoryFile metadata =
          unifiedRepository.getFile( etcMondrian + RepositoryFile.SEPARATOR + catalogName + RepositoryFile.SEPARATOR
            + "metadata" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

        if ( metadata != null ) {
          DataNode metadataNode =
            unifiedRepository.getDataForRead( metadata.getId(), NodeRepositoryFileData.class ).getNode();
          String datasourceInfo = metadataNode.getProperty( "datasourceInfo" ).getString(); //$NON-NLS-1$
          String definition = metadataNode.getProperty( "definition" ).getString(); //$NON-NLS-1$

          datasourcesXML.append( "<Catalog name=\"" + encoder.encodeForXML( catalogName ) + "\">\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
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      throw new MondrianCatalogServiceException( Messages.getInstance().getErrorString(
        "MondrianCatalogHelper.ERROR_0003_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION" ), Reason.ACCESS_DENIED ); //$NON-NLS-1$

    IUnifiedRepository solutionRepository = PentahoSystem.get( IUnifiedRepository.class );
    RepositoryFile deletingFile = solutionRepository.getFile( RepositoryFile.SEPARATOR + "etc" //$NON-NLS-1$
      + RepositoryFile.SEPARATOR + "mondrian" + RepositoryFile.SEPARATOR + catalog.getName() ); //$NON-NLS-1$
    solutionRepository.deleteFile( deletingFile.getId(), true, "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
    reInit( pentahoSession );
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Related Classes of org.pentaho.platform.api.repository2.unified.IRepositoryContentConverterHandler

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