Package org.pentaho.di.trans

Examples of org.pentaho.di.trans.TransMeta

  private void loadTransformation(final ResourceManager resourceManager, final ResourceKey contextKey)
      throws ReportDataFactoryException, KettleException
    final InternalKettleTransFromFileProducer transFromFileProducer =
        new InternalKettleTransFromFileProducer(getFile());
    final TransMeta transMeta = transFromFileProducer.loadTransformation(null, resourceManager, contextKey);
    final List<StepMeta> theSteps = transMeta.getSteps();
    declaredParameters = transMeta.listParameters();
    cached = theSteps.toArray(new StepMeta[theSteps.size()]);
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  public void execute() throws KettleXMLException, KettleException {

    String systemSolutionfolder = PentahoSystem.getApplicationContext().getSolutionPath( "system" );
    String jobFileFullPath = systemSolutionfolder + "/" + getTransFileName();

    TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta( jobFileFullPath );
    if ( transMeta != null ) {
      Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );
      trans.execute( null );
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    if ( ComponentBase.debug ) {
      debug( Messages.getInstance().getString( "Kettle.DEBUG_START" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

    TransMeta transMeta = null;
    JobMeta jobMeta = null;

    // Build lists of parameters, variables and command line arguments

    Map<String, String> argumentMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    Map<String, String> variableMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    Map<String, String> parameterMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

    for ( Node n : (List<Node>) getComponentDefinition().selectNodes( PARAMETER_MAP_CMD_ARG ) ) {
              n.selectSingleNode( "name" ).getText(),
              applyInputsToFormat( getInputStringValue( n.selectSingleNode( "mapping" ).getText() ) ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

    for ( Node n : (List<Node>) getComponentDefinition().selectNodes( PARAMETER_MAP_VARIABLE ) ) {
              n.selectSingleNode( "name" ).getText(),
              applyInputsToFormat( getInputStringValue( n.selectSingleNode( "mapping" ).getText() ) ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

    for ( Node n : (List<Node>) getComponentDefinition().selectNodes( PARAMETER_MAP_PARAMETER ) ) {
              n.selectSingleNode( "name" ).getText(),
              applyInputsToFormat( getInputStringValue( n.selectSingleNode( "mapping" ).getText() ) ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

    String[] arguments = null;

    // If no mappings are provided, assume all inputs are command line
    // arguments (This supports the legacy method)
    if ( argumentMap.size() <= 0 && variableMap.size() <= 0 && parameterMap.size() <= 0 ) {
      // this use is now considered obsolete, as we prefer the
      // action-sequence inputs since they
      // now maintain order
      boolean running = true;
      int index = 1;
      ArrayList<String> argumentList = new ArrayList<String>();
      while ( running ) {
        if ( isDefinedInput( "parameter" + index ) ) { //$NON-NLS-1$
          String value = null;
          String inputName = getInputStringValue( "parameter" + index ); //$NON-NLS-1$
          // see if we have an input with this name
          if ( isDefinedInput( inputName ) ) {
            value = getInputStringValue( inputName );
          argumentList.add( value );
        } else {
          running = false;

      // this is the preferred way to provide inputs to the
      // KetteComponent, the order of inputs is now preserved
      Iterator<?> inputNamesIter = getInputNames().iterator();
      while ( inputNamesIter.hasNext() ) {
        String name = (String);
        argumentList.add( getInputStringValue( name ) );

      arguments = (String[]) argumentList.toArray( new String[argumentList.size()] );
    } else {
      // Extract arguments from argumentMap (Throw an error if the
      // sequential ordering is broken)
      arguments = new String[argumentMap.size()];
      for ( int i = 0; i < argumentMap.size(); i++ ) {
        arguments[i] = argumentMap.get( Integer.toString( i + 1 ) ); // Mapping
        // is
        // 1
        // based
        // to
        // match
        // Kettle
        // UI
        if ( arguments[i] == null ) {
          error( Messages.getInstance().getErrorString( "Kettle.ERROR_0030_INVALID_ARGUMENT_MAPPING" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // initialize environment variables
    try {
      KettleSystemListener.environmentInit( getSession() );
    } catch ( KettleException ke ) {
      error( ke.getMessage(), ke );

    String solutionPath = "solution:";

    Repository repository = connectToRepository();
    boolean result = false;

    try {
      if ( isDefinedInput( KettleComponent.DIRECTORY ) ) {
        String directoryName = getInputStringValue( KettleComponent.DIRECTORY );

        if ( repository == null ) {
          return false;

        if ( isDefinedInput( KettleComponent.TRANSFORMATION ) ) {
          String transformationName = getInputStringValue( KettleComponent.TRANSFORMATION );
          transMeta = loadTransformFromRepository( directoryName, transformationName, repository );
          if ( transMeta != null ) {
            try {
              for ( String key : parameterMap.keySet() ) {
                transMeta.setParameterValue( key, parameterMap.get( key ) );
              for ( String key : variableMap.keySet() ) {
                transMeta.setVariable( key, variableMap.get( key ) );

            } catch ( UnknownParamException e ) {
              error( e.getMessage() );
            transMeta.setArguments( arguments );
          } else {
            return false;
        } else if ( isDefinedInput( KettleComponent.JOB ) ) {
          String jobName = getInputStringValue( KettleComponent.JOB );
          jobMeta = loadJobFromRepository( directoryName, jobName, repository );
          if ( jobMeta != null ) {
            try {
              for ( String key : parameterMap.keySet() ) {
                jobMeta.setParameterValue( key, parameterMap.get( key ) );
              for ( String key : variableMap.keySet() ) {
                jobMeta.setVariable( key, variableMap.get( key ) );

            } catch ( UnknownParamException e ) {
              error( e.getMessage() );
            jobMeta.setArguments( arguments );
          } else {
            return false;
      } else if ( isDefinedResource( KettleComponent.TRANSFORMFILE ) ) {
        IActionSequenceResource transformResource = getResource( KettleComponent.TRANSFORMFILE );
        String fileAddress = getActualFileName( transformResource );

        try {
          if ( fileAddress != null ) { // We have an actual loadable
            // filesystem and file
            transMeta = new TransMeta( fileAddress, repository, true );
            transMeta.setFilename( fileAddress );
          } else if ( repository != null && repository.isConnected() ) {

            fileAddress = transformResource.getAddress();
            // load transformation resource from kettle/settings.xml configured repository
            transMeta = loadTransformFromRepository( FilenameUtils.getPathNoEndSeparator( fileAddress ), FilenameUtils.getBaseName( fileAddress ), repository );
          } else {
            String jobXmlStr = getResourceAsString( getResource( KettleComponent.TRANSFORMFILE ) );
            jobXmlStr = jobXmlStr.replaceAll( "\\$\\{pentaho.solutionpath\\}", solutionPath ); //$NON-NLS-1$
            jobXmlStr = jobXmlStr.replaceAll( "\\%\\%pentaho.solutionpath\\%\\%", solutionPath ); //$NON-NLS-1$
            org.w3c.dom.Document doc = XmlW3CHelper.getDomFromString( jobXmlStr );
            // create a tranformation from the document
            transMeta = new TransMeta( doc.getFirstChild(), repository );
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
          error( Messages.getInstance().getErrorString(
              "Kettle.ERROR_0015_BAD_RESOURCE", KettleComponent.TRANSFORMFILE, fileAddress ), e ); //$NON-NLS-1$
          return false;

         * Unreachable code below... if (transMeta == null) {
         * error(Messages.getInstance().getErrorString("Kettle.ERROR_0015_BAD_RESOURCE", KettleComponent.TRANSFORMFILE,
         * fileAddress)); //$NON-NLS-1$ debug(getKettleLog(true)); return false; }

        // Don't forget to set the parameters here as well...
        try {
          for ( String key : parameterMap.keySet() ) {
            transMeta.setParameterValue( key, parameterMap.get( key ) );
          for ( String key : variableMap.keySet() ) {
            transMeta.setVariable( key, variableMap.get( key ) );

        } catch ( UnknownParamException e ) {
          error( e.getMessage() );
        transMeta.setArguments( arguments );
         * We do not need to concatenate the solutionPath info as the fileAddress has the complete location of the file
         * from start to end. This is to resolve BISERVER-502.
        transMeta.setFilename( fileAddress );

      } else if ( isDefinedResource( KettleComponent.JOBFILE ) ) {
        String fileAddress = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
        try {
          fileAddress = getResource( KettleComponent.JOBFILE ).getAddress();

          if ( repository != null && repository.isConnected() ) {

            solutionPath = StringUtils.EMPTY;

            // load job resource from kettle/settings.xml configured repository
            jobMeta = loadJobFromRepository( FilenameUtils.getPathNoEndSeparator( fileAddress ), FilenameUtils.getBaseName( fileAddress ), repository );

          } else {

            String jobXmlStr = getResourceAsString( getResource( KettleComponent.JOBFILE ) );
            // String jobXmlStr =
            // XmlW3CHelper.getContentFromSolutionResource(fileAddress);
            jobXmlStr = jobXmlStr.replaceAll( "\\$\\{pentaho.solutionpath\\}", solutionPath ); //$NON-NLS-1$
            jobXmlStr = jobXmlStr.replaceAll( "\\%\\%pentaho.solutionpath\\%\\%", solutionPath ); //$NON-NLS-1$
            org.w3c.dom.Document doc = XmlW3CHelper.getDomFromString( jobXmlStr );
            if ( doc == null ) {
              error( Messages.getInstance().getErrorString(
                  "Kettle.ERROR_0015_BAD_RESOURCE", KettleComponent.JOBFILE, fileAddress ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
              debug( getKettleLog( true ) );
              return false;
            // create a job from the document
            try {
              repository = connectToRepository();
              // if we get a valid repository its great, if not try it
              // without

              jobMeta = new JobMeta( solutionPath + fileAddress, repository );
            } catch ( Exception e ) {
              error( Messages.getInstance().getString( "Kettle.ERROR_0023_NO_META" ), e ); //$NON-NLS-1$
            } finally {
              if ( repository != null ) {
                if ( ComponentBase.debug ) {
                  debug( Messages.getInstance().getString( "Kettle.DEBUG_DISCONNECTING" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
          error( Messages.getInstance().getErrorString(
              "Kettle.ERROR_0015_BAD_RESOURCE", KettleComponent.JOBFILE, fileAddress ), e ); //$NON-NLS-1$
          return false;
        if ( jobMeta == null ) {
          error( Messages.getInstance().getErrorString(
              "Kettle.ERROR_0015_BAD_RESOURCE", KettleComponent.JOBFILE, fileAddress ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
          debug( getKettleLog( true ) );
          return false;
        } else {
          try {
            for ( String key : parameterMap.keySet() ) {
              jobMeta.setParameterValue( key, parameterMap.get( key ) );
            for ( String key : variableMap.keySet() ) {
              jobMeta.setVariable( key, variableMap.get( key ) );

          } catch ( UnknownParamException e ) {
            error( e.getMessage() );
          jobMeta.setArguments( arguments );
          jobMeta.setFilename( solutionPath + fileAddress );


      // OK, we have the information, let's load and execute the
      // transformation or job

      if ( transMeta != null ) {
        result = executeTransformation( transMeta );
      if ( jobMeta != null ) {
        result = executeJob( jobMeta, repository );

    } finally {

      if ( repository != null ) {
        if ( ComponentBase.debug ) {
          debug( Messages.getInstance().getString( "Kettle.DEBUG_DISCONNECTING" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
        try {
        } catch ( Exception ignored ) {

      if ( transMeta != null ) {
        try {
          cleanLogChannel( transMeta );
        } catch ( Exception ignored ) {
        transMeta = null;
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      debug( Messages.getInstance().getString( "Kettle.DEBUG_DIRECTORY", directoryName ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
    if ( ComponentBase.debug ) {
      debug( Messages.getInstance().getString( "Kettle.DEBUG_TRANSFORMATION", transformationName ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
    TransMeta transMeta = null;
    try {

      if ( ComponentBase.debug ) {
        debug( Messages.getInstance().getString( "Kettle.DEBUG_FINDING_DIRECTORY" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
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Related Classes of org.pentaho.di.trans.TransMeta

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