* @throws IOException If there is an error parsing the document.
private void addContent( Document document, InputStream is, String documentLocation ) throws IOException
PDDocument pdfDocument = null;
pdfDocument = PDDocument.load( is );
if( pdfDocument.isEncrypted() )
//Just try using the default password and move on
pdfDocument.decrypt( "" );
//create a writer where to append the text content.
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
if( stripper == null )
stripper = new PDFTextStripper();
stripper.writeText( pdfDocument, writer );
// Note: the buffer to string operation is costless;
// the char array value of the writer buffer and the content string
// is shared as long as the buffer content is not modified, which will
// not occur here.
String contents = writer.getBuffer().toString();
StringReader reader = new StringReader( contents );
// Add the tag-stripped contents as a Reader-valued Text field so it will
// get tokenized and indexed.
addTextField( document, "contents", reader );
PDDocumentInformation info = pdfDocument.getDocumentInformation();
if( info != null )
addTextField( document, "Author", info.getAuthor() );
addTextField( document, "CreationDate", info.getCreationDate() );
addTextField( document, "Creator", info.getCreator() );
addTextField( document, "Keywords", info.getKeywords() );
addTextField( document, "ModificationDate", info.getModificationDate() );
addTextField( document, "Producer", info.getProducer() );
addTextField( document, "Subject", info.getSubject() );
addTextField( document, "Title", info.getTitle() );
addTextField( document, "Trapped", info.getTrapped() );
int summarySize = Math.min( contents.length(), 500 );
String summary = contents.substring( 0, summarySize );
// Add the summary as an UnIndexed field, so that it is stored and returned
// with hit documents for display.
addUnindexedField( document, "summary", summary );
catch( CryptographyException e )
throw new IOException( "Error decrypting document(" + documentLocation + "): " + e );
catch( InvalidPasswordException e )
//they didn't suppply a password and the default of "" was wrong.
throw new IOException(
"Error: The document(" + documentLocation +
") is encrypted and will not be indexed." );
if( pdfDocument != null )