//Append curved segment to path (three control points)
else if( operation.equals( "cm" ) )
//concatenate matrix to current transformation matrix
COSNumber a = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 0 );
COSNumber b = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 1 );
COSNumber c = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 2 );
COSNumber d = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 3 );
COSNumber e = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 4 );
COSNumber f = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 5 );
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("<cm " +
"a=\"" + a.floatValue() + "\" " +
"b=\"" + b.floatValue() + "\" " +
"c=\"" + c.floatValue() + "\" " +
"d=\"" + d.floatValue() + "\" " +
"e=\"" + e.floatValue() + "\" " +
"f=\"" + f.floatValue() + "\" >");
Matrix newMatrix = new Matrix();
newMatrix.setValue( 0, 0, a.floatValue() );
newMatrix.setValue( 0, 1, b.floatValue() );
newMatrix.setValue( 1, 0, c.floatValue() );
newMatrix.setValue( 1, 1, d.floatValue() );
newMatrix.setValue( 2, 0, e.floatValue() );
newMatrix.setValue( 2, 1, f.floatValue() );
currentTransformationMatrix = currentTransformationMatrix.multiply(newMatrix);
else if( operation.equals( "cs" ) )
//set colorspace for non stroking operations
COSName name = (COSName)parameterStack.get( parameterStack.size() -2 );
//System.out.println( "<cs name=\"" + name.getName() + "\" >" );
else if( operation.equals( "CS" ) )
//(PDF 1.1) Set color space for stroking operations
COSName name = (COSName)parameterStack.get( parameterStack.size() -2 );
//System.out.println( "<CS name=\"" + name.getName() + "\" >" );
else if( operation.equals( "d" ) )
//Set the line dash pattern in the graphics state
//System.out.println( "<d>" );
else if( operation.equals( "d0" ) )
COSNumber x = (COSNumber)parameterStack.get( parameterStack.size() -3 );
COSNumber y = (COSNumber)parameterStack.get( parameterStack.size() -2 );
//System.out.println( "<d0 x=\"" + x.getValue() + "\" y=\"" + y.getValue() + "\">" );
else if( operation.equals( "d1" ) )
//System.out.println( "<d1>" );
else if( operation.equals( "Do" ) )
//invoke named object.
else if( operation.equals( "DP" ) )
//(PDF 1.2) De.ne marked-content point with property list
else if( operation.equals( "EI" ) )
//end inline image object
else if( operation.equals( "EMC" ) )
//End inline image object
else if( operation.equals( "ET" ) )
log.debug( "<ET>" );
textMatrix = null;
textLineMatrix = null;
else if( operation.equals( "EX" ) )
//(PDF 1.1) End compatibility section
else if( operation.equals( "f" ) )
//Fill the path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine the region to .ll
//System.out.println( "<f>" );
else if( operation.equals( "F" ) )
//Equivalent to f; included only for compatibility. Although applications that read
//PDF files must be able to accept this operator, those that generate PDF files should
//use f instead.
//System.out.println( "<F>" );
else if( operation.equals( "f*" ) )
//Fill path using even-odd rule
else if( operation.equals( "g" ) )
//set gray level for nonstroking operations
COSNumber grayLevel = (COSNumber)parameterStack.get( parameterStack.size() -2 );
//System.out.println( "<g gray=\"" + grayLevel.getValue() + "\" />" );
else if( operation.equals( "G" ) )
//set gray level for stroking operations
COSNumber grayLevel = (COSNumber)parameterStack.get( parameterStack.size() -2 );
//System.out.println( "<G gray=\"" + grayLevel.getValue() + "\" />" );
else if( operation.equals( "gs" ) )
//set parameters from graphics state parameter dictionary
else if( operation.equals( "h" ) )
//close subpath
else if( operation.equals( "i" ) )
//set flatness tolerance, not sure what this does
else if( operation.equals( "ID" ) )
//begin inline image data
else if( operation.equals( "j" ) )
//Set the line join style in the graphics state
//System.out.println( "<j>" );
else if( operation.equals( "J" ) )
//Set the line cap style in the graphics state
//System.out.println( "<J>" );
else if( operation.equals( "k" ) )
//Set CMYK color for nonstroking operations
else if( operation.equals( "K" ) )
//Set CMYK color for stroking operations
else if( operation.equals( "l" ) )
//append straight line segment from the current point to the point.
COSNumber x = (COSNumber)parameterStack.get( parameterStack.size() -3 );
COSNumber y = (COSNumber)parameterStack.get( parameterStack.size() -2 );
//System.out.println( "<l x=\"" + x.getValue() + "\" y=\"" + y.getValue() + "\" >" );
else if( operation.equals( "m" ) )
COSNumber x = (COSNumber)parameterStack.get( parameterStack.size() -3 );
COSNumber y = (COSNumber)parameterStack.get( parameterStack.size() -2 );
//System.out.println( "<m x=\"" + x.getValue() + "\" y=\"" + y.getValue() + "\" >" );
else if( operation.equals( "M" ) )
//System.out.println( "<M>" );
else if( operation.equals( "MP" ) )
//(PDF 1.2) Define marked-content point
else if( operation.equals( "n" ) )
//End path without .lling or stroking
//System.out.println( "<n>" );
else if( operation.equals( "q" ) )
//save graphics state
if( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "<" + operation + "> - save state" );
else if( operation.equals( "Q" ) )
//restore graphics state
if( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "<" + operation + "> - restore state" );
currentTransformationMatrix = (Matrix)ctmStack.pop();
else if( operation.equals( "re" ) )
COSNumber x = (COSNumber)parameterStack.get( parameterStack.size() -5 );
COSNumber y = (COSNumber)parameterStack.get( parameterStack.size() -4 );
COSNumber width = (COSNumber)parameterStack.get( parameterStack.size() -3 );
COSNumber height = (COSNumber)parameterStack.get( parameterStack.size() -2 );
//System.out.println( "<re x=\"" + x.getValue() + "\" y=\"" + y.getValue() + "\" width=\"" +
// width.getValue() + "\" height=\"" + height.getValue() + "\" >" );
else if( operation.equals( "rg" ) )
//Set RGB color for nonstroking operations
else if( operation.equals( "RG" ) )
//Set RGB color for stroking operations
else if( operation.equals( "ri" ) )
//Set color rendering intent
else if( operation.equals( "s" ) )
//Close and stroke path
else if( operation.equals( "S" ) )
//System.out.println( "<S>" );
else if( operation.equals( "sc" ) )
//set color for nonstroking operations
//System.out.println( "<sc>" );
else if( operation.equals( "SC" ) )
//set color for stroking operations
//System.out.println( "<SC>" );
else if( operation.equals( "scn" ) )
//set color for nonstroking operations special
else if( operation.equals( "SCN" ) )
//set color for stroking operations special
else if( operation.equals( "sh" ) )
//(PDF 1.3) Paint area de.ned by shading pattern
else if( operation.equals( "T*" ) )
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("<T* currentLeading=\"" + currentLeading + "\">");
//move to start of next text line
if( currentLeading == 0 )
currentLeading = -.01f;
Matrix td = new Matrix();
td.setValue( 2, 1, -1 * currentLeading * textMatrix.getValue(1,1));
textLineMatrix = textLineMatrix.multiply( td );
textMatrix = textLineMatrix.copy();
else if( operation.equals( "Tc" ) )
//set character spacing
COSNumber characterSpacing = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 0 );
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("<Tc characterSpacing=\"" + characterSpacing.floatValue() + "\" />");
currentCharacterSpacing = characterSpacing.floatValue();
else if( operation.equals( "Td" ) )
COSNumber x = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 0 );
COSNumber y = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 1 );
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("<Td x=\"" + x.floatValue() + "\" y=\"" + y.floatValue() + "\">");
Matrix td = new Matrix();
td.setValue( 2, 0, x.floatValue() * textMatrix.getValue(0,0) );
td.setValue( 2, 1, y.floatValue() * textMatrix.getValue(1,1) );
//log.debug( "textLineMatrix before " + textLineMatrix );
textLineMatrix = textLineMatrix.multiply( td );
//log.debug( "textLineMatrix after " + textLineMatrix );
textMatrix = textLineMatrix.copy();
else if( operation.equals( "TD" ) )
//move text position and set leading
COSNumber x = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 0 );
COSNumber y = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 1 );
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("<TD x=\"" + x.floatValue() + "\" y=\"" + y.floatValue() + "\">");
currentLeading = -1 * y.floatValue();
Matrix td = new Matrix();
td.setValue( 2, 0, x.floatValue() * textMatrix.getValue(0,0) );
td.setValue( 2, 1, y.floatValue() * textMatrix.getValue(1,1) );
//log.debug( "textLineMatrix before " + textLineMatrix );
textLineMatrix = textLineMatrix.multiply( td );
//log.debug( "textLineMatrix after " + textLineMatrix );
textMatrix = textLineMatrix.copy();
else if( operation.equals( "Tf" ) )
//set font and size
COSName fontName = (COSName)arguments.get( 0 );
currentFontSize = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 1 );
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("<Tf font=\"" + fontName.getName() + "\" size=\"" + currentFontSize.floatValue() + "\">");
//old way
//currentFont = (COSObject)stream.getDictionaryObject( fontName );
//if( currentFont == null )
// currentFont = (COSObject)currentFontDictionary.getItem( fontName );
currentFont = (PDFont)fonts.get( fontName );
if( currentFont == null )
throw new IOException( "Current font is null" );
//log.debug( "Font Resource=" + fontResource );
//log.debug( "Current Font=" + currentFont );
//log.debug( "currentFontSize=" + currentFontSize );
else if( operation.equals( "Tj" ) )
COSString string = (COSString)arguments.get( 0 );
TextPosition pos = showString( string.getBytes() );
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("<Tj string=\"" + string.getString() + "\">");
else if( operation.equals( "TJ" ) )
Matrix td = new Matrix();
COSArray array = (COSArray)arguments.get( 0 );
for( int i=0; i<array.size(); i++ )
COSBase next = array.get( i );
if( next instanceof COSNumber )
float value = -1*
(((COSNumber)next).floatValue()/1000) *
currentFontSize.floatValue() *
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug( "<TJ(" + i + ") value=\"" + value +
"\", param=\"" + ((COSNumber)next).floatValue() +
"\", fontsize=\"" + currentFontSize.floatValue() + "\">" );
td.setValue( 2, 0, value );
textMatrix = textMatrix.multiply( td );
else if( next instanceof COSString )
TextPosition pos = showString( ((COSString)next).getBytes() );
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("<TJ(" + i + ") string=\"" + pos.getString() + "\">");
throw new IOException( "Unknown type in array for TJ operation:" + next );
else if( operation.equals( "TL" ) )
COSNumber leading = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 0 );
currentLeading = leading.floatValue();
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("<TL leading=\"" + leading.floatValue() + "\" >");
else if( operation.equals( "Tm" ) )
//Set text matrix and text line matrix
COSNumber a = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 0 );
COSNumber b = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 1 );
COSNumber c = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 2 );
COSNumber d = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 3 );
COSNumber e = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 4 );
COSNumber f = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 5 );
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("<Tm " +
"a=\"" + a.floatValue() + "\" " +
"b=\"" + b.floatValue() + "\" " +
"c=\"" + c.floatValue() + "\" " +
"d=\"" + d.floatValue() + "\" " +
"e=\"" + e.floatValue() + "\" " +
"f=\"" + f.floatValue() + "\" >");
textMatrix = new Matrix();
textMatrix.setValue( 0, 0, a.floatValue() );
textMatrix.setValue( 0, 1, b.floatValue() );
textMatrix.setValue( 1, 0, c.floatValue() );
textMatrix.setValue( 1, 1, d.floatValue() );
textMatrix.setValue( 2, 0, e.floatValue() );
textMatrix.setValue( 2, 1, f.floatValue() );
textLineMatrix = textMatrix.copy();
else if( operation.equals( "Tr" ) )
//Set text rendering mode
//System.out.println( "<Tr>" );
else if( operation.equals( "Ts" ) )
//Set text rise
//System.out.println( "<Ts>" );
else if( operation.equals( "Tw" ) )
//set word spacing
COSNumber wordSpacing = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 0 );
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("<Tw wordSpacing=\"" + wordSpacing.floatValue() + "\" />");
currentWordSpacing = wordSpacing.floatValue();
else if( operation.equals( "Tz" ) )
//Set horizontal text scaling
else if( operation.equals( "v" ) )
//Append curved segment to path (initial point replicated)
else if( operation.equals( "w" ) )
//Set the line width in the graphics state
//System.out.println( "<w>" );
else if( operation.equals( "W" ) )
//Set clipping path using nonzero winding number rule
//System.out.println( "<W>" );
else if( operation.equals( "W*" ) )
//Set clipping path using even-odd rule
else if( operation.equals( "y" ) )
//Append curved segment to path (final point replicated)
else if( operation.equals( "'" ) )
// Move to start of next text line, and show text
COSString string = (COSString)arguments.get( 0 );
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("<' string=\"" + string.getString() + "\">");
Matrix td = new Matrix();
td.setValue( 2, 1, -1 * currentLeading * textMatrix.getValue(1,1));
textLineMatrix = textLineMatrix.multiply( td );
textMatrix = textLineMatrix.copy();
showString( string.getBytes() );
else if( operation.equals( "\"" ) )
//Set word and character spacing, move to next line, and show text
COSNumber wordSpacing = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 0 );
COSNumber characterSpacing = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 1 );
COSString string = (COSString)arguments.get( 2 );
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("<\" wordSpacing=\"" + wordSpacing +
"\", characterSpacing=\"" + characterSpacing +
"\", string=\"" + string.getString() + "\">");
currentCharacterSpacing = characterSpacing.floatValue();
currentWordSpacing = wordSpacing.floatValue();
Matrix td = new Matrix();
td.setValue( 2, 1, -1 * currentLeading * textMatrix.getValue(1,1));
textLineMatrix = textLineMatrix.multiply( td );