+ ioe);
ConversationID id = null;
try {
Request request = null;
// if we do not already have a base URL (i.e. we operate as a normal
// proxy rather than a reverse proxy), check for a CONNECT
if (_base == null) {
try {
request = new Request();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
_logger.severe("Error reading the initial request" + ioe);
// if we are a normal proxy (because request is not null)
// and the request is a CONNECT, get the base URL from the request
// and send the OK back. We set request to null so we read a new
// one from the SSL socket later
// If it exists, we pull the ProxyAuthorization header from the
// so that we can use it upstream.
String proxyAuth = null;
if (request != null) {
String method = request.getMethod();
if (method == null) {
} else if (method.equals("CONNECT")) {
if (_clientOut != null) {
try {
_clientOut.write(("HTTP/1.0 200 Ok\r\n\r\n")
} catch (IOException ioe) {
.severe("IOException writing the CONNECT OK Response to the browser "
+ ioe);
_base = request.getURL();
proxyAuth = request.getHeader("Proxy-Authorization");
request = null;
if (_httpClient == null)
_httpClient = HTTPClientFactory.getInstance().getHTTPClient();
HTTPClient hc = _httpClient;
// if we are servicing a CONNECT, or operating as a reverse
// proxy with an https:// base URL, negotiate SSL
if (_base != null) {
// There are two certificates involved in a connection: one for the
// requested server, one for the client. First, the actual host must
// be determined from the client (SNI). Next, that host name must be
// taken to the server so it can return an appropriate certificate.
// Finally, the attributes from that server cert (mainly Subject and
// subjectAlternateName) can be copied back to the certificate
// presented to the client.
if (_base.getScheme().equals("https")) {
_logger.fine("Intercepting SSL connection!");
X509Certificate baseCrt = null;
// Connect early so some SSL details can be copied into new cert
URLFetcher uf = (URLFetcher) hc;
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
_logger.severe("Could not connect to remote server "
+ _base.toString() + ": " + ioe);
baseCrt = uf.getCertificate();
_logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Certificate: {0}",
baseCrt == null ? "null" :
_sock = negotiateSSL(_sock, _base.getHost(), baseCrt);
_clientIn = _sock.getInputStream();
_clientOut = _sock.getOutputStream();
// Maybe set SSL ProxyAuthorization here at a connection level?
// I prefer it in the Request itself, since it gets archived, and
// can be replayed trivially using netcat
// layer the proxy plugins onto the recorder. We do this
// in reverse order so that they operate intuitively
// the first plugin in the array gets the first chance to modify
// the request, and the last chance to modify the response
if (_plugins != null) {
for (int i = _plugins.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
hc = _plugins[i].getProxyPlugin(hc);
// do we add an X-Forwarded-For header?
String from = _sock.getInetAddress().getHostAddress();
if (from.equals(""))
from = null;
// do we keep-alive?
String keepAlive = null;
String version = null;
do {
id = null;
// if we are reading the first from a reverse proxy, or the
// continuation of a CONNECT from a normal proxy
// read the request, otherwise we already have it.
if (request == null) {
request = new Request();
_logger.fine("Reading request from the browser");
request.read(_clientIn, _base);
if (request.getMethod() == null || request.getURL() == null) {
if (proxyAuth != null) {
request.addHeader("Proxy-Authorization", proxyAuth);
if (from != null) {
request.addHeader("X-Forwarded-For", from);
try {
_logger.fine("Browser requested : " + request.getMethod() + " "
+ request.getURL().toString());
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
System.out.println("Request is: " + request);
// report the request to the listener, and get the allocated ID
id = _proxy.gotRequest(request);
// pass the request for possible modification or analysis
request = connection.getRequest();
Response response = connection.getResponse();
if (request == null)
throw new IOException("Request was cancelled");
if (response != null) {
_proxy.failedResponse(id, "Response provided by script");
_proxy = null;
} else {
// pass the request through the plugins, and return the
// response
try {
response = hc.fetchResponse(request);
if (response != null && response.getRequest() != null)
request = response.getRequest();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
.severe("IOException retrieving the response for "
+ request.getURL() + " : " + ioe);
response = errorResponse(request, ioe);
// prevent the conversation from being
// submitted/recorded
_proxy.failedResponse(id, ioe.toString());
_proxy = null;
if (response == null) {
_logger.severe("Got a null response from the fetcher");
_proxy.failedResponse(id, "Null response");
if (_proxy != null) {
// pass the response for analysis or modification by the
// scripts
response = connection.getResponse();
if (response == null)
throw new IOException("Response was cancelled");
try {
if (_clientOut != null) {
_logger.fine("Writing the response to the browser");
.fine("Finished writing the response to the browser");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
.severe("Error writing back to the browser : "
+ ioe);
} finally {
response.flushContentStream(); // this simply flushes the
// content from the server
// this should not happen, but might if a proxy plugin is
// careless
if (response.getRequest() == null) {
_logger.warning("Response had no associated request!");
if (_proxy != null && !request.getMethod().equals("CONNECT")) {
_proxy.gotResponse(id, response);
keepAlive = response.getHeader("Connection");
version = response.getVersion();