
Examples of

        // Now, search the MBean of this context
        ObjectName contextObjectName = null;
        try {
            contextObjectName = new ObjectName(buildObjectName(warDeployable));
        } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {
            throw new DeployerException("Cannot get the ObjectName for the WAR deployable '" + warDeployable + "'.", e);
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
            throw new DeployerException("Cannot get the ObjectName for the WAR deployable '" + warDeployable + "'.", e);

        // Now, search if the MBean of this context is present
        try {
            if (!MBeanServerHelper.getMBeanServerServer().isRegistered(contextObjectName)) {
                throw new DeployerException("There is no MBean with the ObjectName '" + contextObjectName
                        + "' in the MBean Server for the WAR deployable '" + warDeployable + "'.");
        } catch (JMXRemoteException e) {
            throw new DeployerException("Cannot check if the MBean with the ObjectName '" + contextObjectName
                    + "'is registered in the MBean Server for the WAR deployable '" + warDeployable + "'.");

        // Undeploy
        try {
            MBeanServerHelper.getMBeanServerServer().invoke(contextObjectName, DESTROY_OPERATION, null, null);
        } catch (InstanceNotFoundException e) {
            throw new DeployerException("Cannot remove the context '" + contextRoot + "' of the war deployable '"
                    + warDeployable + "'.", e);
        } catch (MBeanException e) {
            throw new DeployerException("Cannot remove the context '" + contextRoot + "' of the war deployable '"
                    + warDeployable + "'.", e);
        } catch (ReflectionException e) {
            throw new DeployerException("Cannot remove the context '" + contextRoot + "' of the war deployable '"
                    + warDeployable + "'.", e);
        } catch (JMXRemoteException e) {
            throw new DeployerException("Cannot remove the context '" + contextRoot + "' of the war deployable '"
                    + warDeployable + "'.", e);
        }"The context ''{0}'' of the War ''{1}'' has been undeployed", contextRoot, warDeployable);
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        // Build Engine object name
        ObjectName engineObjectName = null;
        try {
            engineObjectName = new ObjectName(ENGINE_OBJECT_NAME);
        } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {
            throw new DeployerException("Cannot build Tomcat Engine MBean.", e);
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
            throw new DeployerException("Cannot build Tomcat Engine MBean.", e);

        // Ask the MBean server
        Set<ObjectName> objectNames = null;
        try {
            // Get the list
            objectNames = MBeanServerHelper.getMBeanServerServer().queryNames(engineObjectName, null);
        } catch (JMXRemoteException e) {
            throw new DeployerException("Cannot get Tomcat Engine MBean.", e);

        // Find objects ?
        if (objectNames.size() == 0) {
            throw new DeployerException("No Tomcat Engine MBean was found in the MBean server");

        // Return the domain of this object name
        return (objectNames.iterator().next());
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    private String getDefaultHost() throws DeployerException {
        ObjectName engineObjectName = getEngineObjectName();
        try {
            return MBeanServerHelper.getMBeanServerServer().getAttribute(engineObjectName, "defaultHost").toString();
        } catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
            throw new DeployerException("Cannot get the default host on the object name '" + engineObjectName + "'.", e);
        } catch (InstanceNotFoundException e) {
            throw new DeployerException("Cannot get the default host on the object name '" + engineObjectName + "'.", e);
        } catch (MBeanException e) {
            throw new DeployerException("Cannot get the default host on the object name '" + engineObjectName + "'.", e);
        } catch (ReflectionException e) {
            throw new DeployerException("Cannot get the default host on the object name '" + engineObjectName + "'.", e);
        } catch (JMXRemoteException e) {
            throw new DeployerException("Cannot get the default host on the object name '" + engineObjectName + "'.", e);
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        // Client Archive ?
        if (CARDeployable.class.isInstance(deployable)) {
            // Create metadata
            ICarDeployableMetadata carDeployableMetadata = null;
            try {
                carDeployableMetadata = new CarDeployableMetadataFactory().createDeployableMetadata(CARDeployable.class
                        .cast(deployable), classLoader);
            } catch (DeployableMetadataException e) {
                throw new ArchiveInjectionException("Unable to get metadata on archive '" + this.archive + "'.", e);

            // Use only common part
            this.metadataCollection = carDeployableMetadata.getCarClassMetadataCollection();
        } else {
            // TODO : adapt for other archives
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can only manage injection for Client Deployable. Deployable found is '"
                    + deployable + "'.");
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        // Client Archive ?
        if (CARDeployable.class.isInstance(deployable)) {
            // Create metadata
            ICarDeployableMetadata carDeployableMetadata = null;
            try {
                carDeployableMetadata = new CarDeployableMetadataFactory().createDeployableMetadata(CARDeployable.class
                        .cast(deployable), classLoader);
            } catch (DeployableMetadataException e) {
                throw new ArchiveInjectionException("Unable to get metadata on archive '" + this.archive + "'.", e);
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            // inject field
            injectEJB(jejb, sharedMetadata, clazz, instance);

        // Inject Resources
        IJAnnotationResource jAnnotationResource = sharedMetadata.getJAnnotationResource();
        if (jAnnotationResource != null) {
            // Update interface name

            // inject field
            injectResource(jAnnotationResource, sharedMetadata, clazz, instance);
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            for (IJAnnotationResource jAnnotationResource : jAnnotationResources) {
                bindResource(jAnnotationResource, mv);
        // &#64;Resource annotation
        IJAnnotationResource jAnnotationResource = this.classAnnotationMetadata.getJAnnotationResource();
        if (jAnnotationResource != null) {
            bindResource(jAnnotationResource, mv);

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            // &#64;Resource annotation
            IJAnnotationResource jAnnotationResource = fieldMetaData.getJAnnotationResource();
            if (jAnnotationResource != null) {

                // Set default name if not present.
                jAnnotationResource.setName(getJndiName(jAnnotationResource.getName(), fieldMetaData));

                // Update annotation value with data set on the class

                // Get Mapped Name / lookup Name
                String mappedName = jAnnotationResource.getMappedName();
                String lookupName = jAnnotationResource.getLookup();

                // Use MessageDestinationLink if present !
                String messageDestinationLink = jAnnotationResource.getMessageDestinationLink();
                if (messageDestinationLink != null) {
                    try {
                        mappedName = this.containerJNDIResolver.getMessageDestinationJNDIUniqueName(messageDestinationLink);
                    } catch (EZBJNDIResolverException e) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("No JNDI name found when analyzing @Resource annotation '"
                                + jAnnotationResource + "' for the class '" + this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName()
                                + "'.", e);

                // validate

                if (SESSION_CONTEXT.equals(itfName)) {
                    logger.debug("Add injection for @Resource on attribute {0} of class {1} for the type {2}",
                            fieldMetaData.getFieldName(), this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), itfName);

                    // this.attribute = getEasyBeansContext();
                    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
                    addCallGetEasyBeansContext(mv, "javax/ejb/SessionContext");
                    mv.visitFieldInsn(PUTFIELD, this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), fieldMetaData.getFieldName(),
                    // Define the type (if missing)

                    bindResource(jAnnotationResource, mv);
                } else if (MESSAGEDRIVEN_CONTEXT.equals(itfName)) {
                    logger.debug("Add injection for @Resource on attribute {0} of class {1} for the type {2}",
                            fieldMetaData.getFieldName(), this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), itfName);

                    // this.attribute = getEasyBeansContext();
                    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
                    addCallGetEasyBeansContext(mv, "javax/ejb/MessageDrivenContext");
                    mv.visitFieldInsn(PUTFIELD, this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), fieldMetaData.getFieldName(),
                    // Define the type (if missing)

                    bindResource(jAnnotationResource, mv);

                } else if (EJBCONTEXT.equals(itfName)) {
                    logger.debug("Add injection for @Resource on attribute {0} of class {1} for the type {2}",
                            fieldMetaData.getFieldName(), this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), itfName);

                    // this.attribute = getEasyBeansContext();
                    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
                    addCallGetEasyBeansContext(mv, "javax/ejb/EJBContext");
                    mv.visitFieldInsn(PUTFIELD, this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), fieldMetaData.getFieldName(),
                    // Define the type (if missing)

                    bindResource(jAnnotationResource, mv);

                } else if (isEnvEntry(typeInterface)) { // Env-Entry
                    JndiType type = JAVA_COMP_ENV;
                    // Lookup name exists ?
                    if (lookupName == null) {
                        lookupName = jAnnotationResource.getName();
                    if (lookupName.startsWith("java:")) {
                        type = JAVA;

                    callAttributeJndi(lookupName, typeInterface, mv, fieldMetaData,
                            this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), type);
                } else if (USERTRANSACTION_ITF.equals(itfName)) {
                    callAttributeJndi("UserTransaction", typeInterface, mv, fieldMetaData,
                            this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), JAVA_COMP);
                    callBindAttributeJndi(jAnnotationResource.getName(), "java:comp/UserTransaction", mv, fieldMetaData);
                } else if (URL_ITF.equals(itfName)) {
                    // Bind object in java:comp/env
                    callBindLookupURLRef(jAnnotationResource.getName(), mappedName, mv);

                    // Set attribute
                    callAttributeJndi(jAnnotationResource.getName(), typeInterface, mv, fieldMetaData,
                            this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), JAVA_COMP_ENV);
                } else if (TIMERSERVICE_ITF.equals(itfName)) {
                    // Needs to get timerservice with the bean's context.
                    //this.fieldtimerService = getEasyBeansContext().getInternalTimerService();
                    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
                    addCallGetEasyBeansContext(mv, null);
                    mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEINTERFACE, Type.getInternalName(EZBEJBContext.class), "getInternalTimerService",
                    mv.visitFieldInsn(PUTFIELD, this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), fieldMetaData.getFieldName(),
                    callBindAttributeJndi(jAnnotationResource.getName(), "java:comp/TimerService", mv, fieldMetaData);
                } else if (ORB_ITF.equals(itfName)) {
                    callAttributeJndi("ORB", typeInterface, mv, fieldMetaData,
                            this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), JAVA_COMP);
                    callBindAttributeJndi(jAnnotationResource.getName(), "java:comp/ORB", mv, fieldMetaData);
                } else if (lookupName != null && !lookupName.equals("")) {
                    JndiType type = REGISTRY;
                    // Lookup name ?
                    if (lookupName.startsWith("java:")) {
                        type = JAVA;
                    callAttributeJndi(lookupName, typeInterface, mv, fieldMetaData,
                            this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), type);
                } else if (mappedName != null && !mappedName.equals("")) {
                        callAttributeJndi(mappedName, typeInterface, mv, fieldMetaData,
                                this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), REGISTRY);
                        callBindAttributeJndi(jAnnotationResource.getName(), mappedName, mv, fieldMetaData);


            // &#64;WebServiceRef annotation
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     * @param jAnnotationResource the resource to update
    private void updateAnnotationResource(final IJAnnotationResource jAnnotationResource) {
        // Search if no resource was defined on the class.
        List<IJAnnotationResource> classResources = null;
        IJAnnotationResource resClass = this.classAnnotationMetadata.getJAnnotationResource();
        if (resClass != null) {
            classResources = new ArrayList<IJAnnotationResource>();
        } else {
            classResources = this.classAnnotationMetadata.getJAnnotationResources();
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            // Ignore inherited methods (managed by super class)
            if (methodMetaData.isInherited()) {

            IJAnnotationResource jAnnotationResource = methodMetaData.getJAnnotationResource();
            // &#64;Resource annotation
            if (jAnnotationResource != null) {
                Type typeInterface = validateSetterMethod(methodMetaData);
                String itfName = typeInterface.getClassName();

                // Set default name if not present.
                jAnnotationResource.setName(getJndiName(jAnnotationResource.getName(), methodMetaData));

                // Update annotation value with data set on the class

                // Get lookup / Mapped Name
                String lookupName = jAnnotationResource.getLookup();
                String mappedName = jAnnotationResource.getMappedName();

                // Use MessageDestinationLink if present !
                String messageDestinationLink = jAnnotationResource.getMessageDestinationLink();
                if (messageDestinationLink != null) {
                    try {
                        mappedName = this.containerJNDIResolver.getMessageDestinationJNDIUniqueName(messageDestinationLink);
                    } catch (EZBJNDIResolverException e) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("No JNDI name found when analyzing @Resource annotation '"
                                + jAnnotationResource + "' for the class '" + this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName()
                                + "'.", e);

                // Env-Entry
                if (isEnvEntry(typeInterface)) {

                    JndiType type = JAVA_COMP_ENV;
                    // Lookup name exists ?
                    if (lookupName == null) {
                        lookupName = jAnnotationResource.getName();
                    if (lookupName.startsWith("java:")) {
                        type = JAVA;

                    callMethodJndiEnv(lookupName, typeInterface, mv, methodMetaData,
                            this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), type);
                } else if (USERTRANSACTION_ITF.equals(itfName)) {
                    callMethodJndiEnv("UserTransaction", typeInterface, mv, methodMetaData,
                            this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), JAVA_COMP);
                    callBindLookupJndiRef(jAnnotationResource.getName(), "java:comp/UserTransaction", mv);
                } else if (TIMERSERVICE_ITF.equals(itfName)) {
                    // add call to : setterMethod(getEasyBeansContext().getInternalTimerService());
                    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
                    addCallGetEasyBeansContext(mv, null);
                    mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEINTERFACE, "org/ow2/easybeans/api/container/EZBEJBContext",
                            "getInternalTimerService", "()Ljavax/ejb/TimerService;");
                    mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), methodMetaData.getMethodName(),
                    callBindLookupJndiRef(jAnnotationResource.getName(), "java:comp/TimerService", mv);
                } else if (SESSION_CONTEXT.equals(itfName)) {
                    // add call to : setterMethod(getEasyBeansContext());
                    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
                    addCallGetEasyBeansContext(mv, "javax/ejb/SessionContext");
                    mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), methodMetaData.getMethodName(),

                    // Define the type (if missing)
                    bindResource(jAnnotationResource, mv);
                } else if (MESSAGEDRIVEN_CONTEXT.equals(itfName)) {
                    // add call to : setterMethod(getEasyBeansContext());
                    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
                    addCallGetEasyBeansContext(mv, "javax/ejb/MessageDrivenContext");
                    mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), methodMetaData.getMethodName(),

                    // Define the type (if missing)
                    bindResource(jAnnotationResource, mv);
                } else if (EJBCONTEXT.equals(itfName)) {
                    // add call to : setterMethod(getEasyBeansContext());
                    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
                    addCallGetEasyBeansContext(mv, "javax/ejb/EJBContext");
                    mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), methodMetaData.getMethodName(),

                    // Define the type (if missing)
                    bindResource(jAnnotationResource, mv);
                } else if (ORB_ITF.equals(itfName)) {
                    callMethodJndiEnv("ORB", typeInterface, mv, methodMetaData,
                            this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), JAVA_COMP);
                    callBindLookupJndiRef(jAnnotationResource.getName(), "java:comp/ORB", mv);
                } else if (URL_ITF.equals(itfName)) {
                    // Bind object in java:comp/env
                    callBindLookupURLRef(jAnnotationResource.getName(), mappedName, mv);

                    // Get JNDI value from registry and call setter method
                    callMethodJndiEnv(jAnnotationResource.getName(), typeInterface, mv, methodMetaData,
                        this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), JAVA_COMP_ENV);
                } else if (lookupName != null && !lookupName.equals("")) {
                    JndiType type = REGISTRY;
                    // Lookup name ?
                    if (lookupName.startsWith("java:")) {
                        type = JAVA;
                    callMethodJndiEnv(lookupName, typeInterface, mv, methodMetaData,
                            this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), type);
                } else if (mappedName != null && !mappedName.equals("")) {
                    // Get JNDI value from registry and call setter method
                    callMethodJndiEnv(mappedName, typeInterface, mv, methodMetaData,
                            this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), REGISTRY);
                    // Then bind attribute in ENC
                    callBindLookupJndiRef(jAnnotationResource.getName(), mappedName, mv);

            // &#64;EJB annotation
            IJEjbEJB jEjb = methodMetaData.getJEjbEJB();
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