// Takes method metadata of the super class and adds them to the
// bean class
// Note : the flag inherited is set to true
for (EasyBeansEjbJarMethodMetadata methodAnnotationMetadata : superClassMetadata.getMethodMetadataCollection()) {
// check that the method has not be redefined
JMethod method = methodAnnotationMetadata.getJMethod();
EasyBeansEjbJarMethodMetadata beanMethod = beanclassAnnotationMetadata.getMethodMetadata(method);
// overriding ?
boolean overrided = true;
overrided = !((method.getAccess() & Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE) == Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE);
// Add only if it is not present or if current method is not
// overriding super method (it means super method is private)
if (beanMethod == null || (!overrided && beanMethod != null && !beanMethod.isInherited())) {
// Add a clone of the method to bean class
EasyBeansEjbJarMethodMetadata clonedMethodAnnotationMetadata =
(EasyBeansEjbJarMethodMetadata) methodAnnotationMetadata.clone();
// set new class linked to this method metadata
// method is inherited
clonedMethodAnnotationMetadata.setInherited(true, superClassMetadata);
// Final method ? ignore it
if ((method.getAccess() & Opcodes.ACC_FINAL) == Opcodes.ACC_FINAL) {
logger.warn("Ignoring final method ''{0}'' from the class ''{1}''", method.getName(),