Package org.ow2.asm.tree

Examples of org.ow2.asm.tree.InsnList$InsnListIterator

        // main routine
        worklist.add(new Instantiation(null, mainSubroutine));

        // Emit instantiations of each subroutine we encounter, including the
        // main subroutine
        InsnList newInstructions = new InsnList();
        List<TryCatchBlockNode> newTryCatchBlocks = new ArrayList<TryCatchBlockNode>();
        List<LocalVariableNode> newLocalVariables = new ArrayList<LocalVariableNode>();
        while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
            Instantiation inst = worklist.removeFirst();
            emitSubroutine(inst, worklist, newInstructions, newTryCatchBlocks,
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        // main routine
        worklist.add(new Instantiation(null, mainSubroutine));

        // Emit instantiations of each subroutine we encounter, including the
        // main subroutine
        InsnList newInstructions = new InsnList();
        List<TryCatchBlockNode> newTryCatchBlocks = new ArrayList<TryCatchBlockNode>();
        List<LocalVariableNode> newLocalVariables = new ArrayList<LocalVariableNode>();
        while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
            Instantiation inst = worklist.removeFirst();
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            for (int j = 0; j < limit; j++) {
                ClassNode clazz = result.get(j);
                 List<MethodNode> l = clazz.methods;
                for (int k = 0, lim = l.size(); k < lim; k++) {
                    MethodNode m = l.get(k);
                    InsnList insn = m.instructions;
                    if (insn != null) {
            System.out.println("ASM memory load (removed method code): ".concat(memFormat(getUsedMem(runtime)
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            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.logger.error("Cannot configure Carol to use CMI", e);
                throw new EZBComponentException("Cannot configure Carol to use CMI", e);

            ClusterViewManagerFactory clusterViewManagerFactory = ClusterViewManagerFactory.getFactory();

            // Start the manager
            try {
                this.clusterViewManager = (ServerClusterViewManager) clusterViewManagerFactory.create();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.logger.error("Cannot retrieve the CMI Server", e);
                throw new EZBComponentException("Cannot retrieve the CMI Server", e);
            if (this.clusterViewManager != null
                    && this.clusterViewManager.getState().equals(ClusterViewManager.State.STOPPED)) {
                if (this.eventComponent != null) {
                    List<Component> components =
                    if (components != null) {
                        for (Component cmiEventComponent : components) {
                            if (org.ow2.cmi.component.event.EventComponent.class.isAssignableFrom(cmiEventComponent.getClass())) {
                                ((org.ow2.cmi.component.event.EventComponent) cmiEventComponent).setEventService(
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            return EASYBEANS_ROOT;
        } else if (EZBContainer.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
            // The object is an EJB container.

            EZBContainer container = (EZBContainer) instance;

            // Get the archive name (remove all character before the last slash/antislash).
            String archiveName = container.getName().replaceAll("(.*[/\\\\])", "");

            // Compute the application id.
            return EASYBEANS_ROOT + "/" + container.getApplicationName() + "/" + archiveName;
        } else if (Factory.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
            // The object is a bean factory.

            Factory<?, ?> factory = (Factory<?, ?>) instance;
            EZBContainer container = factory.getContainer();

            // Get the archive name (remove all character before the last slash/antislash).
            String archiveName = container.getName().replaceAll("(.*[/\\\\])", "");

            // Get the bean class name (remove all character before the last point).
            String factoryName = factory.getClassName().replaceAll("(.*\\.)", "");

            // Compute the bean id.
            return EASYBEANS_ROOT + "/" + container.getApplicationName() + "/" + archiveName + "/" + factoryName;
        } else {
            throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Name is not define for argument of type " + instance.getClass());
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                    throw new EZBComponentException("Cannot start the CMI Server", e);
        // register the listener.
        EZBEventListener eventListener = new CmiEventListener();

        this.logger.debug("The CMI configuration extension has been added.");
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            public synchronized void handle(final IEvent event) {
                if (EZBEventBeanInvocationBegin.class.isAssignableFrom(event.getClass())) {
                    EZBEventBeanInvocationBegin e = (EZBEventBeanInvocationBegin) event;
                    MeanCallTimeStatistic.this.pendingCall.put(Long.valueOf(e.getInvocationNumber()), e);
                } else {
                    EZBEventBeanInvocation eventEnd = (EZBEventBeanInvocation) event;
                    EZBEventBeanInvocation eventBegin =

           += eventEnd.getTime() - eventBegin.getTime();
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             * Handle the event.
             * @param event The event to handle.
            public synchronized void handle(final IEvent event) {
                if (EZBEventBeanInvocationBegin.class.isAssignableFrom(event.getClass())) {
                    EZBEventBeanInvocationBegin e = (EZBEventBeanInvocationBegin) event;
                    MeanCallTimeStatistic.this.pendingCall.put(Long.valueOf(e.getInvocationNumber()), e);
                } else {
                    EZBEventBeanInvocation eventEnd = (EZBEventBeanInvocation) event;
                    EZBEventBeanInvocation eventBegin =

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     * @param methodVisitor the given visitor on which annotation are replayed.
    public void replay(final MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
        // Build a new annotation visitor for the given method
        AnnotationVisitor annotationVisitor = methodVisitor.visitParameterAnnotation(this.index, getName(), getVisible());
        getLogger().debug("AnnotationVisitor annotationVisitor = methodVisitor.visitParameterAnnotation({0}, {1}, {2});",
                Integer.valueOf(this.index), getName(), Boolean.valueOf(getVisible()));

        // Replay

        // End of visit
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        //        }
        if (this.classAnnotationMetadata.isBean()) {
            mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
            mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), "getEasyBeansInvocationContextFactory",
            Label l1 = new Label();
            mv.visitJumpInsn(IFNULL, l1);

            mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
            mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
            mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, this.classAnnotationMetadata.getClassName(), "getEasyBeansInvocationContextFactory", "()Lorg/ow2/easybeans/api/interceptor/EZBInvocationContextFactory;");
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Related Classes of org.ow2.asm.tree.InsnList$InsnListIterator

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