for (int i = 0; i < m_bundleInfos.length; i++) {
String bsn = m_bundleInfos[i].getSymbolicName();
if (m_nameToBundleInfo.put(bsn, m_bundleInfos[i]) != null) {
// FELIX-4463: make sure that the DP is consistent...
throw new DeploymentException(DeploymentException.CODE_OTHER_ERROR, "Duplicate bundle present in deployment package: " + bsn);
String path = m_bundleInfos[i].getPath();
if (m_pathToEntry.put(path, m_bundleInfos[i]) != null) {
// FELIX-4463: make sure that the DP is consistent...
throw new DeploymentException(DeploymentException.CODE_OTHER_ERROR, "Non-unique path present in deployment package: " + path);
List resourceInfos = m_manifest.getResourceInfos();
m_resourceInfos = (ResourceInfoImpl[]) resourceInfos.toArray(new ResourceInfoImpl[resourceInfos.size()]);
for (int i = 0; i < m_resourceInfos.length; i++) {
String path = m_resourceInfos[i].getPath();
if (m_pathToEntry.put(path, m_resourceInfos[i]) != null) {
// FELIX-4463: make sure that the DP is consistent...
throw new DeploymentException(DeploymentException.CODE_OTHER_ERROR, "Non-unique path present in deployment package: " + path);
m_resourcePaths = (String[]) m_pathToEntry.keySet().toArray(new String[m_pathToEntry.size()]);