// If the factory is a service reference, we need to get hold of the actual proxy for the service
if (factoryObj instanceof ReferenceRecipe.ServiceProxyWrapper) {
try {
factoryObj = ((ReferenceRecipe.ServiceProxyWrapper) factoryObj).convert(new ReifiedType(Object.class));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException("Error when instantiating bean " + getName() + " of class " + getType(), getRealCause(e));
// Map of matching methods
Map<Method, List<Object>> matches = findMatchingMethods(factoryObj.getClass(), factoryMethod, true, args, argTypes);
if (matches.size() == 1) {
try {
Map.Entry<Method, List<Object>> match = matches.entrySet().iterator().next();
instance = invoke(match.getKey(), factoryObj, match.getValue().toArray());
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException("Error when instantiating bean " + getName() + " of class " + getType(), getRealCause(e));
} else if (matches.size() == 0) {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException("Unable to find a matching factory method " + factoryMethod + " on class " + factoryObj.getClass().getName() + " for arguments " + args + " when instanciating bean " + getName());
} else {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException("Multiple matching factory methods " + factoryMethod + " found on class " + factoryObj.getClass().getName() + " for arguments " + args + " when instanciating bean " + getName() + ": " + matches.keySet());
} else if (factoryMethod != null) {
// Map of matching methods
Map<Method, List<Object>> matches = findMatchingMethods(getType(), factoryMethod, false, args, argTypes);
if (matches.size() == 1) {
try {
Map.Entry<Method, List<Object>> match = matches.entrySet().iterator().next();
instance = invoke(match.getKey(), null, match.getValue().toArray());
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException("Error when instanciating bean " + getName() + " of class " + getType(), getRealCause(e));
} else if (matches.size() == 0) {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException("Unable to find a matching factory method " + factoryMethod + " on class " + getType().getName() + " for arguments " + args + " when instanciating bean " + getName());
} else {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException("Multiple matching factory methods " + factoryMethod + " found on class " + getType().getName() + " for arguments " + args + " when instanciating bean " + getName() + ": " + matches.keySet());
} else {
if (getType() == null) {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException("No factoryMethod nor class is defined for this bean");
// Map of matching constructors
Map<Constructor, List<Object>> matches = findMatchingConstructors(getType(), args, argTypes);
if (matches.size() == 1) {
try {
Map.Entry<Constructor, List<Object>> match = matches.entrySet().iterator().next();
instance = newInstance(match.getKey(), match.getValue().toArray());
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException("Error when instanciating bean " + getName() + " of class " + getType(), getRealCause(e));
} else if (matches.size() == 0) {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException("Unable to find a matching constructor on class " + getType().getName() + " for arguments " + args + " when instanciating bean " + getName());
} else {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException("Multiple matching constructors found on class " + getType().getName() + " for arguments " + args + " when instanciating bean " + getName() + ": " + matches.keySet());
return instance;