Package org.osgi.resource

Examples of org.osgi.resource.Requirement

                    + blame.m_cap);
            if (matchingRootCause != null)
                Requirement req = blame.m_reqs.get(0);
                // Assumption made that the root requirement of the chain is the only
                // possible multiple cardinality requirement and that the matching root cause
                // capability is passed down from the beginning of the chain creation.
                if (Util.isMultiple(req))
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                // If so, then remove the optionally resolved resolved and try
                // again; otherwise, rethrow the resolve exception.
                if (rethrow != null)
                    Collection<Requirement> exReqs = rethrow.getUnresolvedRequirements();
                    Requirement faultyReq = ((exReqs == null) || (exReqs.isEmpty()))
                        ? null : exReqs.iterator().next();
                    Resource faultyResource = (faultyReq == null)
                        ? null : getDeclaredResource(faultyReq.getResource());
                    // If the faulty requirement is wrapped, then it may
                    // be from a fragment, so consider the fragment faulty
                    // instead of the host.
                    if (faultyReq instanceof WrappedRequirement)
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                    // If so, then remove the optionally resolved resource and try
                    // again; otherwise, rethrow the resolve exception.
                    if (rethrow != null)
                        Collection<Requirement> exReqs = rethrow.getUnresolvedRequirements();
                        Requirement faultyReq = ((exReqs == null) || (exReqs.isEmpty()))
                            ? null : exReqs.iterator().next();
                        Resource faultyResource = (faultyReq == null)
                            ? null : getDeclaredResource(faultyReq.getResource());
                        // If the faulty requirement is wrapped, then it may
                        // be from a fragment, so consider the fragment faulty
                        // instead of the host.
                        if (faultyReq instanceof WrappedRequirement)
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                // Wrap the requirement as a hosted requirement if it comes
                // from a fragment, since we will need to know the host. We
                // also need to wrap if the requirement is a dynamic import,
                // since that requirement will be shared with any other
                // matching dynamic imports.
                Requirement r = wire.getRequirement();
                if (!r.getResource().equals(wire.getRequirer())
                    || ((r.getDirectives()
                    .get(PackageNamespace.REQUIREMENT_RESOLUTION_DIRECTIVE) != null)
                    && r.getDirectives()
                    r = new WrappedRequirement(wire.getRequirer(), r);
                // Wrap the capability as a hosted capability if it comes
                // from a fragment, since we will need to know the host.
                Capability c = wire.getCapability();
                if (!c.getResource().equals(wire.getProvider()))
                    c = new WrappedCapability(wire.getProvider(), c);

            // Since the resource is resolved, it could be dynamically importing,
            // so check to see if there are candidates for any of its dynamic
            // imports.
            // NOTE: If the resource is dynamically importing, the fact that
            // the dynamic import is added here last to the parallel reqs/caps
            // list is used later when checking to see if the package being
            // dynamically imported shadows an existing provider.
            for (Requirement req
                : Util.getDynamicRequirements(wiring.getResourceRequirements(null)))
                // Get the candidates for the current requirement.
                List<Capability> candCaps = allCandidates.getCandidates(req);
                // Optional requirements may not have any candidates.
                if (candCaps == null)
                // Grab first (i.e., highest priority) candidate.
                Capability cap = candCaps.get(0);
                isDynamicImporting = true;
                // Can only dynamically import one at a time, so break
                // out of the loop after the first.
            for (Requirement req : resource.getRequirements(null))
                if (!Util.isDynamic(req))
                    // Get the candidates for the current requirement.
                    List<Capability> candCaps = allCandidates.getCandidates(req);
                    // Optional requirements may not have any candidates.
                    if (candCaps == null)

                    // For multiple cardinality requirements, we need to grab
                    // all candidates.
                    if (Util.isMultiple(req))
                        // Use the same requirement, but list each capability separately
                        for (Capability cap : candCaps)
                    // Grab first (i.e., highest priority) candidate
                        Capability cap = candCaps.get(0);

        // First, add all exported packages to the target resource's package space.
        calculateExportedPackages(session.getContext(), resource, allCandidates, resourcePkgMap);
        resourcePkgs = resourcePkgMap.get(resource);

        // Second, add all imported packages to the target resource's package space.
        for (int i = 0; i < reqs.size(); i++)
            Requirement req = reqs.get(i);
            Capability cap = caps.get(i);
                session.getContext(), cap.getResource(), allCandidates, resourcePkgMap);

            // If this resource is dynamically importing, then the last requirement
            // is the dynamic import being resolved, since it is added last to the
            // parallel lists above. For the dynamically imported package, make
            // sure that the resource doesn't already have a provider for that
            // package, which would be illegal and shouldn't be allowed.
            if (isDynamicImporting && ((i + 1) == reqs.size()))
                String pkgName = (String) cap.getAttributes().get(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE);
                if (resourcePkgs.m_exportedPkgs.containsKey(pkgName)
                    || resourcePkgs.m_importedPkgs.containsKey(pkgName)
                    || resourcePkgs.m_requiredPkgs.containsKey(pkgName))
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Resource "
                        + resource
                        + " cannot dynamically import package '"
                        + pkgName
                        + "' since it already has access to it.");

                session.getContext(), resource, req, cap, resourcePkgMap, allCandidates,
                new HashMap<Resource, List<Capability>>());

        // Third, have all candidates to calculate their package spaces.
        for (int i = 0; i < caps.size(); i++)
                session, caps.get(i).getResource(), allCandidates, resourcePkgMap,
                usesCycleMap, cycle);

        // Fourth, if the target resource is unresolved or is dynamically importing,
        // then add all the uses constraints implied by its imported and required
        // packages to its package space.
        // NOTE: We do not need to do this for resolved resources because their
        // package space is consistent by definition and these uses constraints
        // are only needed to verify the consistency of a resolving resource. The
        // only exception is if a resolved resource is dynamically importing, then
        // we need to calculate its uses constraints again to make sure the new
        // import is consistent with the existing package space.
        if ((wiring == null) || isDynamicImporting)
            // Merge uses constraints from required capabilities.
            for (int i = 0; i < reqs.size(); i++)
                Requirement req = reqs.get(i);
                Capability cap = caps.get(i);
                // Ignore bundle/package requirements, since they are
                // considered below.
                if (!req.getNamespace().equals(BundleNamespace.BUNDLE_NAMESPACE)
                    && !req.getNamespace().equals(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE))
                    List<Requirement> blameReqs = new ArrayList<Requirement>();

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                            ? mutated
                            : new HashSet<Requirement>();

                        for (int reqIdx = usedBlame.m_reqs.size() - 1; reqIdx >= 0; reqIdx--)
                            Requirement req = usedBlame.m_reqs.get(reqIdx);
                            // Sanity check for multiple.
                            if (Util.isMultiple(req))
                            // If we've already permutated this requirement in another
                            // uses constraint, don't permutate it again just continue
                            // with the next uses constraint.
                            if (mutated.contains(req))

                            // See if we can permutate the candidates for blamed
                            // requirement; there may be no candidates if the resource
                            // associated with the requirement is already resolved.
                            List<Capability> candidates = permutation.getCandidates(req);
                            if ((candidates != null) && (candidates.size() > 1))
                                // Remove the conflicting candidate.
                                // Continue with the next uses constraint.

            if (rethrow != null)
                if (!mutated.isEmpty())
                    "Candidate permutation failed due to a conflict between "
                    + "an export and import; will try another if possible.",
                throw rethrow;

        // Check if there are any uses conflicts with imported and required packages.
        // We combine the imported and required packages here into one map.
        // Imported packages are added after required packages because they shadow or override
        // the packages from required bundles.
        Map<String, List<Blame>> allImportRequirePkgs =
            new HashMap<String, List<Blame>>(pkgs.m_requiredPkgs);

        for (Entry<String, List<Blame>> pkgEntry : allImportRequirePkgs.entrySet())
            String pkgName = pkgEntry.getKey();
            for (Blame requirementBlame : pkgEntry.getValue())
                if (!pkgs.m_usedPkgs.containsKey(pkgName))
                for (UsedBlames usedBlames : pkgs.m_usedPkgs.get(pkgName))
                    if (!isCompatible(session, requirementBlame.m_cap, usedBlames.m_cap, resourcePkgMap))
                        for (Blame usedBlame : usedBlames.m_blames)
                            if (checkMultiple(session, usedBlames, usedBlame, allCandidates))
                                // Continue to the next usedBlame, if possible we
                                // removed the conflicting candidates.
                            // Create a candidate permutation that eliminates all candidates
                            // that conflict with existing selected candidates.
                            permutation = (permutation != null)
                                ? permutation
                                : allCandidates.copy();
                            rethrow = (rethrow != null)
                                ? rethrow
                                : new ResolutionException(
                                "Uses constraint violation. Unable to resolve resource "
                                + Util.getSymbolicName(resource)
                                + " [" + resource
                                + "] because it is exposed to package '"
                                + pkgName
                                + "' from resources "
                                + Util.getSymbolicName(requirementBlame.m_cap.getResource())
                                + " [" + requirementBlame.m_cap.getResource()
                                + "] and "
                                + Util.getSymbolicName(usedBlame.m_cap.getResource())
                                + " [" + usedBlame.m_cap.getResource()
                                + "] via two dependency chains.\n\nChain 1:\n"
                                + toStringBlame(session.getContext(), allCandidates, requirementBlame)
                                + "\n\nChain 2:\n"
                                + toStringBlame(session.getContext(), allCandidates, usedBlame),

                            mutated = (mutated != null)
                                ? mutated
                                : new HashSet<Requirement>();

                            for (int reqIdx = usedBlame.m_reqs.size() - 1; reqIdx >= 0; reqIdx--)
                                Requirement req = usedBlame.m_reqs.get(reqIdx);
                                // Sanity check for multiple.
                                if (Util.isMultiple(req))
                                // If we've already permutated this requirement in another
                                // uses constraint, don't permutate it again just continue
                                // with the next uses constraint.
                                if (mutated.contains(req))

                                // See if we can permutate the candidates for blamed
                                // requirement; there may be no candidates if the resource
                                // associated with the requirement is already resolved.
                                List<Capability> candidates = permutation.getCandidates(req);
                                if ((candidates != null) && (candidates.size() > 1))
                                    // Remove the conflicting candidate.
                                    // Continue with the next uses constraint.

                // If there was a uses conflict, then we should add a uses
                // permutation if we were able to permutate any candidates.
                // Additionally, we should try to push an import permutation
                // for the original import to force a backtracking on the
                // original candidate decision if no viable candidate is found
                // for the conflicting uses constraint.
                if (rethrow != null)
                    // Add uses permutation if we mutated any candidates.
                    if (!mutated.isEmpty())

                    // Try to permutate the candidate for the original
                    // import requirement; only permutate it if we haven't
                    // done so already.
                    Requirement req = requirementBlame.m_reqs.get(0);
                    if (!mutated.contains(req))
                        // Since there may be lots of uses constraint violations
                        // with existing import decisions, we may end up trying
                        // to permutate the same import a lot of times, so we should
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        Candidates permutation)
        // Check the root requirement to see if it is a multiple cardinality
        // requirement.
        List<Capability> candidates = null;
        Requirement req = usedBlame.m_reqs.get(0);
        if (Util.isMultiple(req))
            // Create a copy of the current permutation so we can remove the
            // candidates causing the blame.
            if (session.getMultipleCardCandidates() == null)
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        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        if ((blame.m_reqs != null) && !blame.m_reqs.isEmpty())
            for (int i = 0; i < blame.m_reqs.size(); i++)
                Requirement req = blame.m_reqs.get(i);
                sb.append("  ");
                sb.append(" [");
                if (req.getNamespace().equals(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE))
                    sb.append("    import: ");
                    sb.append("    require: ");
                sb.append("\n     |");
                if (req.getNamespace().equals(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE))
                    sb.append("\n    export: ");
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    public List<CommandResource> find() throws Exception {
        return find(null);

    public List<CommandResource> find(String filter) throws Exception {
        Requirement requirement = getRequirement(filter);
        return CommandResource.wrap(this, findResources(m_repository, requirement));
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        if (filter.indexOf(":") > 0 && filter.indexOf(":") < filter.indexOf("(")) {
            namespace = filter.substring(0, filter.indexOf(":"));
            filter = filter.substring(filter.indexOf(":") + 1);
        Requirement requirement = new CapReqBuilder(namespace)
            .addDirective("filter", filter)
        return requirement;
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        return (String) attrs.get("osgi.identity");


    public static Requirement getIdentityVersionRequirement(Resource resource) {
        Requirement requirement = new CapReqBuilder("osgi.identity")
            .addDirective("filter", String.format("(&(osgi.identity=%s)(version=%s)(type=*))", getIdentity(resource), getVersion(resource)))
        return requirement;
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Related Classes of org.osgi.resource.Requirement

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