Package org.osgi.framework

Examples of org.osgi.framework.BundleException

    m_context = context;
    try {
    }catch(Exception e){
      throw new BundleException("ObrTabUIException "+e.getMessage());
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        // ensure we have a symbolic name for the OBR update to follow
        if ( bundle.getSymbolicName() == null )
            throw new BundleException( "Cannot update bundle: Symbolic Name is required for OBR update" );

        // try updating from Apache Felix OBR
        if ( updateFromFelixOBR() )
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        // We only support classpath extensions (not bootclasspath).
        if (!Constants.EXTENSION_FRAMEWORK.equals(directive))
            throw new BundleException("Unsupported Extension Bundle type: " +
                directive, new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Unsupported Extension Bundle type!"));

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    java.util.Properties p = new java.util.Properties();
    try {
      this.remoteLoggerON = new ObjectName(Logger.REMOTE_LOGGER_ON_STRING);
    } catch (MalformedObjectNameException mne) {
      throw new BundleException("Logger.Logger:objectName invalid", mne);
    p.put(org.apache.felix.mosgi.jmx.agent.Constants.OBJECTNAME, REMOTE_LOGGER_ON_STRING);
    this.mbean_sr = this.bc.registerService(LoggerMBean.class.getName(), this, p);

    }catch(InvalidSyntaxException e){
      throw new BundleException("Logger.Logger:filtre LDAP", e);
    ServiceReference sr=bc.getServiceReference(LogReaderService.class.getName());
    if (sr!=null){
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        for ( String string : driverIds )
          Mockito.when( dl.loadDriver( string ) ).thenReturn( null );
          Mockito.when( m_context.installBundle( DriverLoader.DRIVER_LOCATION_PREFIX + string, null ) )
            .thenThrow(new BundleException( "test exception" ) );

        List<ServiceReference> refs = m_loader.loadDrivers( locators, driverIds );

        Assert.assertEquals( "", 0, refs.size() );
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            this.framework = tmpFramework;
        } catch (final BundleException be) {
            throw be;
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            // thrown by SlingFelix constructor
            throw new BundleException("Uncaught Instantiation Issue: " + e, e);

        // log sucess message
        this.logger.log(Logger.LOG_INFO, "Apache Sling started");
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            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
                throw new BundleException(
                    "Interrupted while waiting for the framework stop before reinitialization");
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        // check whether sling.home is overwritten by system property
        String slingHome = staticProps.get(SharedConstants.SLING_HOME);
        if (slingHome == null || slingHome.length() == 0) {
            throw new BundleException("sling.home property is missing, cannot start");

        // resolve variables and ensure sling.home is an absolute path
        slingHome = substVars(slingHome, SharedConstants.SLING_HOME, null, staticProps);
        File slingHomeFile = new File(slingHome).getAbsoluteFile();
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        // Verify that only manifest version 2 is specified.
        String manifestVersion = getManifestVersion(m_headerMap);
        if ((manifestVersion != null) && !manifestVersion.equals("2"))
            throw new BundleException(
                "Unknown 'Bundle-ManifestVersion' value: " + manifestVersion);

        // Create lists to hold capabilities and requirements.
        List<BundleCapabilityImpl> capList = new ArrayList();

        // Parse bundle version.

        m_bundleVersion = Version.emptyVersion;
        if (headerMap.get(Constants.BUNDLE_VERSION) != null)
                m_bundleVersion = Version.parseVersion(
                    (String) headerMap.get(Constants.BUNDLE_VERSION));
            catch (RuntimeException ex)
                // R4 bundle versions must parse, R3 bundle version may not.
                if (getManifestVersion().equals("2"))
                    throw ex;
                m_bundleVersion = Version.emptyVersion;

        // Parse bundle symbolic name.

        BundleCapabilityImpl bundleCap = parseBundleSymbolicName(owner, m_headerMap);
        if (bundleCap != null)
            m_bundleSymbolicName = (String)

            // Add a bundle capability and a host capability to all
            // non-fragment bundles. A host capability is the same
            // as a require capability, but with a different capability
            // namespace. Bundle capabilities resolve required-bundle
            // dependencies, while host capabilities resolve fragment-host
            // dependencies.
            if (headerMap.get(Constants.FRAGMENT_HOST) == null)
                // All non-fragment bundles have host capabilities.
                // A non-fragment bundle can choose to not have a host capability.
                String attachment =
                attachment = (attachment == null)
                    ? Constants.FRAGMENT_ATTACHMENT_RESOLVETIME
                    : attachment;
                if (!attachment.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FRAGMENT_ATTACHMENT_NEVER))
                    Map<String, Object> hostAttrs =
                        new HashMap<String, Object>(bundleCap.getAttributes());
                    Object value = hostAttrs.remove(BundleRevision.BUNDLE_NAMESPACE);
                    hostAttrs.put(BundleRevision.HOST_NAMESPACE, value);
                    capList.add(new BundleCapabilityImpl(
                        owner, BundleRevision.HOST_NAMESPACE,

            // Add the osgi.identity capability.
            capList.add(addIdentityCapability(owner, headerMap, bundleCap));

        // Verify that bundle symbolic name is specified.
        if (getManifestVersion().equals("2") && (m_bundleSymbolicName == null))
            throw new BundleException(
                "R4 bundle manifests must include bundle symbolic name.");

        // Parse Fragment-Host.
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                if (!dupeSet.contains(pkgName))
                    // Verify that java.* packages are not imported.
                    if (pkgName.startsWith("java."))
                        throw new BundleException(
                            "Importing java.* packages not allowed: " + pkgName);
                    // The character "." has no meaning in the OSGi spec except
                    // when placed on the bundle class path. Some people, however,
                    // mistakenly think it means the default package when imported
                    // or exported. This is not correct. It is invalid.
                    else if (pkgName.equals("."))
                        throw new BundleException("Imporing '.' is invalid.");
                    // Make sure a package name was specified.
                    else if (pkgName.length() == 0)
                        throw new BundleException(
                            "Imported package names cannot be zero length.");
                    throw new BundleException("Duplicate import: " + pkgName);

            if (!mv.equals("2"))
                // R3 bundles cannot have directives on their imports.
                if (!clause.m_dirs.isEmpty())
                    throw new BundleException("R3 imports cannot contain directives.");

                // Remove and ignore all attributes other than version.
                // NOTE: This is checking for "version" rather than "specification-version"
                // because the package class normalizes to "version" to avoid having
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Related Classes of org.osgi.framework.BundleException

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