A bundle's authority to perform specific privileged administrative operations on or to get sensitive information about a bundle. The actions for this permission are:
Action Methods class Bundle.loadClass execute Bundle.start Bundle.stop StartLevel.setBundleStartLevel extensionLifecycle BundleContext.installBundle for extension bundles Bundle.update for extension bundles Bundle.uninstall for extension bundles lifecycle BundleContext.installBundle Bundle.update Bundle.uninstall listener BundleContext.addBundleListener for SynchronousBundleListener BundleContext.removeBundleListener for SynchronousBundleListener metadata Bundle.getHeaders Bundle.getLocation resolve PackageAdmin.refreshPackages PackageAdmin.resolveBundles resource Bundle.getResource Bundle.getResources Bundle.getEntry Bundle.getEntryPaths Bundle.findEntries Bundle resource/entry URL creation startlevel StartLevel.setStartLevel StartLevel.setInitialBundleStartLevel context Bundle.getBundleContext
The special action "*" will represent all actions.
The name of this permission is a filter expression. The filter gives access to the following parameters:
- signer - A Distinguished Name chain used to sign a bundle. Wildcards in a DN are not matched according to the filter string rules, but according to the rules defined for a DN chain.
- location - The location of a bundle.
- id - The bundle ID of the designated bundle.
- name - The symbolic name of a bundle.
@version $Revision: 1.23 $