public void testCache() throws Exception {
XRI xri;
XRD xrd;
// Let's say we want to resolve @free*earth*moon
xri = new XRI("@free*earth*moon");
GCSAuthority xriAuthority = (GCSAuthority) xri.getAuthorityPath();
// We initialize the store by creating a root subsegment with an empty XRD (i.e. an entry point)
SubSegment storeSubSegment = store.createRootSubSegment(xriAuthority.getGCSRoot(), new XRD());
Authority storeAuthority = store.getSubSegmentAuthority(storeSubSegment);
// We iterate through all subsegments of the XRI that we were given to resolve.
for (int i=0; i<xriAuthority.getNumSubSegments(); i++) {
XRISubSegment subSegment = xriAuthority.getSubSegmentAt(i);
// Somehow we obtain an XRD for this subsegment
xrd = magicXriResolution(subSegment);
// Now we cache the XRD we just got. We do this by creating a new subsegment in the store.
storeSubSegment = store.registerSubsegment(storeAuthority, subSegment.toString(), xrd);
storeAuthority = store.getSubSegmentAuthority(storeSubSegment);
// Let's say a while later we want to resolve @free*earth*moon again... We find it in the store, yay!!!
xri = new XRI("@free*earth*moon");
xriAuthority = (GCSAuthority) xri.getAuthorityPath();
storeAuthority = store.localLookup(xriAuthority);
xrd = storeAuthority.getXrd();
assertEquals(xrd.getQuery(), "*moon");
// We could also read the cache step by step, if we want to get the XRD for every subsegment.
storeSubSegment = store.findRootSubSegment(xriAuthority.getGCSRoot());
storeAuthority = store.getSubSegmentAuthority(storeSubSegment);
for (int i=0; i<xriAuthority.getNumSubSegments(); i++) {
XRISubSegment subSegment = xriAuthority.getSubSegmentAt(i);
// Find the authority in the store for the current subsegment
storeSubSegment = store.findSubSegment(storeAuthority, subSegment.toString());
storeAuthority = store.getSubSegmentAuthority(storeSubSegment);
xrd = storeAuthority.getXrd();
assertEquals(xrd.getQuery(), subSegment.toString());