if (finalXRD == null) {
finalXRD = createErrorXRD(segment.toURINormalForm(true), Status.LIMIT_EXCEEDED, "Maximum of authority resolution requests exceeded");
else {
finalXRD.setStatus(new Status(Status.LIMIT_EXCEEDED, "Maximum of authority resolution requests exceeded"));
throw new PartialResolutionException(xrdsOut);
///// Try each URI in each selected service in turn
Exception savedException = null;
Iterator srvIterator = selectedServices.iterator();
while (srvIterator.hasNext()) {
Service srv = (Service)srvIterator.next();
Iterator uriIterator = srv.getPrioritizedURIs().iterator();
///// try each selected service URI in turn (skip only if nothing was read)
while (uriIterator.hasNext()) {
SEPUri sepURI = (SEPUri)uriIterator.next();
URI uri = sepURI.getURI();
log.trace("resolveAuthSegment - trying URI='" + uri + "'");
// skip non-HTTPS URIs if HTTPS was requested
if (trustType.isHTTPS() && !uri.getScheme().equals(HTTPS)) {
log.trace("resolveAuthSegment - skipping non HTTPS URI");
newURI = constructAuthResURI(uri.toString(), segment.toURINormalForm(true));
log.trace("resolveAuthSegment - newURI = " + newURI);
catch (java.net.URISyntaxException oEx)
// oops! invalid authority URI
savedException = new InvalidAuthorityURIException(
"Could not create URI to access based on " + uri +
". Trying to resolve " + segment, oEx);
continue; // try next URI
XRDS newXRDS = null;
// now that we've constructed the new URI, try to return the stream from it
try {
InputStream in = getDataFromURI(segment.toString(), newURI, trustType, state);
newXRDS = readXRDS(in);
log.debug("Got XRDS = " + newXRDS.toString());
catch (Exception e) {
log.trace("resolveAuthSegment - bad URI");
savedException = e;
// set ourselves up for the next multi-pass
for (int d = 0; d < newXRDS.getNumChildren() && d < segment.getNumSubSegments(); d++)
XRD xrd = newXRDS.getDescriptorAt(d);
// status is not success
Status stat = xrd.getStatus();
if (stat == null) {
xrd = createErrorXRD(segment.getSubSegmentAt(d).toString(),
Status.UNEXPECTED_XRD, "Status code was missing in original XRD");