catch (java.net.URISyntaxException oEx) {
throw makeResolutionException(xrdsOut, query, Status.AUTH_RES_ERROR, "Invalid URI for authority resolution service");
ResolvedHttpResponse resp = null;
XRDS tmpXRDS = null;
// now that we've constructed the new URI, try to return the stream from it
try {
resp = getDataFromURI(newURI, segment.toString(), flags, state);
InputStream in = resp.getInputStream();
tmpXRDS = readXRDS(in);
log.debug("fetchAuthXRDS - got XRDS = " + tmpXRDS.serializeDescriptorDOM(false, true));
} catch (IOException e) {
log.trace("fetchAuthXRDS - got IOException from URI " + newURI);
throw makeResolutionException(xrdsOut, query, Status.NETWORK_ERROR, "Networking error encountered");