if (parentAuthority == null) throw new NullPointerException();
if (! (parentAuthority instanceof DbAuthority)) throw new StoreNotFoundException("Parent authority is not from this store.");
// check if the parent authority overrides the CREATE pipeline. if not, use the default.
ServerConfig serverConfig = ServerConfigFactory.getSingleton();
PipelineRegistry pipelineRegistry = (serverConfig == null) ? null : serverConfig.getPipelineRegistry();
Pipeline createPipeline = null;
String pipelineName = this.getAuthorityAttributes(parentAuthority).get(Pipeline.ATTRIBUTE_OVERRIDE_CREATE_PIPELINE);
if (pipelineRegistry != null && pipelineName != null) createPipeline = pipelineRegistry.getPipelineByName(pipelineName);
if (pipelineRegistry != null && createPipeline == null) createPipeline = pipelineRegistry.getDefaultCreatePipeline();